That zone looks a lot like that scrapped desert zone from Sonic 2. Awesome!
IIRC it's because it is.
Yeah it definitely seems to use some of the assets or very similar ones. It's not exactly the same (for instance the background's sky is a bit different), but it's very very similar. Even the shiny cacti are there.
Yeah it definitely seems to use some of the assets or very similar ones. It's not exactly the same (for instance the background's sky is a bit different), but it's very very similar. Even the shiny cacti are there.
What do you think Sega's reaction is going to be when this ends up being the best Sonic game since the Genesis? It's insultingly hilarious just how on point the feel is in this game, and it took like 20 years and people outside of Sega to do right by this character.
What do you think Sega's reaction is going to be when this ends up being the best Sonic game since the Genesis? It's insultingly hilarious just how on point the feel is in this game, and it took like 20 years and people outside of Sega to do right by this character.
Impossible it's using the same assets because that Dust Hill was just a mock up, but yeah it's based on it.
Mirage Saloon is just a reinterpretation of that stage + the fan theories about the R2 stage from Sonic CD being desert themed (that's why it was going to be in the Sonic CD remake until sega said no).
My favorite feature no one mentions is the bird pinball flippers. For some reason those struck me as really clever when I first saw the stage in the last topic, I know it's such a simple thing and the stage has a number of clever things (like the water bottle spray trails, the spinning bar chairs, the twist on the many badniks, etc.), but I don't know. I guess I find it clever since I've never thought of something like that before and flippers in games rarely are anything but flippers.
Side note: I cringe so hard my heart stops beating when I see people still using "dat"
Now if they can confirm a Sonic 3 sprite swap, GOTY
No.Wikipedia says this coming to "Microsoft Windows". Is this going to be a Windows 10 thing like Forza Horizons 3?
If loving the S3 sprite is wrong, I don't wanna be right. Best sprite, best music, best game.
It's a tremendous sprite, one of my favorite. Many smart people worked on it, the best artists.