Now if they can confirm a Sonic 3 sprite swap
as your friend, gonna pretend this post didnt happen
Now if they can confirm a Sonic 3 sprite swap
This looks great for what it is, but I'm just not very interested in a retro 2D Sonic game. I wish the 3D games had this level of thought put into them though instead of being a crapshoot on whether you're going to get a good game (Generations), a flawed game (Lost World), or complete garbage (Boom).
I'd guess it's because starting a glide gives Knuckles some forward momentum. Otherwise you might have a Sonic Adventure situation where people just spam A->A to gain momentum. Gliding is a pretty powerful tool, they probably felt like they needed to give it a downside.Looks great, just as expected.
After seeing how introduced the dash drop for Sonic, I was secretly hoping the would change a little detail about Knuckles physics (from its Sonic & Knuckles origins) that I've never liked. In particular, I've never understood why he loses all the horizontal momentum when landing on the ground if he comes from gliding (with a "crouching animation" and all).
You can see what I mean it at 0:46 in the video
I understand if you are still gliding when touching the ground you should slide and lose momentum eventually, but not when the character lands on its foot. In fact when you land on your foot without having glided (from a spring, for example), you don't lose it. And Tails doesn't lose it if he comes from fliyng either.
It makes Knuckles movement unnecessary stiff and feels counter-intuitive.
Kinda wish the music was more like Sonic 3/K. I guess we haven't heard many songs yet, but so far they're just alright to me. Seriously though, a slightly modernized genesis style fm soundtrack could have been amazing.
such a nasty gaffer
as your friend, gonna pretend this post didnt happen
If theres anything this game does right its mixing the sound of Sonic CD with actual good level design of the genesis games.
Except i feel like these gimmicks keep the flow going instead of stopping the action completely like Carnival Night zone for example.
I just strongly prefer the genesis music.
as your friend, gonna pretend this post didnt happen
It happened. It happened and I'm just gonna let it hang out there for everyone to see. You wanna hang out with me, you have to come to terms with the fact that I'm a Sonic 3 Sprite Supporter. Face fax
This feels like the game I've waited two decades for...
Mania just seems to be going more for a Sega CD/Saturn vibe. Like what would happen if Sega continued the Genesis formula on later platforms?
boyz pls
as your friend, gonna pretend this post didnt happen
Wut, so far I prefer he Sonic3&K sprites to this. The music while great it just doesn't sound "genesis" enough and too much Sonic CD
Damn right. Sonic 3 sprite is the GOAT. It's the one thing keeping this game from perfection.If loving the S3 sprite is wrong, I don't wanna be right. Best sprite, best music, best game.
It's a tremendous sprite, one of my favorite. Many smart people worked on it, the best artists.
Wut, so far I prefer he Sonic3&K sprites to this. The music while great it just doesn't sound "genesis" enough and too much Sonic CD
That's because Taxman acknowledges the truth about Sonic CD being the best Sonic art and music wise.
And maybe because they want Mania to be like Sonic 4 on Saturn.
Mania's not bad here though. Probably 2nd best. It's clearly based on Sonic 2's sprite, but with nicer shading. Not sure about his color change. I wonder what it would look like darker.
I think he's talking more about the style of music and not the tech behind it. Though the saturn could do fm synthesis like the genesis. We really have no idea what a saturn sonic game would sound like.
Mania's sprite needs smirk and a darker blue tone. But it's great nevertheless
That's because Taxman acknowledges the truth about Sonic CD being the best Sonic art and music wise.
And maybe because they want Mania to be like Sonic 4 on Saturn.
Damn, seeing them all side by side makes me hate the new shade of blue even more. Way too light.![]()
Mania's not bad here though. Probably 2nd best. It's clearly based on Sonic 2's sprite, but with nicer shading. Not sure about his color change. I wonder what it would look like darker.
I think he's talking more about the style of music and not the tech behind it. Though the saturn could do fm synthesis like the genesis. We really have no idea what a saturn sonic game would sound like.
They're white washing Sonic!
Christ Almighty these levels are huge.
I'm talking Marble Garden huge.
You know what I just noticed?
Kinda wish the music was more like Sonic 3/K. I guess we haven't heard many songs yet, but so far they're just alright to me. Seriously though, a slightly modernized genesis style fm soundtrack could have been amazing.
Well, they didn't really use that style of music for sonic 3 and knuckles.
Or, if I'm remembering right, the rest of the series?
I really don't get this obsession with the absence of pits. Certainly, unavoidable pits or places that are unclear whether they are pits are not a good thing, but standard pits that just happen to be obstacles on your path are absolutely fair and fine practice in platformers and even in old Mega Drive Sonics they exist (particularly in the flying stages).
Yeah I didn't care for it, the visuals are already beautiful you don't have to mess them upwhat is this disgusting obsession with grey detail destroying screendoor filters thats on half the videos???
I really don't get this obsession with the absence of pits. Certainly, unavoidable pits or places that are unclear whether they are pits are not a good thing, but standard pits that just happen to be obstacles on your path are absolutely fair and fine practice in platformers and even in old Mega Drive Sonics they exist (particularly in the flying stages).
what is this disgusting obsession with appyling grey detail destroying screendoor filters on the videos???
The fact that this game is even coming out at all is a minor miracle with the amount of freedom the guys behind this game have got its like Sonic is going back to his 1991-1992 roots! Otherwise Sega don't even let anyone get this level of freedom so to speak on other franchises that could do with a re-launch ie a new shinobi in the vein of the classic 1993 original..Another Daytona/Scud-race/Golden Axe..
Tails takes a nap when you aint moving and is hella shook when Sonic decides to move again
I really don't get this obsession with the absence of pits. Certainly, unavoidable pits or places that are unclear whether they are pits are not a good thing, but standard pits that just happen to be obstacles on your path are absolutely fair and fine practice in platformers and even in old Mega Drive Sonics they exist (particularly in the flying stages).
I love CRT effects but I don't think those filters come across well in youtube videos.what is this disgusting obsession with appyling grey detail destroying screendoor filters on the videos???
Holy shitTails takes a nap when you aint moving and is hella shook when Sonic decides to move again
Tails takes a nap when you aint moving and is hella shook when Sonic decides to move again