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Sonic Lost World |OT| Too X-treme for the Galaxy

Just got through Desert Ruins Act 1 and the controls finally clicked. Fucking amazing. Sonic Team finally got it. This is the first 3D Sonic game where I feel like I'm actually in control.


Man..... You reeaaaaally don't understand Sonic.

That what I thought when I read that post. No offense the the person who wrote it. But man.


Perhaps I'm enjoying Lost World so much because it reminds me of older Sega games, like from the Saturn and Dreamcast days. I don't know, It's just giving me that kind of vibe. Has the same kind of fun design imo that NiGHTS had. I keep saying that but it reminds me of that game a lot.


41 > 38
Just downloaded this and I feel like I'm someone's mom trying to control this game. I know it will click soon, I just think it's funny. I haven't felt this out of control in a long-ass time.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Damn, this OST is atrocious so far.

Worst Sonic OST ever?

Soundtrack didn't click with me unlike most other games in the series, but I wouldn't say it was awful. Forgettable perhaps, but there isn't any track in the game I listen to and just plain dislike. Still better than Sonic 4.


Just beat the boss on the giant cube. That was the first legitimately challenging boss fight. I died a number of times but finally beat it. I was always getting just one short of beating him and then getting stuck but I found that if I just stay on the higher pieces I'd be alright.


Junior Member
Some early 3DS impressions...

It's got a lower framerate than the E3 version. Guess they went for a solid 30 fps rather than 30-45.

Controls seem tighter.

There are some really good design choices made over the Wii U version. Parkour and cloud jumping are much easier.

Sonic talks a lot. He even comments on his grade at the end of the level which isn't in the Wii U version.

Video cutscenes are HEAVILY compressed in order to make them 3-D. They look very low res.


Some early 3DS impressions...

It's got a lower framerate than the E3 version. Guess they went for a solid 30 fps rather than 30-45.

Controls seem tighter.

There are some really good design choices made over the Wii U version. Parkour and cloud jumping are much easier.

Sonic talks a lot. He even comments on his grade at the end of the level which isn't in the Wii U version.

Video cutscenes are HEAVILY compressed in order to make them 3-D. They look very low res.

With as much fun as I'm having with the WiiU version, I might be tempted to get the 3DS version on the go. Having the levels be different is a bonus.


Picked up the 3ds version. Sonic is a little loose which is okay until the camera gets too fiddly (like against a big worm or precision platforming inside of a tube). Its okay enough so far, only played the first two levels and stopped at the special stage because i dont have the space to play it right now.

Ill play more of it when I can. Seems like a higher effort production than Generations 3DS at least.

Damn, this OST is atrocious so far.

Worst Sonic OST ever?

I... /what/??
Legitimately do NOT understand people calling this attrocious


Master that spin dash and you'll have a good amount of speed. Imo this is about as fast as 3d Sonic should be. Kinda the same as Sonic adventure 1 / 2 but with a proper spindash and manual wallrunnung + mantling.

Only played thru the first level - do they show you how to do the spin dash by then? Ill have to go back to it when I have some time, but it wasn't apparent to me on my short play through.

Just watched some vids and that spin dash is essential


Only played thru the first level - do they show you how to do the spin dash by then? Ill have to go back to it when I have some time, but it wasn't apparent to me on my short play through.

Just watched some vids and that spin dash is essential

They show you different abilities throughout the first few levels. I think somewhere on like the 3rd or 4th level they show you more detail about the spin dash. It's not mandatory up to that point because I never used it until they actually showed me. That level though, you'll definitely need it for the wall climbs.


I've gotten up to the second tropical level. Still really enjoying it. Rolling the fruit was fun.
The boss was pretty cool, I just wish he was a little bit harder to beat. It was fun chasing his old ass around and pouncing him.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Er, I take it that no one's had trouble redeeming their code for the Deadly Six edition yet?

Mine's not working and it's starting to tick me off.

Edit: What the heck, SEGA?!


