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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II |OT| Let's Go, Friend of Friends!

And i've finished up both episode 2 and the deep mesmerizing plot component that is episode metal. Continuing on from where I left off...
*with incredible spoilers involving bosses, level designs and of course amazing plot developments!*

Oil Desert: Mostly inoffensive once again, i'm having trouble remembering much about it, Tails section was doable if clunky. I may as well just speed onto the boss and say screw him, died right at the end with the very specific final hit condition making the very slow and easy boss battle to be done once again, the worst part is I perished with the right idea, just that his feet were the wrong way round.

Sky Fortress: Act 1 sucks, end of discussion for me, so very boring even if they did try to mix things up with the idea, when the gimmick stage with he not so fun idea lasts longer than the actual platforming stages i'm not that pleased, same for bosses now I think about it.
Act 2 was much better, pretty sure I spouted "spring fortress zone" at some point on this stage leading me to summarize that there were even more springs than usual here.
Act 3 was one of the weakest so far, at times too automatic, at other times just kind of iffy really with odd design decisions.
Then we have the boss, hey lets make a boss using the crummy plane that forces you to the back of the screen as much as possible while you need to progress forward through random ass laser patterns but if you go too fast (homing attack spam of course) you may miss your chance to strike, clearly the designers knew something was up here otherwise it wouldn't be a ring fiesta but hey why fix it when you can just add rings? The final part with the head on showdown consists of such hilarity as being hit after you successfully strike the boss because the knockback whizzed you off into a sudden bird robot arrival or lazer beam, but it's okay because RINGS EVERYWHERE!

Death Egg mk2: Act 1 was challenging white park act 2 for hold right to win status, just with more screen flipping trickery. Metal Sonic was hilarious because I just pressed the win button of Tails assistance and rolled swiftly to the finish.
The final boss can suck it, it's just a mess for many reasons, Tails flight outright breaks it, you could go make a sandwich after each successful attack in the time it takes to regain control, the fact it takes so long, how about how much of a shambles it becomes for the final hit. A good concept made needlessly irritating.

Episode Metal: died once in splash hill of all places, where the hell did the bridge at the start go?!
Oh as for the rest of it it's like ep1, yup! and they don't even choose the acts with the slightly more tolerable music, boo!

For fun lets go back to my doubts about this game that left some folks here a bit bothered...
- Horrible forced Tails flying segments that will potentially gobble up your lives
- Drawn out boss battles that aren't fun
- Special stages that still suck (note: I've never really enjoyed any special stage in any sonic)
- Plenty of the worst kind of deaths, the dreaded Crush deaths.
- Most of the flaws from episode 1 still intact including the cat chorus of meowing music
- Well they don't gobble lives that much, a higher chance of death, they are forced and there's nothing much to say about them, variety I guess but not of the good kind, Tails adds to the game in a way but what he adds isn't great.
- We have a winner, bosses are poor, metal sonic isn't so bad but the rest I have zero desire to replay ever, drawn out indeed.
- Yes they do still suck, maybe not as bad as I thought they would but I almost feel like avoiding the special ring when it looms over me.
- there's numerous Crushing potential but not in the sense that they are everywhere and as cheap a trick as I feared, well except mad gear with metal sonic which is like crush central.
- Music is both better and worse at times, samples may be a bit better but still pretty poor. Spindashing and curling on slopes is still oddly detrimental to speed and the homing attack speed boost thing still messes with the flow a bit. But there are some improvements on the whole, problem is both Generations already tried their hand at this 2D stuff and in my opinion did it better so yeah no reward for trying ep2.

