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Sonic Mania |OT| Dreams Come True


Batteries the CRISIS!
Man and I thought I was having a hard time after taking 5 tries to get the 4th one.

I got the first emerald on my fourth try, and I think I've tried the second emerald twice without success. I am indeed having a hard time with it.

Anyone else feel some input delay on the Sonic 3 bonus rounds? Particularly when the speed gets really high, turning can be too sluggish and delayed that my mistakes come from not being overtly early on hitting the button rather than something actively going wrong.

Keep in mind that Sonic runs on a grid in the bonus stages. Each line on the big sphere is essentially a track, and Sonic sticks to the tracks. You don't freely turn, you turn when the next track comes up.


Batteries the CRISIS!
For all the folks having trouble
bouncing Silver Sonic into Metal Sonic
in the Stardust Speedway Act 2 boss, I've created a handy GIF.


you beautiful bastard, thank you

So you
spin dash into the little white Sonic while it's still revving up. I had been waiting to let go of my spin dash until after white Sonic let his rip, and it was hard as hell getting him to knock into Metal Sonic.
Just downloaded this and Got through the first 5 levels. Managed to get the 1st emerald on my first try but failed on the others so I'll have to go back.

Just want to say this game is amazing. The graphics, controls, levels, level design and music are perfect so far. This is the sonic game we've been waiting for all this time.


That image of the 4 lGN dudes looking nonplussed then excited was made for zone 4. Act 1 is whatever, act 2 is incredible.

I think it's zone 4 anyway. It's
Press Garden Zone.


Muscle memory is a hell of a thing. It must have been 20 years or whatever since I last played those blue-ball special stages and I clicked right back into remembering most of the turns and weird timing on those.


Muscle memory is a hell of a thing. It must have been 20 years or whatever since I last played those blue-ball special stages and I clicked right back into remembering most of the turns and weird timing on those.

It's astonishing how clearly I remembered those patterns over the span of two decades. How can you even explain that? My memory is awful.


Are the rings extra generous in this game or is it just me.

Like the timer in longer than usual and they did it to make the bosses easier.


That image of the 4 lGN dudes looking nonplussed then excited was made for zone 4. Act 1 is whatever, act 2 is incredible.

I think it's zone 4 anyway. It's
Press Garden Zone.

I thought Act 1 was fine as far as gimmicks and level design goes, I just thought the visual design looked kinda amateurish.

And then Act 2 happened and oh man it's beautiful.
Is there a stage that lets you get to a giant ring faster than Green Hill Zone (spoiler it for folks who haven't got that far).

getting real tired of playing the first minute or so of Green Hill only to fuck up the special stage in the first few seconds lol


got the wrong hit
It says I unlocked peel out and the shield thing from sonic 3, but it's not actually letting me do them - any ideas?


Is there a stage that lets you get to a giant ring faster than Green Hill Zone (spoiler it for folks who haven't got that far).

getting real tired of playing the first minute or so of Green Hill only to fuck up the special stage in the first few seconds lol

There's one right at the start of
Oil Ocean act 1. Right after the fire shield drop down to the right through a hold obscured by the foreground and follow the path of fans to the ring.

Aren't you supposed to spoiler tag non-revealed zones?

That zone was revealed pre release.


Is there a stage that lets you get to a giant ring faster than Green Hill Zone (spoiler it for folks who haven't got that far).

getting real tired of playing the first minute or so of Green Hill only to fuck up the special stage in the first few seconds lol

Chemical Plant has one around 25 seconds in. Take the regular path, into the tube, choose left, then follow that path into a hidden wall. I found this one and used it to get the last 2 gems.
It says I unlocked peel out and the shield thing from sonic 3, but it's not actually letting me do them - any ideas?

You can only do it in No Save mode. There's a secret menu that let's you swap out drop dash for it.

Chemical Plant has one around 25 seconds in. Take the regular path, into the tube, choose left, then follow that path into a hidden wall. I found this one and used it to get the last 2 gems.

Beautiful. Thank you!


