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Sonic Mega Collection Plus, PlayStation 2... $19.99: Sega you sold one copy today ;).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I wanted to play Sonic games on the Genesis and Comix Zone (when I had a Genesis, I never bought those games) and at $19.99 having basically ~15 games to play seems like a very good deal to me.

I checked Sonic 1 and Sonic and Knuckles tonight and the emulation seems well done: loading times are minimal and the GUI of the collection is pretty nice.

First, the Mega Man Anniversary Collection (Mega Man 1 through 8 plus two Mega Man arcade games and an episode of the anime) for $29.99, then the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Street Fighter 2 collection and one feature length Street Fighter OAV) for $29.99 and now Sonic Mega Collection Plus for $19.99.

Our PlayStation 2 is happy to play these AAA titles.

This kind of decisions should be supported: it gives people an affordable way (hey, better than buying each title on e-bay) to play great classics.

Ranger X

Sonic Mega Collection Plus is mine since yesterday! It's a great compile. It's worth it even if there's no Sonic CD.

I was keeping my old Genesis near me to play some Sonic games sometimes but now, no need to plug it anymore! ;)


Would you mind explaining the 'making of' movie for Sonic Heroes? I think it's just making the CG's, but that's all I'm interested in considering I have all those games [and more] in just SMC and Sonic Adventure DX :|
Comix Zone is one of the coolest games ever. I wish Sega would do a proper 3D update in the style of Viewtiful Joe. Now that would be badass.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Wyzdom said:
Sonic Mega Collection Plus is mine since yesterday! It's a great compile. It's worth it even if there's no Sonic CD.

I was keeping my old Genesis near me to play some Sonic games sometimes but now, no need to plug it anymore! ;)

I notice that there is not much degradation if any at all going to ~full-screen from the letter-boxed default screen-size (pressing R3, that is the Right Analog stick).

Music sounds very nice and the graphics do not look bad at all.

This is the alternative I wanted companies to give instead of just suing people because they emulated old games: give them a reasonably good way to play those old games again :).


All you're missing is Comix Zone, the Ooze, and half the library of Game Gear games [which are all on SADX], and the Sonic Heroes CG's, and about 12-24 new comic covers.

I hear they took out the Sonic CD animated sequence..

Ranger X

Panajev2001a said:
This is the alternative I wanted companies to give instead of just suing people because they emulated old games: give them a reasonably good way to play those old games again :).

You read my mind.


I've heard a couple of people say that the GameCube versions are more faithful to the originals.

Anyway, how do the GUI and loadtimes differ from the GameCube version? On the GameCube version, fucking outerspace stars appear every time you go to a new menu. Ugh.


Extras suck.

Nobody wants to see that Sonic Heroes crap. That game was trash.

Otherwise good. Sonic 2 is king.


I'll explain the Sonic Heroes stuff. There are 5 quick selections for it.

1)Storyboard for the intro
2)Intro in production (an unfinished intro, certain stuff just bare polygons, etc.)
3)Intro final
4)The Shadow team intro fmv in production (same deal, certain stuff with no textures. Nobody cares about this crap)
5)Shadow team intro final

That's it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Rlan said:
Would you mind explaining the 'making of' movie for Sonic Heroes? I think it's just making the CG's, but that's all I'm interested in considering I have all those games [and more] in just SMC and Sonic Adventure DX :|

I have not unlocked anything yet so I do not think I cna be of much help as far as those CG movies are concerned (there are few in the collection unlocked: two about Team Dark [a finished CG sequence and an unfinished one], some storyboard stuff, etc...).
Panajev2001a said:
This is the alternative I wanted companies to give instead of just suing people because they emulated old games: give them a reasonably good way to play those old games again :).
I wish more companies would agree :(


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Mr_Furious said:
I wish more companies would agree :(

I do too.

Hey, I did not buy them, but even the NES re-releases on GBA are better than not re-releasing a game at all and still pretend that people do not attempt at emulate those games.
Eh, I'd rather see more priority placed on compilations of games never released on consoles (or previously poorly ported) - see PSX Namco Museums, MAT1-2, Castlevania Chronicles. I have the original consoles and they (still!) play these games perfectly, with none of the silliness/inaccuracies that these collections almost always involve. Arcade PCBs are hard to acquire, use, and maintain, so let's see more collections of those.

Sure, rereleases of megahits makes the best business sense and is great for the lazy (both publishers and players), but variety is key. Let's see more of it.


I hope SEGA go all crazy and release some decent multi-packs for the DS. That extra heigh will make ports looks a little better than on the GBA.

They should make a SEGA Disney Compilation. Castle of Illusion, Land of Illusion, World of Illusion, Quackshot and any other SEGA developed Disney game. Add some wireless Multiplay for WOL and you're set.
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