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Sonic Lost World |OT| Too X-treme for the Galaxy

The first two ice world stages are so terrible. They may well be the worst sonic stages I've ever played (Although I didn't play 06 or Shadow).

Someone, please tell me there isn't another snowball stage ever again?

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
The first two ice world stages are so terrible. They may well be the worst sonic stages I've ever played (Although I didn't play 06 or Shadow).

Someone, please tell me there isn't another snowball stage ever again?

I liked both those stages. The casino stage is by far the worst of that world. But no there isn't another snowball level unfortunately.


Would you guys recommend playing the 3DS version before the Wii U? I've heard some saying that the 3DS teaches you the game better than the sometimes-frustrating Wii U version.


I know the 3DS version has a tutorial level to start (Windy Hill Tutorial then Windy Hill Zone 1; that's the demo, in any case) so maybe that would be a good idea. Do Windy Hill on 3DS, then try the Wii U version, and maybe choose how to proceed from there?
I found this recently, and some of this stuff looks interesting enough to mention:
Can anyone who's played it confirm if this stuff is more or less important, or if it improves playing the game at all?

Would you guys recommend playing the 3DS version before the Wii U? I've heard some saying that the 3DS teaches you the game better than the sometimes-frustrating Wii U version.

I'd like to know this too since I'm getting both versions.

qq more

Some Wisps can be used without the touchscreen in spite of what the game's guides say about them: maybe most notably the yellow(?) drill (left stick, ZR) and the cyan laser wisp (left stick to aim, a button to shoot).

Game changer, you can actually use the sticks to use wisp powers?! Thank god...
You can use the stick to control the couple of Wisps it mentions (laser, drill) but stuff like asteroid and eagle still need the tilt controls.

The Boat

Would you guys recommend playing the 3DS version before the Wii U? I've heard some saying that the 3DS teaches you the game better than the sometimes-frustrating Wii U version.

It teaches you better, but some mechanics are a bit different. Worth a shot I guess.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
For people asking whether or not they should play the portable version prior to the console version, out of experience with Colours and Generations, I kinda think it's better to play the console version before the portable version.

It's because some cutscenes are either skipped or put out of order in the portable version, so having the console version under your belt would be better if you're going for narrative or general flow/pacing for the game. The levels' designs are different across the console/portable versions, too, so it's not necessarily something you're going to constantly repeat. Having seen the 3DS version, I do kinda think going with the Wii U version first is probably the best idea since the cutscenes and final boss order in the 3DS version are different/out of order in comparison with the Wii U version.

The same thing happened with Colours/Gens 3DS too.
For people asking whether or not they should play the portable version prior to the console version, out of experience with Colours and Generations, I kinda think it's better to play the console version before the portable version.

It's because some cutscenes are either skipped or put out of order in the portable version, so having the console version under your belt would be better if you're going for narrative or general flow/pacing for the game. The levels' designs are different across the console/portable versions, too, so it's not necessarily something you're going to constantly repeat. Having seen the 3DS version, I do kinda think going with the Wii U version first is probably the best idea since the cutscenes and final boss order in the 3DS version are different/out of order in comparison with the Wii U version.

The same thing happened with Colours/Gens 3DS too.

Some of this is leading me towards the WiiU version first. Thanks Schala.
Even having replayed a number of stages I need to go grind a thousand critters to open the fourth forest stage :lol

Playing a few circuses got me them quickly which really just raises the question of "why?" What's the point of the arbitrary gate when the best way to pass it is to spend a minute in a daft mini game which seems to exist only to get around the gate? If they wanted to block progress like that I'd rather they use the Red Rings like Unleashed's sun/moon medals. At least that promoted revisiting and exploring the stages.


Approach him and wait until the homing attack reticle charges up (turns white). Attack him when its fully charged.

Thanks it worked, I thought it was fully charged before but it wasn't.

