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Sober GAF |OT| One day at a time


I went way too hard on the booze over the holidays and straight into a vacation and back home to work stress. Last month I cut myself off cold turkey again, and started going to a counselor about my stress and other stuff. On day 26 without a drop now. I’ve dropped 10 pounds, both in being off the booze and prepping for a hike at the Grand Canyon tomorrow.

Feeling much better! And feel like allowing myself to drink like a fish for the holidays and vacation is a bad recipe for me, I’m planning to take at least the rest of 2023 off. THC only. Good luck everyone, find what works for you and stick with it even when you face headwinds or think there’s an occasion to let loose…you won’t regret sticking with it.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I went way too hard on the booze over the holidays and straight into a vacation and back home to work stress. Last month I cut myself off cold turkey again, and started going to a counselor about my stress and other stuff. On day 26 without a drop now. I’ve dropped 10 pounds, both in being off the booze and prepping for a hike at the Grand Canyon tomorrow.

Feeling much better! And feel like allowing myself to drink like a fish for the holidays and vacation is a bad recipe for me, I’m planning to take at least the rest of 2023 off. THC only. Good luck everyone, find what works for you and stick with it even when you face headwinds or think there’s an occasion to let loose…you won’t regret sticking with it.
I'm so happy for you.
Like you I cannot just drink 1 or 2 beers. I want a thousand.
Long story short, drinking almost killed me and led to colon cancer, which I'm free of now 5 years later.

Like depression alcoholism fucks with your mind. It will trick you when you least expect it. It's your best friend whispering in your ear.

Some best friends turn out to be cunts.

I am sober 5 years but happy if I ever fall off the wagon and go on a binge with some whores in Mexico I will have somewhere to go for support 😁


Reposting here from the thread about drinking in OT because it kinda serves as an update for me and also I want to make sure anyone struggling with alcohol sees the book recommendation:

I gotta say- and I knew this already from previous dry spells- during this last dry period of just under two months, I’ve gotten in the best shape of my life. No mornings where I don’t hit the gym because of feeling hungover. Down 20lbs since the extra calories are gone too. Muscle definition is really showing, my “skinny” clothes are too big, getting compliments from people about looking great (not just weight but skin wise)

This is the first time I’ve been under 200lbs @ 6’2 since 2009.

I’ve been thinking when my wife and I go on vacation in May I’d imbibe a bit, but I just finished reading This Naked Mind this week after a friend recommended it (hard drinker too who recently cut way back) and now I’m actually thinking I might be done for good. I feel too good right now and the allure has almost totally faded.

I’m gonna send that book to an in law with a drinking problem today. I’d highly recommend it to anyone here that’s struggling to cut back or wonders if they have a problem. It’s the only book I’ve read on drinking where my eyes weren’t rolling out the back of my head, like AA’s blue book or similar spiritual journey shit. It’s just the facts about alcohol from the perspective of a marketing professional who herself developed a problem. And it’s given me insight into my mood and attitude toward other things in life too. Highly recommended, it’s only like $11 and took me a week to read because it was actually a page turner with how fascinating it is.
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Kev Kev

Hope everyone in here is doing alright.

I appreciate everyone posting in here over the years and offering support to those who needed it. I've done everything I can to be a good, contributing poster to this forum, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be around here for. At one time I'd have told you I'd never leave GAF. But lately, I'm not so sure. It just seems like someone is out there to get me. I sense big changes afoot, and at any rate, I just don't feel so welcome anymore. I'm going to sleep on it, but in case I get banned, I just wanted to say I love you guys and I wish you the absolute best of luck on your sober journeys.

I was able to quit for 4 years straight, even when I thought there was no hope. You can do it too. I know you can. You just have to believe in yourself and have the courage to take a step out of your darkness.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Hope everyone in here is doing alright.

