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Sonic Lost World |OT| Too X-treme for the Galaxy


i put down rayman legends and ace attorney 5 to get into sonic lost world. i got to silent forest or whatever the fifth 'act' is called.

i think sega was very wise in their level selection for the demo of this game. act 1 of windy hill is great, the 2d des(s)ert ruin level has some good stuff, and the always-running one is a nice challenge. i've enjoyed all of those (and went back to act 1 of windy hill a couple times), as well as the on-rails 'mine cart' one in 'act 3' (names would be good but it's late and i'm tired). oh, i actually enjoyed the snowball one in frozen factory a good bit too, boss battle aside.

as far as controls are concerned, i'm not really having a problem figuring them out. everything works pretty well for me so i don't have much to say about those. i feel that the game's biggest failing is that the level design is far too simple in general, and i think that extends to the game design in general. there are a couple of platformer types that appeal to me, but the one that i love the most is the one that has me asking 'how do i get up there?' there's a fair amount of that in certain levels of lost world, but more in generations and colors. the other type of platformer i like is the one that challenges my skill and reflexes. something like rayman or super meat boy, for example. if there are problems with the controls, it's that they're built for a game of the former. they don't really lend themselves to the latter. the game slows you down and makes you try and think about your next move, but the levels are curiously half-baked.

it doesn't feel like a bad game, but it does feel rushed. the wisp colors have no purpose being here, and i have to wonder if the designers behind the generations colors levels were put in charge or something, because the way they're used sometimes sure feels like it. instead of being extras to help explore a level like they were in colors for the most part, they're required to beat the game. red rings are essentially pointless as well. they unlocked something like 15-20 new levels in colors, and here it's just an excuse for some minigames.

the pacing is generally off too. it seems to be fighting against what colors did so well, which was break up the action into easily digested segments. instead, it crams about 2-3 (or more) levels into one at a time.

despite everything, i'm not hating my time with it. sometimes it feels like playing a 90s platformer where the designers were too nervous to fully implement their ideas, so they covered it up with some old standbys instead. in a lot of ways it feels like it was made so some other better game could be produced in the meanwhile. like, this game was created to meet a certain sonic quota while the team could spend time building something bigger for the 25th anniversary. at any rate, it doesn't have the more glaring flaws of secret rings, which was the game i was expecting to compare it to. instead it's some average platformer with some good ideas.


WHY does the game tell me to press B when it only jumps? I can only do a homing attack with A. Is this on purpose?


Oooook, so now I just finished act 2-3 and here's my two cents so far.

At first the controls felt weird, but I got the hang of them pretty quickly. Once you nail them, damn it's getting fun. I'd even say that It's pretty much the best control scheme in a 3D Sonic game so far. It's precise as hell, you have full control.

Game is tons of fun, it's a different and refreshing approach at Sonic. It's not as fast as Sonic Unleashed/Colors/Generations but it feels totally ok to me, because the game is made on entirely different mechanics where you trade speed for more control. In fact, controlling Sonic feels great, miles ahead Colors in every aspects. It's visually stunning, best looking Sonic game so far imo, so many colors and dat locked 60fps, hmmmmmm, delicious experience so far.

Funny thing I spotted too is that they took another shot at Mach Speed stages, but this time it's actually fun and more importantly: You won't die because the controls and overall game aren't utter shit like Sonic 06'. I saw a couple of opinion saying that the level design was bad because they needed to memorize the level to be able to finish it, to be honest, I think that's BS, you just need to be alert and be looking at what's coming, sure you may die a few times because you didn't saw the shit coming but it's totally normal for a level to be challenging a bit. When I died at certain places I felt like I fucked up, not that the level design was bad.

I noticed some weird design choices though, like the famous 'no life at 100 rings', but the problem is easily compensated by putting lots of lives here and there, so that's no biggie. Another thing I noticed was that there are no ratings in the end of a stage, not that it's THAT important but it's always satisfying to collect all the S rankings like in Colors. Boss battles are...nothing impressive, but it's always like this, always.

While it only seems to last for something like 5-6 hours story wise, I know I'll be spending many more hours trying to 100% everything, and them red coins seems to be well hidden enough, so I'm going to have a blast doing it post-campaign.

Now that I played it, all I can say is that it's definitely worth it, it's a breath of fresh air that is more than welcomed to me which doesn't seems to be the case around some reviewers, but if you ask me? Buy it.