Sonic Lost World has finally been released in North America and Canada today, but it appears the wait hasn’t been completely worth it for those purchasing the Wii U version in Canada. SSMB member XD375 grabbed his copy of the Wii U Deadly Six Bonus Edition today at his local EB Games store, but when he got home and tried to enter his DLC code on the eShop, it wouldn’t work. XD375 reports that his Canadian friends at other forums are also having this problem, as is a Canadian user over at the SEGA Forums.
Yeah, I didn't get the preorder bonus, either. But that's kinda normal. I don't usually get some DLC codes the day of too.

Ruby, and I guess he's lurking somewhere around here, said this on the SEGA forums:
Hi guys,

Thanks for your patience – we’re investigating this now. :)

If you’re having the issue and haven’t already, please do send in a ticket to Customer Support so we have you in our records.
So, I guess check in with Sega's customer support if you're a Canadian user.

I think a similar thing happened at PAL launch (I remember a couple of posts with people having issue with their code not working to start with?) but it was okay a little while after.

Probably just an issue with the content not having propagated through on the eShop properly yet or something, yeah? Silly and inconveniencing sure, but it'll work out. It's not like the codes are bogus.

:e: Though I see Blaze just registered his so I guess not. The US and Canada share an eShop, right?
Just grabbed the Wii U version today and damn, I'm having a great time. Really love Tropical Coast Zone 3's theme. Looks like I'll be purchasing the soundtrack sooner rather than later.


the 2d levels in the 3DS version flipflop between really entertaining and super fucking boring, sometimes midlevel

digging the 3D stages a lot even though its clearly the lesser version and the controls can be touchy


the 2d levels in the 3DS version flipflop between really entertaining and super fucking boring, sometimes midlevel

digging the 3D stages a lot even though its clearly the lesser version and the controls can be touchy

There have been two 2D levels so far in my playthrough of the WiiU version. the first level was really fun, and the second was quite fun but very, very short. So far, they are (imo) much more fun than the 2D levels in Generations. I felt like Generations' levels were pretty hit or miss.


post more impressionssss

In the end it's a poor's man Mario game, like most Sonic games always have been IMHO. Sonic gameplay rules have always been fundamentally broken:


...okay post better ones
Okay I'm up to the tropical area.

Love the 60fps.
Love the music.
Love the puny loading time.

Hate the cut scenes (completely skippable).
Hate having no explanation for anything (and touching the question mark on the pad is super janky).
Hate the bonus stages which are the worst ever.
spent some time with both versions of the game today, and I love both of them so far, but am I the only one completely blown away by how good the 3DS version looks/runs/controls!? Maybe I'm just very easily pleased by this sort of thing but it seems like there's some technical wizardry going on.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
the 2d levels in the 3DS version flipflop between really entertaining and super fucking boring, sometimes midlevel
I completely agree with this part. The 2D levels can be so freaking boring, it's ridiculous. I know some of them seem to rely on a mechanic gimmick (heck, almost every level seems to do that), but some of them just repeat the same thing over and over with little deviation from its design or the design itself is so boring.

In general, I am not enjoying the 3DS version so far. At all.

It's kinda at this point I want to see a level map to see if I'm right about a few things, but we're probably not going to get those for a while.


Guys, get leaderboard positions while everyone sucks ass.

But I suck ass as well and died, making the level reset. FML.
Maybe I should have started with something other than Desert Ruins 1.

So far, the boss fights have been better than I'd thought they'd be based on impressions. The first Zazz fight was actually pretty solid (the second one was downright terrible), but both Zomon fights were somewhat interesting (the first one moreso, though).


spent some time with both versions of the game today, and I love both of them so far, but am I the only one completely blown away by how good the 3DS version looks/runs/controls!? Maybe I'm just very easily pleased by this sort of thing but it seems like there's some technical wizardry going on.

The character models and fps are pretty rad, but they probably achieve that by having the level structures be super simplistic and allowing for some occasionally heinous pop-in (desert ruins act 1 had a really bad one)

Dimps' 3ds sonic efforts have a really clean look to them that lets them get more out of less. I liked how Generations 3DS looked a lot and that wasnt really technically astounding or anything


I could never really understand a sonic game. Owned two and tried a couple more.