I appreciate everyone posting in here over the years and offering support to those who needed it. I've done everything I can to be a good, contributing poster to this forum, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be around here for. At one time I'd have told you I'd never leave GAF. But lately, I'm not so sure. It just seems like someone is out there to get me. I sense big changes afoot, and at any rate, I just don't feel so welcome anymore. I'm going to sleep on it, but in case I get banned, I just wanted to say I love you guys and I wish you the absolute best of luck on your sober journeys.

I was able to quit for 4 years straight, even when I thought there was no hope. You can do it too. I know you can. You just have to believe in yourself and have the courage to take a step out of your darkness.
Well if anyone is making you feel unwelcome, that's some bullshit. Always liked reading your posts.

I wish we still had a ban thread to talk some of this shit out like we used to.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Hope everyone in here is doing alright.

I appreciate everyone posting in here over the years and offering support to those who needed it. I've done everything I can to be a good, contributing poster to this forum, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be around here for. At one time I'd have told you I'd never leave GAF. But lately, I'm not so sure. It just seems like someone is out there to get me. I sense big changes afoot, and at any rate, I just don't feel so welcome anymore. I'm going to sleep on it, but in case I get banned, I just wanted to say I love you guys and I wish you the absolute best of luck on your sober journeys.

I was able to quit for 4 years straight, even when I thought there was no hope. You can do it too. I know you can. You just have to believe in yourself and have the courage to take a step out of your darkness.
FWIW I like your posts and hope you stay around. :messenger_heart:


I feel you guys as in the last year a doctor allowed me to drink a bit since my sleep was gone, so I'm feeling that something is off because when I don't drink for almost a month I feel off. Luckily this story is almost over and soon I'll be free again, my sleep has improved dramatically, and I hope the same for all of you.


Gold Member
Hope everyone in here is doing alright.

I appreciate everyone posting in here over the years and offering support to those who needed it. I've done everything I can to be a good, contributing poster to this forum, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be around here for. At one time I'd have told you I'd never leave GAF. But lately, I'm not so sure. It just seems like someone is out there to get me. I sense big changes afoot, and at any rate, I just don't feel so welcome anymore. I'm going to sleep on it, but in case I get banned, I just wanted to say I love you guys and I wish you the absolute best of luck on your sober journeys.

I was able to quit for 4 years straight, even when I thought there was no hope. You can do it too. I know you can. You just have to believe in yourself and have the courage to take a step out of your darkness.
I like your stuff, don't go


Hope everyone in here is doing alright.

I appreciate everyone posting in here over the years and offering support to those who needed it. I've done everything I can to be a good, contributing poster to this forum, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be around here for. At one time I'd have told you I'd never leave GAF. But lately, I'm not so sure. It just seems like someone is out there to get me. I sense big changes afoot, and at any rate, I just don't feel so welcome anymore. I'm going to sleep on it, but in case I get banned, I just wanted to say I love you guys and I wish you the absolute best of luck on your sober journeys.

I was able to quit for 4 years straight, even when I thought there was no hope. You can do it too. I know you can. You just have to believe in yourself and have the courage to take a step out of your darkness.

I'll miss you as well if you decide to leave.

Thank you for being you and do what feel right for yourself...



Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
It's been 31 days without Nicotine for me now. And while i close a month of no smoking i feel motivated to push this further. I will cut the alcohol additionaly starting june 1st. Let's see how far i can take this.

It's been 31 days without Nicotine for me now. And while i close a month of no smoking i feel motivated to push this further. I will cut the alcohol additionaly starting june 1st. Let's see how far i can take this.


Grats, Nicotine is a terrible bitch goddess, my love/hate for her is strong. When I got off the booze, I remember telling myself that I would quit smoking when I got a year of sobriety under my belt.
Whelp, this August will be 11 years sober, but I still smoke about half a pack a day. Shit, I'm posting this from my phone on my porch whilst I have my morning coffee and smoke.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Grats, Nicotine is a terrible bitch goddess, my love/hate for her is strong. When I got off the booze, I remember telling myself that I would quit smoking when I got a year of sobriety under my belt.
Whelp, this August will be 11 years sober, but I still smoke about half a pack a day. Shit, I'm posting this from my phone on my porch whilst I have my morning coffee and smoke.