That's it for now, I'd like to play more but I'm working tomorrow and I need some sleep. :p

EDIT: Wow! There's people dissing the OST? SMH, it's wonderful!!!!


it doesn't feel like a bad game, but it does feel rushed. the wisp colors have no purpose being here, and i have to wonder if the designers behind the generations colors levels were put in charge or something, because the way they're used sometimes sure feels like it. instead of being extras to help explore a level like they were in colors for the most part, they're required to beat the game. red rings are essentially pointless as well. they unlocked something like 15-20 new levels in colors, and here it's just an excuse for some minigames.

the pacing is generally off too. it seems to be fighting against what colors did so well, which was break up the action into easily digested segments. instead, it crams about 2-3 (or more) levels into one at a time.

despite everything, i'm not hating my time with it. sometimes it feels like playing a 90s platformer where the designers were too nervous to fully implement their ideas, so they covered it up with some old standbys instead. in a lot of ways it feels like it was made so some other better game could be produced in the meanwhile. like, this game was created to meet a certain sonic quota while the team could spend time building something bigger for the 25th anniversary. at any rate, it doesn't have the more glaring flaws of secret rings, which was the game i was expecting to compare it to. instead it's some average platformer with some good ideas.

Interesting assessment. I can see where you are coming from, but I honestly feel that same thing could be applied to every Sonic game released since Sonic Adventure (being rushed).

Personally I feel like Lost World is more polished than Generations, is more fun, tries new things and generally succeeds at doing so. Honestly it might be the shitty frame rate and certain design elements that kills the fun for me in the previous games, but despite a few minor quirks, The Lost World is coming off an overall more polished game with deeper controls and a very good framerate that just really helps the game.

My opinion of course. :)

EDIT: I do agree about the wisps though, for the most part. They are pretty much shoe-horned in, some are a little buggy, but they are still decent fun for what it's worth. Could have done without them, but eh, it's just something that adds to the flavor.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Personally I feel like Lost World is more polished than Generations, is more fun, tries new things and generally succeeds at doing so. Honestly it might be the shitty frame rate and certain design elements that kills the fun for me in the previous games, but despite a few minor quirks, The Lost World is coming off an overall more polished game with deeper controls and a very good framerate that just really helps the game.
Comparing console versions, sure, but the PC version of Generations feels more polished overall to me. You're right, though, that the framerate makes a huge difference. The 30 fps 3DS game feels like dog shit in comparison.

That's one of the things that bothers me about Sonic on 3DS, really. Just how strong is the hardware? Sonic Heroes was not a great game but it presented colorful, large stages at 60 fps on the Gamecube back in 2003. Is there really no chance of the 3DS being able to match something like that? Generations and Lost World 3DS both feel drab and choppy in comparison.

Also, I HATE the wisps. Didn't like them in Colors, didn't like them in the Colors stage in Generations, and I don't like them here. More than ever they feel completely separate from the normal gameplay. Bad idea.


I saw a couple of opinion saying that the level design was bad because they needed to memorize the level to be able to finish it, to be honest, I think that's BS, you just need to be alert and be looking at what's coming, sure you may die a few times because you didn't saw the shit coming but it's totally normal for a level to be challenging a bit. When I died at certain places I felt like I fucked up, not that the level design was bad.


Whenever I hear that, and especially after playing decently far into the game, I just assume these people don't understand platformers very well. I grew up in a time when platformers were tough as nails and often made you throw your controller against the wall. Honestly, Lost World is very forgiving, but yes, you will have to play some levels a few times to get the memorization, but I think that was part of the design. The levels are built for replayabillity.


Comparing console versions, sure, but the PC version of Generations feels more polished overall to me. You're right, though, that the framerate makes a huge difference. The 30 fps 3DS game feels like dog shit in comparison.

Yeah I've never played the PC version, but I don't think that's really a good comparison because you can just crank that shit up on a good system. Lost World (WiiU version) as it stands as a console game is very well balanced for the system technically and it just feels more polished than the other console versions because of it. If someone brings up the cut scenes, well, go back and watch the cut scenes of Generations. They look pretty bad too.

EDIT: I'm curious to see what the 3DS version looks like now. Some people say it looks good (for a 3DS game of course) while some people say it looks bad. I'm sure the lower frame rate hurts.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah I've never played the PC version, but I don't think that's really a good comparison because you can just crank that shit up on a good system. Lost World (WiiU version) as it stands as a console game is very well balanced for the system technically and it just feels more polished than the other console versions because of it. If someone brings up the cut scenes, well, go back and watch the cut scenes of Generations. They look pretty bad too.

