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SOE is at it again.


I think it was the proper action to suspend all accounts that was associated with the illegal money.
That way they can go thru all accounts to review the logs to see who where the ones who really exploited the game without having more money put into the system.

It was much worse before when they didn’t play any attention to duped money.


If someone tipped me dupped money and i didnt know about it and I got banned when im paying for the game, Id be pissed and probably quit. Its SOE's own damn fault for allowing money dupping to be even possible in their game. They beta tested the game for like 2 damn years and they didnt catch this. HA!


Yeah.. people can tip you even when you are offline. Not to mention that unsuspecting traders have no idea whether money is duped or not!

The right course of action would be to release FINISHED products. A concept completely lost on the folks over at SOE.


I hope they keep doing this... SWG sucks and people who still pay to play this should be banned, it's for their own good!!


Lol, I figured people would get a clue when they pulled all that shit in EQ. They released an expansion that wasn't even finished yet for christ's sake. People that played 'too fast' found themselves in an empty bounding box!! Sony had to patch in all the content they'd supposedly already sold thier customers.

Just think about the griefing aspect of this duping SWG problem. SOE is totally rewarding dupers by allowing them to grief other players. They've basically handed the cheaters in their game a ban stick and set em loose on a paying userbase.
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