I was always very pationed about smoking but after 20 years it's enough. I can sense that my body wants me to stop. And in the last year i often questioned myself if i really enjoyed it anymore and realized it's just a habit.

Usually I'd argue with myself about this when i stopped smoking but this time there is no such thing. I made my peace with myself about this matter.

In addition i prepared myself a month before quitting with meditation and self hypnosis to be in a strong mindset.

Not to say it's easy but given how many times i tried to stop, i feel confident that this is the moment i leave it behind.

This will be a lifetime struggle for sure because i'm now a smoker that doesn't smoke.

But it's better to struggle everyday just a bit for the rest of my life then struggle just once and never again because i couldn't stop.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I was always very pationed about smoking but after 20 years it's enough. I can sense that my body wants me to stop. And in the last year i often questioned myself if i really enjoyed it anymore and realized it's just a habit.

Usually I'd argue with myself about this when i stopped smoking but this time there is no such thing. I made my peace with myself about this matter.

In addition i prepared myself a month before quitting with meditation and self hypnosis to be in a strong mindset.

Not to say it's easy but given how many times i tried to stop, i feel confident that this is the moment i leave it behind.

This will be a lifetime struggle for sure because i'm now a smoker that doesn't smoke.

But it's better to struggle everyday just a bit for the rest of my life then struggle just once and never again because i couldn't stop.

As someone who quit smoking like 5 or 6 times, don't cave in a few years when the weird and sudden craving pops out of nowhere for the first time in over a year.

That got me 2 or 3 times. Been a non-smoker for like 8 years now. It's worth the difficulty.
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I was always very pationed about smoking but after 20 years it's enough. I can sense that my body wants me to stop. And in the last year i often questioned myself if i really enjoyed it anymore and realized it's just a habit.

Usually I'd argue with myself about this when i stopped smoking but this time there is no such thing. I made my peace with myself about this matter.

In addition i prepared myself a month before quitting with meditation and self hypnosis to be in a strong mindset.

Not to say it's easy but given how many times i tried to stop, i feel confident that this is the moment i leave it behind.

This will be a lifetime struggle for sure because i'm now a smoker that doesn't smoke.

But it's better to struggle everyday just a bit for the rest of my life then struggle just once and never again because i couldn't stop.

It's about a month now no? A couple days more now i think of it.


As someone who quit smoking like 5 or 6 times, don't cave in a few years when the weird and sudden craving pops out of nowhere for the first time in over a year.

That got me 2 or 3 times. Been a non-smoker for like 8 years now. It's worth the difficulty.

Same goes for you Skip 🌟

And wise words 🙌

I once quit for half a year, got a craving and here we are.

Have an surgery planned for end September/begin October and need to stop smoking 6 weeks before and after said surgery.

So I'm slowly mindfully preparing myself.

Con_Z_ǝdʇ Con_Z_ǝdʇ i feel the same. It's been enough. Although I still enjoy it


In regards to the alchohol. That process will mirror the above stated regarding the smoking process. I still drink but it's 0.5%. So bizarre to think I need to drink 12 of these to get the same alcohol % as ONE can of the beer I drank before. I don't get massive food cravings, sleep great, wake up clear headed.

But still.

So yeah slowly but surely.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I feel better sharing my thoughts here because I think most people just won't understand.

I have to quit gaming for a bit and just watch movies or read books as entertainment 😁

I've been gaming since 1979 (Pong! Atari!) but I've also been a drunk most of my life.
The worst was from 1999 to 2018 where my supper was a case of 12 beers.