EDIT: I'm curious to see what the 3DS version looks like now. Some people say it looks good (for a 3DS game of course) while some people say it looks bad. I'm sure the lower frame rate hurts.
Oh, I'm with you on the console comparison. They made a lot of visual cuts in Lost World to the Hedgehog Engine to hit 60 fps *BUT* I think it was completely worth it. It's still a beautiful game and the higher framerate is great. It's just a shame the first (and best) level has some slowdown in its most complex area.

The 3DS version isn't necessarily ugly, but it feels a bit drab overall. The fact is, it feels like a step down from what was achieved on Gamecube 10 years ago. Very different hardware, of course, but it's just a shame. Heck, even if they made more significant cuts to reach 60 fps, it would have been worth it. It's not even a stable 30 and the colors are so dull.
Also, I HATE the wisps. Didn't like them in Colors, didn't like them in the Colors stage in Generations, and I don't like them here. More than ever they feel completely separate from the normal gameplay. Bad idea.

Absolutely. I never felt like they complemented the gameplay in any Sonic game.


Oh, I'm with you on the console comparison. They made a lot of visual cuts in Lost World to the Hedgehog Engine to hit 60 fps *BUT* I think it was completely worth it. It's still a beautiful game and the higher framerate is great. It's just a shame the first (and best) level has some slowdown in its most complex area.

The 3DS version isn't necessarily ugly, but it feels a bit drab overall. The fact is, it feels like a step down from what was achieved on Gamecube 10 years ago. Very different hardware, of course, but it's just a shame. Heck, even if they made more significant cuts to reach 60 fps, it would have been worth it. It's not even a stable 30 and the colors are so dull.

Agreed. 60 fps should be the goal for Sonic games, I think. It just makes the games feel so much better.


Absolutely. I never felt like they complemented the gameplay.

They are thrown in just because of the Wii game Sonic colors I think, and also so they could have an excuse for Gamepad controls. I'm okay with them so far, although I do think they are a bit buggy. I never really liked them in Colors though, either.

They should have just stuck with remote play and I think that would have been great for WiiU features.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Agreed. 60 fps should be the goal for Sonic games, I think. It just makes the games feel so much better.
Yeah, playing Generations 360 and PC back to back really demonstrates how much the controls suffered with the lower framerate and increased latency. They feel somewhat unresponsive on 360 but razor sharp on the PC. It's a world of difference.

I'm okay with them so far, although I do think they are a bit buggy. I never really liked them in Colors though, either.
The problem I have with them is that, in some levels, they ruin the pacing as you cannot complete the level without them. They just toss them in at random points and completely change the pace of the game. All of the levels which do this are levels which I don't enjoy time trialing.


I cringe from these sonic unleashed and on cut scenes ...it just makes sonic go into super kiddy mode.

I'm not saying I want 06 sonic back, but man at least adventure one and two kind of style...


It's kind of funny. One thing I've been looking forward for next gen is better frame rates. We've had such shitty framerates on console games this gen, that my jaw literally dropped when I decided to pop in Sonic Adventure 2 for my Dreamcast with the VGA cable. It was almost like a twilight zone I was in... I'm sure there are some of the other levels that bog down but I was playing some of the Sonic levels and they were very smooth. I think gaming needs to maintain that fluidity on the screen and for control. Actually some other Dreamcast games were the same: Maken X. Granted, the games have nothing going on in terms of physics but it was very eye opening.

I'm sure PC gamers have already been enjoying that though. I don't have the ability to get a decked out system, so next gen will have to do. Even if it's a very steady 30, I'll be happier than what we have had this gen.


I cringe from these sonic unleashed and on cut scenes ...it just makes sonic go into super kiddy mode.

I'm not saying I want 06 sonic back, but man at least adventure one and two kind of style...

I know where you come from, I used to think the same way, but I kinda got used to the 'we don't give a single shit about the story' formula. Maybe it's just 06 that traumatized me, but I don't want anything similar to happen again.

It's simple, quick and (sometimes) funny.


Up to Silent Forest now. Frozen Factory was definitely the hardest zone/area in the game so far.

EDIT: Damn. At the beginning of the level, you get to a part where you are looking straight ahead on the giant pipe and maaan, can you see really far ahead. Pretty nice that they didn't just pop that in later as you get closer. Some of the enemies pop but the level is all there.
I cringe from these sonic unleashed and on cut scenes ...it just makes sonic go into super kiddy mode.