I do have to say that Sonic Mania, while great, still hasn't taken the title of Best Sonic Game from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That game still towers above all others. Sonic Mania is very similar to S3&K, especially the zone transitions parts. But the story in Mania, such that it is, isn't a patch on S3&K's fairly complex plot. In a sense Mania feels like a distillation of the mainline MD games into one big orgy of Sonicness. Cracking stuff.
This game is insanely inventive. Almost to the point that it hardly leaves time for you to breathe. I'm not sure whether I like it more than S3&K yet but it's certainly close


Junior Member
I do have to say that Sonic Mania, while great, still hasn't taken the title of Best Sonic Game from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That game still towers above all others. Sonic Mania is very similar to S3&K, especially the zone transitions parts. But the story in Mania, such that it is, isn't a patch on S3&K's fairly complex plot. In a sense Mania feels like a distillation of the mainline MD games into one big orgy of Sonicness. Cracking stuff.
S3&K's plot wasn't that complex. Knuckles gets duped into fighting Sonic, they later realize that they have a common enemy, defeat Eggman, the end. It's a bit more than "Defeat Eggmam", but still.


I dont understand how to properly beat PGZ Act 1 boss

I just keep taking hits and jumping on him while invincible for those few seconds

Just hide behind the darker colored boxes so he hits it, his saw or whatever it is will be destroyed and you have a window to hit him before a new one appears.


Woo man. They did Chemical Plant justice.

Everything from the music remix, the new mechanics in Act 2, to the final boss.

Well worth the money so far.
It's been a long time since I played a Sonic game, and playing this has made me realize how unique the games are in terms of structure.

Like having large, explorable levels where you can't possibly see everything in a single run, requiring multiple playthroughs. I can't think of any other platformers that do that.

Also the fact that there are frequent points of no return, and making mistakes sends you off on alternate paths against your will and there's no way to go back. It's certainly a unique design choice.


Man I love technology.

I am traveling in Tokyo and saw the reviews of this game. Super interested to play. Pop out my Switch and go to eShop. Download Sonic Mania. Minutes later and I am playing the game while browsing GAF in my hotel bed.
This game's level design is sooo CD-labrinthy. Its more Sonic CD 2 than it is Sonic 4 (if that makes any sense)

Pretty awesome. SCD had its fair share of detractors, wonder how they're feeling about this game

Also, anyone else get a Sonic Crackers feel from this games art style?

Guess Who

Deeply appreciate the humor of
making Splats - the bunny badnik that was cut from Sonic 1 - literally splat ink in Press Garden Zone


This game's level design is sooo CD-labrinthy. Its more Sonic CD 2 than it is Sonic 4 (if that makes any sense)

Pretty awesome. SCD had its fair share of detractors, wonder how they're feeling about this game

Also, anyone else get a Sonic Crackers feel from this games art style?

The level design in this game is leagues better than the crap in CD.
As I figured would happen, my friend is absolutely digging this title. He's raving about it on Twitter...I don't know if I'll be able to talk to him for the next few days because of Sonic Mania...lol


I'm so glad I beat it in one sitting. The feels from the art direction, music and rapid game flow was unreal. Been a while since i've felt such an adrenaline rush like this.

Highlight zones for me were
Studiopolis, Chemical Plant, Stardust Speedway, Mirage Saloon and Metallic Madness.
Just finished the first four zones. The amount of detail and creativity on display here is amazing. I can tell a lot of love went into this one. If the quality holds up this may just be my favorite 2D Sonic game.

Yeah, I've just cleared the first four zones as well and its pretty much exactly what I've always wanted from a Sonic sequel - large levels but it doesn't have bottemless pits everywhere, rather tons of alternate routes. It'll take ages to explore even half of them! The soundtrack is absolutely brilliant and the returning zones don't hurt the game at all, in fact with them being changed (arguably improved in some ways) I'm probably enjoying the game more as getting to play new spins on classic games is excellent.

One question though (just want a number), but out of interest how many zones are in the game?
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