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So, when's the backlash against Modest Mouse gonna start?

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I mean, I like the guys and all, but they're on the radio all the damn time.

...and the clash against mainstream starts...now.


ra... di... o..?

and Modest Mouse will never get any hate from me as long as they keep making songs like Night On the Sun or Bury Me With It.
A lot of people I know seem to remember Modest Mouse from an older single of theirs that was played pretty often. I think it was Dramamine. That affected nothing and I doubt this will either... if it does, people are more fickle than I thought. I'm all for Modest Mouse getting more fans.


if Good News... can get people interested in This is a Long Drive... or The Moon & Antarctica, I'm all for it too.


Drunky McMurder
You all stole my joke and I demand royalty payments!

But I gave it a bit of thought, and there wasn't all that much (long-lasting) backlash when Gravity Rides Everything was used in overplayed commercials, I doubt overplaying a single is going to piss many people off.

And those people that it will are too easily pissed off anyway.

way more

GG-Duo said:
ra... di... o..?

and Modest Mouse will never get any hate from me as long as they keep making songs like Night On the Sun or Bury Me With It.

Same. And Black Callidacs or Satin in a Coffin

Jim Bowie

I hope that radio backlash routes Modest Mouse away for good. I've listened to every single Modest Mouse song EVER (literally), and I've learned two things:

1. The word "well" is used at least 20 times in every song.

2. I like only two MM songs.

Jim Bowie

element said:
Every track on Moon & Antarctica is AMAZING and Pollar Oppisites is GREAT!!

Note how you say NOTHING about the amount of times MM uses "Well" :D

In my general opinion, all the songs on M&A are severely lackluster. Dark Center of the Universe is the most glaring example of MM being Blue Oyster Cult reincarnated. Wild Pack o' Family Dogs is a super boring song, as is The Cold Place. As to Polar Opposites being great? I can't agree with you. I'm sorry, it's just so throw away! There's nothing awesome about it.

Ah well. To each his own, I suppose.
I've heard their older stuff and it was OK, but man Good News... really sucks. Good thing I didn't pay for the CD before I heard the album. "Float On" is pretty catchy, but God, the rest of the songs, save for some parts from a few songs, is just unlistenable to me. It's so disjointed and jarring; it treads dangerously on the edge of being actual music.


Ah, funny that you should mention this.

I saw a Modest Mouse music video for the first time just 30 minutes ago. I was pretty surprised. They've always impressed on me that they'd be above promoting themselves with such a pointless exercise. But I can guess they can easily justify it by saying that it would expose their music to new people. Still, who even watches music videos? I know this sounds elitist and it probably is, but I've always associated those that watch "music television" with people generally preoccupied with music simply sounding nice. Why else would the air time be dominated by such terrible pop music.


I still haven't heard their new album. I own Moon & Antarctica and Lonesome Crowded, but I've been afraid to even listen to their latest considering a lot of their fans haven't liked it much.


why are people so against mainstream? do they feel they are too cool to enjoy what the masses enjoy? i'll never understand the mainstream=shit mentality.
I think most of that mentality has to do with people wanting a band to be personal to them. They don't like the fact that the masses now have access to "their" band. I used to feel that way. I just don't really care anymore. If a band gets popular, then more power to them. Most of them want to succeed and I wish them well. As long as they don't drastically change who they are and what they sound like to become successful, then everything is fine. I rather like a lot of mainstream music. Though it's still cool though to drive around and crank some really kick ass sounding band that no one has ever heard of :)


Audioslave, U2, Radiohead are some mainstream bands that I love. Nonetheless, particular bands just aren't the same in making the transition from underground to mainstream. Much is lost and they become a completely different band; often worse, but perhaps more accessible.

Jim Bowie

Socreges said:
I saw a Modest Mouse music video for the first time just 30 minutes ago. I was pretty surprised. They've always impressed on me that they'd be above promoting themselves with such a pointless exercise. But I can guess they can easily justify it by saying that it would expose their music to new people. Still, who even watches music videos? I know this sounds elitist and it probably is, but I've always associated those that watch "music television" with people generally preoccupied with music simply sounding nice. Why else would the air time be dominated by such terrible pop music?

I view the music video arena as another form of art. Sure, the short film uses their own music. But why should artists be limited to the realms of musical arts? I like to see bands represent their creativity through short films like music videos.


Jim Bowie said:
I view the music video arena as another form of art. Sure, the short film uses their own music. But why should artists be limited to the realms of musical arts? I like to see bands represent their creativity through short films like music videos.
Absolutely, but the medium is rarely even treated that way. Often devoid of creativity or at least something that contributes to the song.

The Float On video, for instance, only drives home the point of the song. People are sheep. For four minutes. The video had a nice look, but it was simply an unnecessary extension of the song, rather than something all that creative.

Jim Bowie

Agreed, Float On's video is very simplistic. However, was not The Mona Lisa a simplistic painting? A video, IMO, does not have to be deep and complex meaning behind it. It simply is another vehicle of expressing one's creativity. The Float On video may not be deep, but it is creative, no?
Backlash against Modest Mouse would be criminal. I hate it when artists finally get their due in the mainstream and then suddenly become victims of knee-jerk scorn.

It's like when a quality non-mainstream artist changes in order to become more mainstream-friendly/marketable, we all call them sellouts. That's ok with me. But then you have successes like Modest Mouse who have always made music within their own particular style, and the mainstream ended up coming to them.

To bash MM now that they *gasp* have a video and get some play on the airwaves (God I wish I knew what airwaves those were..radio, particularly rock radio in San Antonio is fucking MIND NUMBING), when they've never compromised their art, would be the antithesis of being a music fan. Though GNFPWLBN is an evolved form of Modest Mouse' sound, it's only as big a shift as TMAA was from TLCW, and while it may be slightly more palatable to mainstream tastes, it's still chock full of the half-cocked stuff that makes MM who they are (Issac's off-kilter lyrics and marble mouthed white trash delivery).

I'm not saying everyone should like their latest album per se, but if you're gonna bash them since it's release, bash them because you think the album sucks, not for being "sellouts" etc. Because Modest Mouse have done nothing to shame themselves in their long road to any stitch of national recognition.

For the record, I too think 'Polar Opposites' is great. A great song for a bar band etc


Jim Bowie said:
Agreed, Float On's video is very simplistic. However, was not The Mona Lisa a simplistic painting? A video, IMO, does not have to be deep and complex meaning behind it. It simply is another vehicle of expressing one's creativity. The Float On video may not be deep, but it is creative, no?
Well, sure. But in a way that was detached from the song and not an expression of anything. Just aesthetically interesting and pleasant. From what I made of it, at least.
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