Seth announced the details of the public beta last week, and I'm here to drop some more information on you on what's going into the beta.
As planned right now, the beta is going to involve Crossroads and Crossroads Large, the 16 and 32 player variations. You've seen the screens and videos, and maybe even figured out the general layout of the map, but you'll get a month to play on it yourself.
Beyond that, you'll have access to the full range of game modes. Extraction, Elimination, Suppression, and everything else are going to be represented. You'll be able to adjust the settings how you like, as well. Lock out certain weapons, or even entire weapon classes, if you like. If you hate M4s for some reason, you can shut them out of your game.
Character customization will be in, as well, from body armor to camo to headgear and beyond. There will also be clan support and stat tracking, but be aware that these will all be reset at launch.
Think of the beta as a test drive. It'll be the first time the gaming community at large, and members in particular, get a crack at the game. The month'll let the team check gameplay, server stress, and a host of other important things. It'll be an interesting ride.