The final chapter to this Sonic Adventure thread is me covering the story, some details I glossed over for Tails/Knuckles, and stating my overall thoughts on the game

The plot tells the story of Chaos and an Tikal, as both are connected. The former is a protector of a species called the Chao while Tikal was one of the guardians of the Master Emerald. Things took a turn for the worst and the entire Echinda tribe attacked Chaos out of fear of his power. This lead to the Chaos around the Angel Island to be struck down, with him fight back. Before Chaos could harm more people, Tikal sealed herself and Chaos inside the Master Emerald.
Fast forward post Sonic 3&K and we are in place called Station Square, with Eggman researching about the Master Emerald. He learns about Chaos so he shatters it into pieces, unleashing Chaos and feeding it Chaos Emeralds for it to become stronger.
This leads to the following:
-Sonic and Tails on the hunt for the Emeralds
-Knuckles trying to repair the Master Emerald while also learning a bit about his backstory
-Amy Rose goes on an adventure to protect a little Flicky while also growing away from her 'Obsessed over Sonic' thing (though it comes back in latter games :l)
Big and Gamma's stories are somewhat related but they really are their own self-contained thing.
I like this story as while its 'serious', its still a Classic Sonic game at heart. Sonic and friends going on an adventure to stop Robotnik from taking over the world; that is the case here too but with spoken dialog dated to say the least but it has a so-bad-its-great charm to it. Sonic's voice here is a great example of that, he sounds like he is trying so hard to be cool, that its really funny.
Overall, the story is good enough and the final battle really is a highlight to the story. Sonic takes drained Chaos Emeralds and still turns Super Sonic w
ith this amazing theme blasting into the background.
Extra Stuff:
You have quite a bit with Sonic Adventure and depending on the version, they added a ton of content.
-Chao Guardian: Nice pet simulator thing that gets better in SA2.
-Racing: A little track in Twinkle Park that every character can play. Its fun enough and it has a great remix of It Doesn't Matter.
-Mini Games (GC Version): As you collect Emblems, you can unlock Game Gear games to play on your GameCube. If you collect all of them, you can play up to 19 Game Gear games. Talk about a great deal XD! And if you looked through my Sonic & Tails, Sonic 1 & 2 GG, Tails Adventures, and Sonic Drift Threads, they are really decent games

-Mission Mode (GC and HD Versions): You have a little mission mode that gives you some extra goals to complete within the hub worlds and actions stages.
-Metal Sonic (GC and HD Versions): When you unlock all the Emblems, you can play as Metal Sonic! He is a clone of Sonic and is more or less a skin for Sonic. Still nice though

Thoughts on Other Playable Characters:
I am mainly going to talk about Knuckles here, as his gameplay comes back in Sonic Adventure 2. I like his gameplay in both games but one element makes me enjoy them in Adventure but loath them in Adventure 2; the Emerald Radar. In Adventure, it picks up all three pieces at once, while Adventure 2 picks up one at a time. Makes hunting for them in Adventure 2 a complete pain despite Knuckles handling better in Adventure 2.
Overall, like Knuckles Stages in Adventure and they were a nice difference between Sonic/Tails stages.
Final Thoughts:
Adventure is a game I have a lot of respect for. Sonic Team did a lot to make this a great Sonic. They traveled across the world for ideas, they spent time making this instead of rushing this (at least in NA/EU) and when they brought Sonic into 3D it still felt like 'Sonic'.
He rolls, he jumps, he spin dashes and he has momentum; it felt like Classic Sonic in 3D. Ironically, the first time was the closest we got to a 3D Classic Sonic game.
Adventure 2 is more of a prototype to Unleashed/Generations Modern Gameplay in many respects (extra paths not for exploration but for speed-runs) while
Heroes tries to go back to the Genesis Era with stage design but doesn't have the control Adventure has despite having the great level design.
I like this game a lot for what it represents for Sonic; the blue hedgehog jumping into 3D for the first time in a mainline platformer. And it was done well in my opinion.
Now, I would be moving on to Sonic Adventure 2 logically......
but I already covered that XD!
So, what is the next game on the list? Sonic isn't the only series I'm covering in this Retrospective

. Sonic Team isn't just the team that makes Sonic, they make a lot of new IP.
Going to be bouncing between Sonic and Sonic Team IP for the remainder for the Dreamcast Era, so before having a fun Neo Geo Pocket Adventure, we are going to dream. Dream of a Night flying in the sky
