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Something We've missed about the DS?


not a medical professional
There's something going on and I'm not quite sure what it is, over at the N-Sider forums there is an image that was posted, almost at the exact same time as it was over at the WarpPipe forums -- discussions have run rampant about them, because there's a connection between the two forums. Could warp pipe be involved with DS stuff?

Here are the links to where it all starts so you guys can help figure stuff out.


Warp Pipe:

And for the lazy, the images are:




Will start substantiating his hate
Can't be bothered reading through all that. He's probably just planning on supporting DS.


Speaking of Conspiracy Theroys, I can imagine Nintendo trying something like the ilovebees stuff, Only with a Nintendo DS and Pictochat. That'd be pretty wild.

Edit: This was posted over at the N-Forums:


The things face looks like a DS when you look at it on an angle. and there is a faded 's' between 'find' and 'us'.


force push the doodoo rock
omg could this be a "go on a real life adventure to find something with the wireless internet and a gps" game?

his teeth look like gamecube controller ports.
this is quite cool. THe Nintendo DS that makes up the scary looking things eyes are indeed a DS. You can see it. And the S is there.

The image with the boy + DOG + DS is cool if a little disturbing.

The girl/spook's dress also


N (above left knee) D - looks like a j. and of course that Hidden S

DrEvil said:

I think that this is for a commercial or something. They will advertise something like 'you are lost in the woods and how do you find someone else'

Idea stolen from warppipe forum, but I think this has something to do with a commercial campaing or how you say it.

aoi tsuki

Joe said:
so whats the connection?
Someone took the Ragnarok image and edited it into the "find me" image.

The kid in the woods image looks fake anyways. The DS looks like it was pasted into the image, literally. Notice how the light is hitting the dog. The DS should be darker than it is, with a similar light hitting the back of the unit as the dog.


Speaking of which, I wonder what ever became of that game Miyamoto was working on a few years ago. You know, the one called Marionette?


It might also just be connecting the fact that there was a Nintendo game in the works called 'marionette', which basically had the name shown for a split second, and then dissapeared and nobody heard any more about it.


Rlan said:
It might also just be connecting the fact that there was a Nintendo game in the works called 'marionette', which basically had the name shown for a split second, and then dissapeared and nobody heard any more about it.
I can remember Miyamoto saying in an interview it wouldn't play in the Mario universe


You know, i'm really wondering what the fuck is up with people (nintendo fans mostly) when they spend all that time setting up hoaxes like that all the time. You would expect that from j-rpgs otakus, but damn, whats going on here?
Uhhh, I hate to blow your cover there old buddy, but Dean on the N-Sider forums is DrEvil here. What the hell man, everyone already knows your handle :p.


No additional functions
Rlan said:
It might also just be connecting the fact that there was a Nintendo game in the works called 'marionette', which basically had the name shown for a split second, and then dissapeared and nobody heard any more about it.

When Nintendo announced the DS, I remebered an article I read in a European magazine. It might have been Cube or something, it was a long time ago and I no longer have the magazine, but it was covering Spaceworld (99) and the launch of GBA and announcement of GC. I remember an interview with Miyamoto where he was talking about making a game you could touch. I don't remember if that was regaurding Marionette directly, but he was talking about new games, not sequels. No one knew what he was talking about when he said "Touch" and assumed it was some kind of advanced physics peripheral/engine, but maybe they had the DS in developement since the late 90's. It's kind of odd too that alot of there web pages say "touch" to enter the site. He was also talking about controlling 100 Marios which turned into Pikmin, so I would'nt be suprised if Marionette does end up being a DS game.


No additional functions
I tried doing a search and can't find any links to the magazine (it might have been EDGE), but I found several interviews from '99 with Miyamoto where he talked about working on stuff that would come out in five years. I was kind of hesitant on making my previous post without anything to back it up, but here's an interview with IGN and Miyamoto. Here's some key points:

Q: What do you spend most of your time working on?

A: I’m spending most of my time thinking about how Nintendo should be in five years from now and how the company should make some procedures to realize that. And also, not only Nintendo, but how the gaming industry will be in five years period.

This is kind of what he was talking about in the magazine, something you can feel and touch.

Q: What types of games do you want to see re-made or sequelized for the Dolphin?

A: I think the biggest difference between being the producer and being the director is, if you are director you can check each phase of the game yourself in order to confirm that it's your game so that you can feel how it is like to touch the game itself. That is the biggest difference with being the producer of the game. For example, F-Zero and Yoshi, when you look at these games, you realize that they have more of the touch of other directors. I'm kind of trying to oversee the overall process, and then ask each of the directors to take care of the game so they can reflect on their own individual touch. While, as with a game like Legend of Zelda, I want my own touch to be reflected sharply. So I think from now and even on Dolphin, there will be Nintendo games [and sequels] and although I won't be deeply involved in their development, you are going to feel the Nintendo touch in many games.