How do you unlock secret levels? Got two sort of randomly.
Even having replayed a number of stages I need to go grind a thousand critters to open the fourth forest stage :lol

Playing a few circuses got me them quickly which really just raises the question of "why?" What's the point of the arbitrary gate when the best way to pass it is to spend a minute in a daft mini game which seems to exist only to get around the gate? If they wanted to block progress like that I'd rather they use the Red Rings like Unleashed's sun/moon medals. At least that promoted revisiting and exploring the stages.

Dammit man, they put their heart and soul into those crummy circus minigames and by gum you're going to play them one way or another.
I'm convinced that's why the animal gates exist, the funny part being a minigame to earn extra lives would actually have been really useful this time around but nope, can't even get lives from the circus.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Thanks it worked, I thought it was fully charged before but it wasn't.

How do you unlock secret levels? Got two sort of randomly.

Yeah I got two randomly as well. I have every single red ring so I think I would have played it enough by now if there were more stages to unlock. I just came to the conclusion that this was another oversight by Sonic Team and they only actually managed to make two extra stages before release...


I'm really on the fence now I still want to get this game when it comes out Tuesday =/ I was real hype for it when it was first shown, and the months leading up to release, but all the negative feedback has been discouraging. Even if the feedback isn't negative, it doesn't sound very positive.
I'm really on the fence now I still want to get this game when it comes out Tuesday =/ I was real hype for it when it was first shown, and the months leading up to release, but all the negative feedback has been discouraging. Even if the feedback isn't negative, it doesn't sound very positive.

Your best bet at this point (if a demo isn't coming), is to watch some of the playthroughs on YT. From what I've read about it and seen, it's a more challenging Sonic game (especially towards the end) with more emphasis and opportunity to explore. The changing control scheme changes things up for a lot of people, and the WiiU version doesn't seem to have a tutorial stage like the 3DS version, but I expect a lot of tips to be revealed here in how to play, what to do. It's definitely going to be a game where the value is multiple playthroughs; looks fun all the way through for me.


So I finally got the game. Played the first world.

Unless it suddenly falls off a cliff, I feel I'm going to have heaps of fun with it. Looks and feels great!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This one is going to take some time to warm up to, I feel. It's so colorful and beautiful to look at it that I feel compelled to play but the gameplay is really so dramatically different than I was expecting. Attacking enemies is sluggish and irritating, I don't care for a run button with Sonic, and the overall change in controls is just kind of rubbing me the wrong way. First impressions are that it's a huge step down from Generations BUT I'm still giving it a shot.

I'm starting to become accustomed to the controls and trying to accept that this is a totally different type of experience. Other than some nasty slowdown in a couple areas it's also beautiful. One of the best looking things I've seen on Wii U for sure.


So I finally got the game. Played the first world.

Unless it suddenly falls off a cliff, I feel I'm going to have heaps of fun with it. Looks and feels great!
It never falls off a cliff, but it does go downhill at one point. Nevertheless, it's still a good game.
I've finally gotten around to obtaining all the red rings leading to the not exactly worthwhile reward.

I thought that the pursuit of the red rings would elevate my opinion on the game, instead it tended to highlight the flaws further.
Some very patchy sections of parkour requiring unexplained skills, blink and you'll miss them red rings combined with having one chance to nab them or you have to replay the entire stage due to immediate unavoidable checkpoint/end of level placement straight afterwards and more. Hell i've been whisked past red rings after accidentally hitting the warp box that sometimes appear with its unusually large hitbox, I went to jump into a light brining lever in silent forest 4 above the checkpoint only to get caught in the grasp of the warping item that took me beyond that last red ring, this actually happened to me more than once on this stage.

Even stepping aside from the rings themselves when you're slowly combing through these stages the standard flaws from the original run through can grate further, the ice is still annoying with its various changes to the jumping physics, the secret I found is to use the run sparingly since it causes the spin jump which locks your aerial movement and removes the double jump and homing attack. the homing attack lock on can be temperamental depending on the angle you try to attack at and on rare occasions double jump momentum seems to wildly fluctuate with both portions of the jump feeling inconsistent with each other.