Most of my gaming has been associated with being drunk and while being sober since march 2018 oh boy is it hard to resist sometimes.
It's weird to explain. If I game during morning or daytime it's all good.
As soon as night creeps in I get the itch to get fucked up on booze if I'm in a game.

I remember reading an article on a dude who exclusively did cocaïne when playing GTA 4. And when he stopped playing it he stopped the coke.

Before going to sleep last night I remembered stashing 3 king cans of Budweiser in my work locker because my shift ended at 2 AM. 1994.
I wanted to play Wing Commander on my 3DO and get fucked up 😆

I believe this behavior is so ingrained in me I need to dissociate myself for a month or 2 maybe so I can feel finally free from that fucking Pavlov reflex I brought upon myself.

I will miss Remnant 2 & Zelda 😃


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I feel better sharing my thoughts here because I think most people just won't understand.

I have to quit gaming for a bit and just watch movies or read books as entertainment 😁

I've been gaming since 1979 (Pong! Atari!) but I've also been a drunk most of my life.
The worst was from 1999 to 2018 where my supper was a case of 12 beers.

Most of my gaming has been associated with being drunk and while being sober since march 2018 oh boy is it hard to resist sometimes.
It's weird to explain. If I game during morning or daytime it's all good.
As soon as night creeps in I get the itch to get fucked up on booze if I'm in a game.

I remember reading an article on a dude who exclusively did cocaïne when playing GTA 4. And when he stopped playing it he stopped the coke.

Before going to sleep last night I remembered stashing 3 king cans of Budweiser in my work locker because my shift ended at 2 AM. 1994.
I wanted to play Wing Commander on my 3DO and get fucked up 😆

I believe this behavior is so ingrained in me I need to dissociate myself for a month or 2 maybe so I can feel finally free from that fucking Pavlov reflex I brought upon myself.

I will miss Remnant 2 & Zelda 😃

A mental anchor is something truly powerful. Not so easy to establish it in a positive manner and it creeps in pretty quickly through constant misbehavior. Good if you realize this since it makes it easier to get rid of. And you even specified it more with saying playing by night.

Meditation helps me in those cases. I would say self hypnosis but people tend to laugh at me for that.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
A mental anchor is something truly powerful. Not so easy to establish it in a positive manner and it creeps in pretty quickly through constant misbehavior. Good if you realize this since it makes it easier to get rid of. And you even specified it more with saying playing by night.

Meditation helps me in those cases. I would say self hypnosis but people tend to laugh at me for that.
I had zero cravings for 5+ years and all of a sudden POW I almost threw it all away.
I was lulled into a false sense of security; alcoholism is one sneaky persistent sonofabitch 😄

I just took a break from online stuff & gaming and just went outside more.
During the pandemic Gaf was my only social outlet. In my life I said hello to my neighbors, also "bonjour" and "merci" during my market and pharmacy shopping but that's all.
I was still in "Covid mode" living like a hermit.

I also get impulsive when I'm overstimulated by online notifications or gaming, often reaching a near euphoric state.
And when that happens I become stupid. And stupid leads to me wanting to drink one thousand beers 😆

Like everything in my life now I just need to keep my online activity in moderation that's all.


Gold Member
I feel better sharing my thoughts here because I think most people just won't understand.

I have to quit gaming for a bit and just watch movies or read books as entertainment 😁

I've been gaming since 1979 (Pong! Atari!) but I've also been a drunk most of my life.
The worst was from 1999 to 2018 where my supper was a case of 12 beers.

Most of my gaming has been associated with being drunk and while being sober since march 2018 oh boy is it hard to resist sometimes.
It's weird to explain. If I game during morning or daytime it's all good.
As soon as night creeps in I get the itch to get fucked up on booze if I'm in a game.

I remember reading an article on a dude who exclusively did cocaïne when playing GTA 4. And when he stopped playing it he stopped the coke.