I'm not saying I want 06 sonic back, but man at least adventure one and two kind of style...

Yeah, we need to go back to Sonic chasing down the President's limo and jumping in through the sunroof. Real political intrigue instead of this kiddy shit.

qq more

I actually like Adventure 1's cutscenes. It was serious but without overdoing it. (The animations were pretty bad though but that's aside the point)

But honestly I prefer Sonic cutscenes the way they are now... well except Colors was kind of too cringey. They just need to work a bit on that humor a bit because it was too corny at times.


I think Sonic Unleashed had a good balance between silly and serious, but even the funny moments were kinda weak. Colors had some good self-awareness at times, and outside of some really corny moments which, thankfully, were called out by Tails, Sonic was written pretty decently (Eggman, of course, was superb in this game). This time the balance was in the characters, where Sonic was balanced by Tails and Eggman by Orbot and Cubot. It could've been better, but it worked.

So far in this game I felt like they took the sarcasm a bit too far, but I did see a couple of scenes that gave it more context, so that's something I'll wait and see more about.
I don't understand why the members of the Deadly Six are "shrouded in mystery" until the cutscene before the level you first fight them in though; we know who they are--they're on the freakin' cover--so... why? My fear is that this also gives each of them less time to be established and interact with one another. Hopefully that's not the case...

And I forgot who the reviewer that said this was, but... well, I wouldn't say Sonic is too "dudebro", but he's pushing it. :p
Yeah, we need to go back to Sonic chasing down the President's limo and jumping in through the sunroof. Real political intrigue instead of this kiddy shit.

The scenarios weren't exceptional, but I do think the overall tone was better. Everything in Colors forward is presented in a silly playful manner. I'd rather have some kind of tension, but it doesn't need to be a soap opera of course.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
The Wii U version of the game is sooooo much better than the 3DS version, it isn't even funny. I'm not feeling I'm pushing myself through it simply for the sake of finishing it off, and I like the extra control I have over Sonic in this version of the game. I like the controls better than the 3DS version, btw. Running up walls is executed so much better in this version, imo, as I'm not unintentionally running up walls like I was in the 3DS version. But the unfortunate thing is that you can't run up walls forever by pressing Y to boost or something like you could in the 3DS version.

I'm finished Tropical Coast so far right now, but I'm not disliking it. I still think Windy Hill was the most realized concept in the game, though... and that extends onto what AniHawk was saying about the levels not necessarily feeling like they gave it their all with the level design. It's something I started to notice when I started Tropical Coast. AniHawk's right about the pacing. I can't put it better than that just yet. I thought Des(s)ert Ruins was adorable. I love stages like that in terms of style (not necessarily level design, but style).

The Japanese dub is good. Zomom's voice is the Old Owl in the Japanese version of Sonic OVA, Wizen from Asura's Wrath, and the Nu from the Chrono Trigger OVA (ie: when I heard that voice, I was all, "AHA, I RECOGNIZE THAT because he sounds like the Nu from Chrono Trigger!"). Zavok is voiced by the same fellow who voiced E-102 Gamma in Sonic Adventure, Luxord in KH, Kotomine Kirei in Fate/Zero, and Van in Tales of the Abyss.

As far as I know, the Deadly Six in English are voiced by the same people who usually do Tales games/lots of RPGs (Sam Riegel (Zor), Liam O'Brien (Zazz), Stephanie Sheh (Zeena), Kirk Thornton (Zik), Travis Willingham (Zavok), Patrick Seitz (Zomom)).

I haven't tried the other languages yet. I'll try the French dub a little later, because I remember the French dub making me chuckle a bit, especially when Sonic drowned. The Spanish dub of Generations made me chuckle a bit ("Si, si, si!"). The Italian dub in Gens also made me chuckle for the sake of Sonic going "Bueno! :D"

Overall, it might sound like my impressions are positive, but I'd just take them as cautiously positive while still admitting that the game does have its share of issues too. I haven't made it to the "bad" part yet. But yeah, guys. Go with this version if you have to. The 3DS version just doesn't feel as right despite Sonic being faster.


So I went to both Gamestop AND Walmart last night after work to pick up S:LW. Both were sold out so I opted to just download it from the eShop. It took about 1.5 hours to dl and install.