Not to say that the hunt for red rings are all bad times, some highlight neat little alternative routes and present interesting bits of platforming to spice up a stage but overall it wasn't really worth it. Having played through stages numerous times i'm left wondering what the point is in gold cannons, they send you off to those auto run sections filled with rings and spike balls but seeing that rings are worthless in this game and that these sections often seem to just take a lot longer than sticking to the standard route i'm left puzzled by their inclusion.



Some GameStop stores will be opening at midnight tonight for Battlefield 4 and Assassin's Creed 4, which means that you can stop in that time for Sonic Lost World! I pre-ordered from there because of the exclusive pre-order bonus and the GameStop clerk there said I can stop by there at midnight for it.

I've done this before when Uncharted 3 released at midnight and I went in to get Sonic Generations, no problem.


Junior Member

Some GameStop stores will be opening at midnight tonight for Battlefield 4 and Assassin's Creed 4, which means that you can stop in that time for Sonic Lost World! I pre-ordered from there because of the exclusive pre-order bonus and the GameStop clerk there said I can stop by there at midnight for it.

I've done this before when Uncharted 3 released at midnight and I went in to get Sonic Generations, no problem.

I don't get off work until 1, but they still might be open. They got 700 pre-orders on Battlefield 4 and 300 AC4.

I can see my self in line tonight.

Dudebro - So dude! What you pickin' up? BF4? AC4?

Me (Sheepishly) - ....Sonic Lost World.

Dudebro - ....What?!

Me - B-but I have AC4 pre-ordered for PS4!! Killzone too!..........And how about that football hunh? Go local team!!

Dudebro - Whooot!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
lol, yeah, I'll wait until tomorrow after classes to pick it up. Waiting on AC4 impressions, too. And if I did pick that up, it'd be the PS4 version.

I take it we're not getting a demo in NA? Didn't see anything doing a search.
Doesn't look like it. It strikes me as pretty bonkers given that Japan got one and we didn't. Unless they put one up the day of.
Was that...
Sonic Colours
final boss fight? I haven't played it in a while, but that final boss was
straight up a reskin of the final boss from Sonic Colours, just with like a third of the attacks it used there
, right?
I can tell Box of Bunnies is gonna have to reconfigure his Sonic game ranking after this, he seems really inspired by the Blue Blur's latest

speaking of which, GameFly just shipped this, so I'm going in with completely neutral expectations this week


I was secretly hoping for a midnight release on eshop that might pop up, but it doesn't look likely since there's no mention of one ;_; there's enough games releasing tomorrow that they should. We got this, AC4, and Pac-Man all coming out tomorrow, flip the damn switch early.


I thought I saw it on the ticker in the 3DS eShop, but it turned out I caught the tail end of the announcement for Zelda ALBW's midnight release. ;_;


Was that...
Sonic Colours
final boss fight? I haven't played it in a while, but that final boss was
straight up a reskin of the final boss from Sonic Colours, just with like a third of the attacks it used there
, right?

It's a little different, but not very, and Eggman doesn't even have as wide an arsenal of attacks, as far as I've seen. The Colors boss was clever because it was twisting the Wisp powers against you, using the theme of the game, like how lately the Bowser bosses in some of the Mario games are using the power-ups like you can. Here it's just a few beams and such, and a very similar "slow motion" strike moment.

It would've been fine if there was a big extra final boss afterward. It's pretty shocking there wasn't. Colors Wii was better off for not having one, but that's because the Eggman fight and escape bit down the elevator was so good, and it was nice for Eggman to just be the big bad for once, nothing kicking him out of the way.
Gonna hopefully end up with both versions by the end of the week. Despite negative reviews, I'm still buying it. However this isn't the first time I've seen a game receive negative feedback because of a new or complicated control scheme. There were a couple of other platformers I've played (can't think of any right now though) that were overlooked because the control style wasn't immediately accessible. But once you learned how to actually play it, you realize how fun the game really is. Sort of like Bionic Commando (Rearmed, Original, but not the "sequel")- it may seem difficult, but once you get used to the grappling hook, how to dodge enemies, reflect bullets with your arm, etc, it's a great game.