Before going to sleep last night I remembered stashing 3 king cans of Budweiser in my work locker because my shift ended at 2 AM. 1994.
I wanted to play Wing Commander on my 3DO and get fucked up 😆

I believe this behavior is so ingrained in me I need to dissociate myself for a month or 2 maybe so I can feel finally free from that fucking Pavlov reflex I brought upon myself.

I will miss Remnant 2 & Zelda 😃
For me, some games like civ 4 make me want to drink which I play on pc
but the games I play on PlayStation have nothing to do with drinking
maybe you can separate the drinking games from non-drinking games


Gold Member
I feel better sharing my thoughts here because I think most people just won't understand.

I have to quit gaming for a bit and just watch movies or read books as entertainment 😁

I've been gaming since 1979 (Pong! Atari!) but I've also been a drunk most of my life.
The worst was from 1999 to 2018 where my supper was a case of 12 beers.

Most of my gaming has been associated with being drunk and while being sober since march 2018 oh boy is it hard to resist sometimes.
It's weird to explain. If I game during morning or daytime it's all good.
As soon as night creeps in I get the itch to get fucked up on booze if I'm in a game.

I remember reading an article on a dude who exclusively did cocaïne when playing GTA 4. And when he stopped playing it he stopped the coke.

Before going to sleep last night I remembered stashing 3 king cans of Budweiser in my work locker because my shift ended at 2 AM. 1994.
I wanted to play Wing Commander on my 3DO and get fucked up 😆

I believe this behavior is so ingrained in me I need to dissociate myself for a month or 2 maybe so I can feel finally free from that fucking Pavlov reflex I brought upon myself.

I will miss Remnant 2 & Zelda 😃
Since addictions are often hard-wired to other behavior, making some sacrifices is the reality of getting sober. I've made so many but I still think it was worth it. Good luck!


Just here to say keep fighting the good fight people! Your all legends in my book!

Need to give up smoking myself!

Gave up a fair amount of drugs and I rarely drink these days.

If any of you needs an shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to/vent please feel free to message me.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Exactly a year now since i stopped smoking. 366 days, through an extended February to be precise.

And since the beginning of the year i...

...didn't drink any alcohol, had "slight" changes in nutrition, went running every third day and lost 13kg of bodyweight.

It's like a contagion now where the realization about my inner will and strength is slowly cutting all the bullshit out of my life. With every bad habit dropped, be it small or big, i see another one to axe.

I'm pretty much setting course for the second half of my live.



Neo Member
Yeah, I quit drinking over a year ago now, having enjoyed beer quite extensively for decades. I'd developed gout and everything. Then this year I learn I was actually gluten intolerant the entire time, so it wasn't just the alcohol messing with me!

I just wish it wasn't gluten intolerance and was something less stereotypically annoying, but the difference when managing to avoid these things is incredible. Avoid unnecessary negativity, chemical or otherwise.


Neo Member
Btw, just to add, if anyone does have/develop gout feel free to message me because I had a nightmare with getting medical help for it, and I got a lot more useful information about how to manage it through colleagues at work! It essentially doesn't bother me at all now, so I consider myself lucky.


Tears in the rain
Sober since March and I've never felt so good and so bad. So good because my liver is apparently still ok according to my blood tests but man everytime I drank...Puking all day the next day, stomach in sharp pain, fatigue and it could last 2-3 days of being in bed, puking on the floor...I also showed up to work drunk multiple times. I even drunk pmed EviLore dammit.

No more. I missed the little things like waiting in line at the carnival and taking in the smells or enjoying the sounds and atmosphere of a nice rainstorm. I never wanted to quit. Now that I actually have, never felt better.

But now I can see my problems a lot clearly. My house is a damn mess, and I also almost lost my job TWICE. It's a miracle I didn't deserve, that I did not.

If you can, and you are addicted to booze please do try to stop. It makes your body feels so...healthy and wonderful. And you can think so properly and enjoy life again.
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