I could appreciate the ring mechanic, but I didn't get that much fun out of the levels. Something was missing, like a lack of a goal beyond just finishing the level. Like every section is thrown together at random, but you have to remember it anyway to get by. Maybe it was the zoomed in view that prevented you from seeing ahead and getting a good grasp on anything larger?

Anyway, so far I do feel purpose in this game, there are collectables, including lives, that are worth going after, and levels have themes and ideas that relate to each other. I'm getting a genuine sense of satisfaction when beating a level or doing well at a crazy looking section. When it's going fast I'm getting flashbacks of fzero gx, the 60fps 300mph wirly pipe feeling! That's just nice to see, I miss that game.

The "flaws" are the kind of issues that second party games always have: more experiemental and less streamlined, but not unfair or broken. I suppose that not every studio can afford to throw out half the game and put another year into polishing the rest like Nintendo can. It's a gamer's game, tough as nails, but the tough love always pays dividends. At least by level six. I've never died this much so early in sonic, but I'm learning stuff, understanding the controls more, and trying not to whine too much when the game makes me pay the price for a mistake. Talking multiple game overs already...

Who knew that dying could be a motivator? I die and I feel more inclined to learn!!! Nice to have that old school feeling again. 9 for me so far.


i take back what i said about the 3ds' framerate. It dips considerably whenever you're damaged while in drill mode at least in 3d


Anyway, so far I do feel purpose in this game, there are collectables, including lives, that are worth going after, and levels have themes and ideas that relate to each other. I'm getting a genuine sense of satisfaction when beating a level or doing well at a crazy looking section. When it's going fast I'm getting flashbacks of fzero gx, the 60fps 300mph wirly pipe feeling! That's just nice to see, I miss that game.

The "flaws" are the kind of issues that second party games always have: more experiemental and less streamlined, but not unfair or broken. I suppose that not every studio can afford to throw out half the game and put another year into polishing the rest like Nintendo can. It's a gamer's game, tough as nails, but the tough love always pays dividends. At least by level six. I've never died this much so early in sonic, but I'm learning stuff, understanding the controls more, and trying not to whine too much when the game makes me pay the price for a mistake. Talking multiple game overs already...

Who knew that dying could be a motivator? I die and I feel more inclined to learn!!! Nice to have that old school feeling again. 9 for me so far.

Pretty much my thoughts as well. The game feels like it has old-school motivations, which is something that I think a lot of current gamers are having a hard time with. It definitely feels like a legit platformer. I'm not really having that much of a hard time with difficulty yet. I've seen the game over screen once, so there is some challenge. But I haven't felt the issue with lives yet, considering you get 4 lives after a game over anyway.

EDIT: Damn, just got to Frozen Factory and the difficulty jumped up quite a bit. This level is fun though, and it's giving me NiGHTS snow level vibes, especially with that music.


Finished Tropical Coast and S ranked all of Windy Hill. The game is definitely starting to show its flaws but nothing that has really hampered my experience has popped up.

Why would they go back to the SA2 way of switching rails? I realize that the level would be incredibly easy with quick rail switching, but they should have made the level more challenging in other ways.
Interesting that on the back of the box, near the bottom, it says "Only on Wii U", then lists 3 specific Wii U features. It makes it sound like, "These features are only available in the Wii U version.", not "This game is exclusive to Wii U".

Well, it's not exclusive to the Wii U....


Frozen Factory snowball level is definitely the hardest thing yet in this game. I can definitely say that I'm having fun though. I'm kinda one of those people that likes a good challenge when it's like this. It's designed pretty well though, it's just tricky. It reminds me of something in Super Monkey Ball. I'll be pretty happy once I beat it though. Phew.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
After reading a lot of stuff from people even prior to release, I saw this game being pretty divisive, and I guess I'm kind of on the mark.

About to start the Wii U version now. Stopped playing the 3DS version for tonight in Silent Forest.


After reading a lot of stuff from people even prior to release, I saw this game being pretty divisive, and I guess I'm kind of on the mark.