Q: What projects are you currently working on?

A: That's not a very easy question, actually. I want more and more younger people to work on the games now. I'm getting old now and even though I say that I have been working as a producer, my involvement in each game goes deeper than just being a producer. I hope that I can be more of a producer taking care of and supervising many different projects at the same time-- with the viewpoint of Nintendo five years from now, as a foundation, in a sense. That's where I am right now, but in the same sense, I want to make some games myself--at least one. I am focusing on the Dolphin project when it comes to my own game.



Back in the days of the 64DD, Miyamoto would talk all the time about various experemental games he was working on . He really doesn't do that much anymore, but some of the more interesting concepts he let out were Cabbage (which I am pretty damn sure ended up as Animal Crossing) and his walking robot concept. Didn't really have a name, but he said he would love to make a game where four people independently controlled the four limbs of a robot, and would have to work together to get it to walk, fight, etc. It always reminded me of that steamgear segment of the old anime Robot Carnival.

I think (or at least hope) that we'll see that concept revived on the NDS as a LAN game (it would have made a nice demo at E3 now that I think about it)

I'd imagine it would work with the 'only one gamepak required' technology in the NDS, making the game even more accessible to all. It'd be cool.


not a medical professional
Indeed, I am Dean . but I'd like more speculation on this -- this is no hoax, this is no cover, it's something big and I cant tell you what it is just yet. I'm laying clues, I'm dropping hints, in hopes that someone will connect the dots.

The ragnarok website has nothing to do with my image, yes I used the creepy girl but it was becuase I needed a marionette type image, take it for what you will, but keep watching the other threads, more developments have been posted, been found by other people, that are on the right path.

You'll know in October.
I initially thought hide and seek...

but the photoshop clues have thrown me just as much as anyone else. Not long to find out if theres anything to this.


Some kind of GPS-assisted thingy that lets you play "real" hide-and-seek games, or something? Say you are in a wood, and one of the players decide where the "treasure" is, and the rest have to use their DSs to find it?


The light colored 's' is supposed to represent 'ds'. So if you take out the ds, you are left with 'Fin me'. And what does that mean? End me.

I got it, its a suicide game!


Gold Member
Scoobert said:
The light colored 's' is supposed to represent 'ds'. So if you take out the ds, you are left with 'Fin me'. And what does that mean? End me.

I got it, its a suicide game!


neo2046 said:
Sonic Team's first DS title: "It (I) can be died, if it is for you"

* I am not sure the name is correct or not,
I just use the translation engine translate the Japanese title



Scoobert said:
The light colored 's' is supposed to represent 'ds'. So if you take out the ds, you are left with 'Fin me'. And what does that mean? End me.

I got it, its a suicide game!
Since it's NDS, wouldn't it be "fi me"?

Justin Bailey

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this is from v0rt3x at the n-nsider forums

lol i think i got the pics.

marionette = Mario Net

Dog in forest = Animal Crossing.

Dog = animal and he is crossing the path.

I think we are going to be able to trade items in animal crossing wireless.

This is the best idea so far and it fits with the clues. So here's to (hopefully) playing AC online! :p


Oh, I know it:

If you lost your dog, other people will make a picture of them with Picto Chat. This picture you can send to other people (30 metres around you) and they send it to other. So after thre centuries [XD] it arrives at the police and they can search the owner of the dog. Isn't this fantastic? :D


Gold Member
Shiggy said:
What do you want to tell us with your second quote?

First quote: "It's a suicide game!!"
Second quote: Rough translation of Sonic Team's new game's name is "I Could Die For You"

Failed attempt at something funny, that... I want to believe in the Mario Net, though! Star Road! World Smash! Luckily I have my NDS on preorder!

Justin Bailey

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Also, to help add to the DS online thing, the warppipe team just got an office in Chicago. Where are they getting the money for this? This was posted by the project leader:

Chad wrote:
We will be paid, but not by the end consumer. I appreciate your willingness to do so directly. If you wish to contribute, simply purchase games with your favorite green logo on the box

Perhaps Nintendo hired them?


Justin Bailey said:
Also, to help add to the DS online thing, the warppipe team just got an office in Chicago. Where are they getting the money for this? This was posted by the project leader:

Perhaps Nintendo hired them?

If they got hired, then damn!
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