First impressions:

Controls are wonky. I agree with the people who said it would be nice to have a tutorial stage. I still haven't read the instructions which I will tonight but I still don't know how to multitarget enemies as seen in all the trailers.

Boss battles are easy so far.

One positive is the polish of this game. Wow, it's like Nintendo made this. Models are nice and the levels are very colorful and so far the music is catchy. The one downside is the dialog - at least Sonic's - is horrible. Seems forced and awkwardly delivered.

Still, from all the negatives I still want to go back to the game and can't wait to play more and learn the controls better tonight.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm loving these new villains. It's so refreshing to see these cartoonish style bad guys other than Eggman as opposed to the overly dark overlords that have cast a dark shadow over the franchise.

I know that they're basically one-dimensional stereotype villains, but at least I can watch their cutscenes without cringing this time around.


WHY does the game tell me to press B when it only jumps? I can only do a homing attack with A. Is this on purpose?

Because the game is bad at telling you crap, basically pressing B allows you to do a double jump without triggering the homing attack whereas A doesn't.

The homing kick attack sucks though as it's very easy to trigger a bounce attack.

That's one of the things that bothers me about Sonic on 3DS, really. Just how strong is the hardware? Sonic Heroes was not a great game but it presented colorful, large stages at 60 fps on the Gamecube back in 2003. Is there really no chance of the 3DS being able to match something like that? Generations and Lost World 3DS both feel drab and choppy in comparison.

It's more to with the 3DS version having a lower budget than the hardware itself.

Also, I HATE the wisps. Didn't like them in Colors, didn't like them in the Colors stage in Generations, and I don't like them here. More than ever they feel completely separate from the normal gameplay. Bad idea.

The wisp are far better in colours than in Lost world as they aren't well designed and just don't flow with the gameplay or story.

My fear is that this also gives each of them less time to be established and interact with one another. Hopefully that's not the case...

It is the case, the deadly six aren't fleshed out nor do we found out anything about them.
Amazon's not gonna deliver my copy until Friday at the earliest. :\

But at least I have Xenoblade, Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, Arkham Origins, Typing of the Dead: Overkill, presumably Quake on the Saturn (depending on which package arrives first) and no end of Doom mods to keep me company, assuming I play any of them instead of just idling on the Internet all day.


Amazon's not gonna deliver my copy until Friday at the earliest. :\

But at least I have Xenoblade, Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, Arkham Origins, Typing of the Dead: Overkill, presumably Quake on the Saturn (depending on which package arrives first) and no end of Doom mods to keep me company, assuming I play any of them instead of just idling on the Internet all day.

Ugh, Xenoblade is an 80 hour game (at least for me). Have fun playing it. I enjoyed every second of it.

It's Reyn Time!!!


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm loving these new villains. It's so refreshing to see these cartoonish style bad guys other than Eggman as opposed to the overly dark overlords that have cast a dark shadow over the franchise.

I know that they're basically one-dimensional stereotype villains, but at least I can watch their cutscenes without cringing this time around.

I think the villains this time are actually pretty fun, and it's interesting that they talk over some stages. It doesn't hurt that, like Dark Schala was saying, they are voiced by the usual Tales voice actors.

It's hilarious because I was actually thinking that their voice acting was better than a lot of JRPGS I've played recently. Sonic and Tails are the usual annoying stuff though.


The Wii U version of the game is sooooo much better than the 3DS version, it isn't even funny. I'm not feeling I'm pushing myself through it simply for the sake of finishing it off, and I like the extra control I have over Sonic in this version of the game. I like the controls better than the 3DS version, btw. Running up walls is executed so much better in this version, imo, as I'm not unintentionally running up walls like I was in the 3DS version. But the unfortunate thing is that you can't run up walls forever by pressing Y to boost or something like you could in the 3DS version.


Overall, it might sound like my impressions are positive, but I'd just take them as cautiously positive while still admitting that the game does have its share of issues too. I haven't made it to the "bad" part yet. But yeah, guys. Go with this version if you have to. The 3DS version just doesn't feel as right despite Sonic being faster.
After your one tweet about the 3DS version yesterday, this gives me a little twinkle of hope. :(


Cant fucking believe im forced to use motion controls for the cobalt wisp on the 3DS
At least i could safely ignore the special stages
That version's got some interesting secret levels, I'll tell you what.
I'm rather excited to check out Hell's Aerie, despite having most of that spoiled for me via YouTube. Coliseum, less so.

Other than that, seeing the differences between this version and the PC version (for which I know at least Episode 1 like the back of my hand) should be interesting.