About to start the Wii U version now. Stopped playing the 3DS version for tonight in Silent Forest.

It will be interesting to hear from you how both compare. I may pick up the 3DS version also at some point.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh wow, the Wii U version of Windy Hill is better than the 3DS version's, imo. The thing is, you kind of have to explore around a bit and play around with the controls to get what to do and what not to do. And their way of handling "multple paths" is interesting in this level. I don't know about other levels, but I feel like this level is probably the most competent one in trying to make Sonic come true in this "vision" they had for the game. What happens is that you can't exactly just go straight through if you want to look around for depth. Keep running around the tube of these tube-y levels and check things out. The underside of the tube-y level is completely different from the top.

So instead of having something like this:

A lot of the "splitting of the paths" seems to be:
-underside of the tube
-top of the tube
-on top of the tube on a higher plane

That's mostly for Act 1 of Windy Hill, though. I think it's the best-realized level in terms of concept-to-execution in terms of what they wanted to do with it. So it'll be interesting to see how the rest of the game goes.

In comparison to the 3DS version in terms of movement, I feel like I have more control over Sonic in this version. Despite the fact that he runs much slower than the 3DS version, he feels less slippery. I guess the best alternative would have been something in the middle.

qq more

whoah, Gabe's bein' pretty edgy there! forgot he played games, in between offending minority groups.

worse than sega-CD? i recall those not getting a lotta love

I actually like the Sonic CD special stages once you get good with the timing for jumping onto the UFOs. (Special Stage 5 is a pain in the ass though)

The worst Special Stage to me is Sonic 4 Ep 1's simply for the fact it actually almost given me motion sickness.


I'm up to the third boss and I have been loving it so far. The controls took a couple of levels to get used to but once you get them down the game is awesome.
Oh wow, the Wii U version of Windy Hill is better than the 3DS version's, imo. The thing is, you kind of have to explore around a bit and play around with the controls to get what to do and what not to do. And their way of handling "multple paths" is interesting in this level. I don't know about other levels, but I feel like this level is probably the most competent one in trying to make Sonic come true in this "vision" they had for the game. What happens is that you can't exactly just go straight through if you want to look around for depth. Keep running around the tube of these tube-y levels and check things out. The underside of the tube-y level is completely different from the top.

So instead of having something like this:

A lot of the "splitting of the paths" seems to be:
-underside of the tube
-top of the tube
-on top of the tube on a higher plane

That's mostly for Act 1 of Windy Hill, though. I think it's the best-realized level in terms of concept-to-execution in terms of what they wanted to do with it. So it'll be interesting to see how the rest of the game goes.

In comparison to the 3DS version in terms of movement, I feel like I have more control over Sonic in this version. Despite the fact that he runs much slower than the 3DS version, he feels less slippery. I guess the best alternative would have been something in the middle.

Yeah, I think it's an interesting way to take on multiple paths, but it can also be done in 3D without the tube shape. Let's not throw the tubes into every Sonic game now just because it is somewhat successful.

Anyway, I wish the game had been comprised of these levels instead of sidescrolling and other minigames. If I eventually get the game it will only be to play those 3D stages.


Man..... You reeaaaaally don't understand Sonic.

I'd agree with him. The bosses are either laughably easy or ridiculously difficult. The first encounter you have with the Red guy near the end was very frustrating to me because it doesn't really portray what you're actually meant to do.

The dragon he rides on is so close to your jump height (and you parkour everything) that having to go up his tail seems unessesary. I fell off it numerous times as well because one of the middle bits you're meant to home on wouldn't home on like the others.

Not to mention having to "charge up" your Homing shot to push him off. You never have to do that anywhere else, why would it here? If anything, you'd kick him off with the kick button!

I'm currently stuck on his horribly long final level because I keep getting killed by his giant form, because his fireball destroys areas which aren't even part of the things they hit! It's stupid! Plus the first couple of times I did the level I didn't understand that I had to bounce back those blocks because you never, ever do that in the level. You only hint is that he does it to you just prior, but usually bosses do things you can't, so I (and probably a lot of others) never made the connection.
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