Gonna hopefully end up with both versions by the end of the week. Despite negative reviews, I'm still buying it. However this isn't the first time I've seen a game receive negative feedback because of a new or complicated control scheme. There were a couple of other platformers I've played (can't think of any right now though) that were overlooked because the control style wasn't immediately accessible. But once you learned how to actually play it, you realize how fun the game really is. Sort of like Bionic Commando (Rearmed, Original, but not the "sequel")- it may seem difficult, but once you get used to the grappling hook, how to dodge enemies, reflect bullets with your arm, etc, it's a great game.

Oddly enough I think the reboot is a far bettered ample of your point than rearmed or the original.
Oddly enough I think the reboot is a far bettered ample of your point than rearmed or the original.

Well I think the inclusion of a standard jump with the bionic swing as opposed to actually just using the arm to traverse (without a jump, not including the short hop introduced in Rearmed 2) the environment removed the learning curve of the original. The only "challenging" part being avoiding the "Ascension Fog", but that was just a "barrier" placed so players didn't go out of bounds. Swinging still felt natural in 3D, just a little more straight forward since you were able to jump and latch on to just about anything (or what was pointed on, graphically) without even thinking about what was really in front of you.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I don't get off work until 1, but they still might be open. They got 700 pre-orders on Battlefield 4 and 300 AC4.

I can see my self in line tonight.

Dudebro - So dude! What you pickin' up? BF4? AC4?

Me (Sheepishly) - ....Sonic Lost World.

Dudebro - ....What?!

Me - B-but I have AC4 pre-ordered for PS4!! Killzone too!..........And how about that football hunh? Go local team!!

Dudebro - Whooot!
Been there.

Back in 2001 when Klonoa 2 was released the date happened to coincide with the release of NCAA 2002 so, when I stopped in, they actually pulled out another copy of NCAA and started to ring it up before I stopped them and told them that I wanted Klonoa 2. The guy was confused and had to search through a couple boxes to find one of two copies that were sent to the store. :\


Got my midnight Sonic.

Soundtrack is awesome, Nights stage is a cool addition, but kinda short/easy. More or less like a nights theme park run through (very nice remixes here though). I cant figure out what i'm supposed to do at the Gulpo(?) section though.

The parkour system fits naturally with Sonic, and the spin dash works alot better than boost ever did. You can grab onto edges of land if you almost miss a jump, or run back up a wall if you think it may be a pit. Imo this should have been the first addition to Sonic's move set, not the homing attack, especially since it just makes sense.

The wisp attacks (only used laser and asteroid) so far dont seem as helpful as in Colors, and laser is a little hard to use due to touch screen reliance. Asteroid is pretty easy to control, and seems like you just want to travel as much of the stage when available as possible.

The rotating areas take a little getting used to, but feel like you're always missing something since they give the illusion of having alot of ground to cover. The 2D areas are actually pretty cool so far...and they dont have wonky physics either.

Believe it or not, even the run button feels natural, and there are finally a decent amount of enemies to dodge, and not just enemy bridges. Actually havent run into those...yet.

Touching on the graphics and soundtrack again, soundtrack is phenomenal and kinda feels like a mix of Saturn / Dreamcast era Sega music. There are some classic sounds here and there (badnik explosions and boss impact noises) The graphics are actually very nice looking in motion. Unfortunately Miiverse community is still down, or else I would have posted some shots.

As far as what i've experienced with Windy Hill, its a good Sonic game / good game in general. No strange physics or being locked into loops either. A little too many speed boosters in some stages, but you actually benefit from missing them. Exploration is definitely rewarded, and not just memorization. Access to some stages require a certain number of Red Rings and others just a certain number of flickies+animals rescued, so you'll do good to defeat as many badniks and explore as much as possible.

EDIT: Not sure how people are having parkour trouble, since you just run into an object. Also read the manual. You've got a few actions that they dont seem to go into (tutorials arent that intrusive, and can only be accessed when pressing the ? on the touch screen).
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