Ugh, Xenoblade is an 80 hour game (at least for me). Have fun playing it. I enjoyed every second of it.

It's Reyn Time!!!
55 hours in, myself. Haven't touched in a few weeks, really need to get back in.
Almost through the 5th world, so I thought I'd drop some impressions. The game does so much right but it isn't without problems.

The wisps stink, especially the ones with forced touch/motion control.

Boss fights are all over the place in difficulty. That and the encounters throughout a stage feel out of order, namely the boss fights with an environmental gimmick.

The bonus stages are pretty bad. I really think they'd be helped with traditional input but my problem tends to be that I can't see my character, so I just end up constantly failing.

I want to play with my Pro controller. ;)

Otherwise, I'm really enjoying it. Love the music, stage layouts, alternate paths and once you realize that you're supposed to just jog around and not blast everywhere (unless you're going for a fast completion time), it controls well.

Also, I found a great section for extra lives.
2-2 right before the boss. There's one of those honeycomb pathways that has 4 lives in a row.

Time to get back to it and kick some dudes.


I think the game is very good, and I find the drill wisp actually really fun & cool...

Nice graphics, love the art (theme stuff), as well as technically very nice...

Controls a bit weird, but good.

I have a hard time rating it compared to other Sonics though, because of my nostalgia for Sonic Adventure 1...


Oh my fucking god.

I never noticed that you can actually rev the Spin Dash. I just used it once and assumed it just brought you up to top running speed while damaging foes but I didn't know you could actually go beyond that.

I am actually legitimately upset for not knowing this. This move is so much more fun to use now. Like, holy shit.
Oh my fucking god.

I never noticed that you can actually rev the Spin Dash. I just used it once and assumed it just brought you up to top running speed while damaging foes but I didn't know you could actually go beyond that.

I am actually legitimately upset for not knowing this. This move is so much more fun to use now. Like, holy shit.

Did you also know (about Spin Dash):

After letting go, hold the spin button, jump, and after landing you'll auto spin dash again, you can go at an uber speed this way, FUCKING FUN TO USE!!!

It's the best move since the Adventure era, it's fun to use and you can use it as much as needed, I almost like it more than the way it was done in SA1.


I played through the Wii U version in one sitting last night. It's not amazing or anything but it's still a lot better than any other 3D Sonic game I've played. And it was fun enough that I wanted to keep playing.

Love the run button; gets rid of that annoying slow walk Sonic used to do before running.

Level design is alright with a few really good levels. Nothing bad.

First Sonic game I've played where they have a "Sonic heading at the camera" moment done right. You don't need to by psychic on your way down to know where coins and shit are.

Spin dash is really fun, even if it's angled the wrong direction when revving it up. (Seriously, looks like Sonic's facing backwards.)

Uh... it's fun. It's a fun 3D Sonic game. I didn't think any of the mechanics were broken and 99% of the deaths were my own fault. It's good stuff.

EDIT: Oh right, way too many cutscenes.


Gamefly shipped this out to me and I should have it on Friday, maybe Monday.

Pretty excited to go through it, I've loved everything I've seen from the game. Shortness isn't really a detriment to me either.
Is there a lot of popup/draw in? Don't recall it being mentioned but I watched a review on Ginx and you could literally see plants/foliage pop in out of nowhere. Could have been stock footage however from an old build.

Generally seems like people's opinions are pretty positive. The EDGE review really put me off but I've started to like EDGE's reviews of Nintendo games less and less recently. They gave this game a 4, LCU a 5, Wii U Party a 5 and W101 a 6. Something not right there....

Azure J

Just got this today. Hooooooly shit, this game on a 60" plasma is beyond beautiful. As someone whose favorite Sonic is still Sonic 3 & Knuckles, this visual design is just making my inner 7 year old manlytears.jpg.


Man, I'd be having a lot more fun in Frozen factory Zone 4 if my lives weren't so limited.

The lack of lives is the real bottleneck the game has and it'll come back to bite in the last world. I don't think I'd have nearly as much of a problem in the harder levels if it weren't for the lack of extra chances.

If Unleashed was this stingy about lives that game would have been a disaster.


About halfway through: they should REALLY patch that extra life system so that you at least have 5 lives every time you start a new level. And I'd much rather pay 25 euros for a game that only had the 3D levels than paying full price for a give with 50% uninspired 2D levels. Still, there's just something about this game a really like. It's charming, I guess =)
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