To wrap this up i'm going to say it's passable, stage design is still very much the land of springs and boosts, the main gripes from ep 1 are still present, bosses are a disaster but it might be a bit better than episode 1 on the whole. But after Colours and Generations I expect better.
So an Episode 3? i'd sooner they just wrap up sonic 4 here and move onto a clean slate with Sonic 5 and make that more like classic generations in gameplay.
Ep 2 is at its best for the first 3 zones and the main problems pop up in what follows them and the bosses, odds are if you've played episode 1 you know what to expect.
(yes this is a messy post, sorry)

0 HP

Are you guys mostly Modern Sonic fans? A lot of these complaints with the story can work against the Genesis games too. Why did Robotnik build Scrap Brain? Wouldn't it have been more economical to reuse Scrap Brain in Sonic 2 instead of Metropolis? Why don't they mention the floating island/master emerald until Sonic 3 if its so important? I bet they just shoehorned it in at the last second for "story." Why is the 2nd to last boss in S3 one of the easiest in the game? Et cetera.

Say what you want about Sonic 4 in particular, but this is the closest I've come to enjoying Sonic in a long time. The approach isn't perfect, but I'll take this over the 3D games (I don't hate them, but they're fundamentally flawed; I'm more tired/apathetic towards them) any day. Same goes for the rest (Rush, etc). Numbered Sonic games strike a congruence between my interpretation of Sonic, and Sega's, something that hasn't coincided since I was in my early teens. I'll never expect them to top the originals (seriously, think about how good that team was), but I can enjoy watching them try.

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Are you guys mostly Modern Sonic fans? A lot of these complaints with the story can work against the Genesis games too. Why did Robotnik build Scrap Brain? Wouldn't it have been more economical to reuse Scrap Brain in Sonic 2 instead of Metropolis? Why don't they mention the floating island/master emerald until Sonic 3 if its so important? I bet they just shoehorned it in at the last second for "story." Why is the 2nd to last boss in S3 one of the easiest in the game? Et cetera.

The joke

your head
Are you guys mostly Modern Sonic fans? A lot of these complaints with the story can work against the Genesis games too. Why did Robotnik build Scrap Brain? Wouldn't it have been more economical to reuse Scrap Brain in Sonic 2 instead of Metropolis? Why don't they mention the floating island/master emerald until Sonic 3 if its so important? I bet they just shoehorned it in at the last second for "story." Why is the 2nd to last boss in S3 one of the easiest in the game? Et cetera.

Story "complaints" are simply based off the fact that before the game released the Sonic 4 website raised such questions regarding episode 2 as...
"why did Eggman build mad gear? what was he searching for in the lost labyrinth?"
I'm guessing that most of us figured this was just some very lame way to try and drum up interest in episode 2 or just to fill space on the story description and that the points wouldn't actually be brought up ever again but to my genuine surprise Episode Metal delivers the answers, not so thrilling answers that are shoved into the equation so really it just comes off kind of funny, it's basically a running joke at this point.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Good impressions, Nocturnowl. Despite that I say that I don't like it much, I still think it's passable too.

Edit: Kokonoe's impressions on the last page are good too. Agree with a lot of it.

Are you guys mostly Modern Sonic fans? A lot of these complaints with the story can work against the Genesis games too. Why did Robotnik build Scrap Brain? Wouldn't it have been more economical to reuse Scrap Brain in Sonic 2 instead of Metropolis? Why don't they mention the floating island/master emerald until Sonic 3 if its so important? I bet they just shoehorned it in at the last second for "story." Why is the 2nd to last boss in S3 one of the easiest in the game? Et cetera.

Check out the story section on the official website.

0 HP

Story "complaints" are simply based off the fact that before the game released the Sonic 4 website raised such questions regarding episode 2 as...
"why did Eggman build mad gear? what was he searching for in the lost labyrinth?"
I'm guessing that most of us figured this was just some very lame way to try and drum up interest in episode 2 or just to fill space on the story description and that the points wouldn't actually be brought up ever again but to my genuine surprise Episode Metal delivers the answers, not so thrilling answers that are shoved into the equation so really it just comes off kind of funny, it's basically a running joke at this point.

The website pretty much works in the same way the strategy guides (even the manuals, off the top of my head), worked in the 90's. It's just meant to hype up little kids. If you dug up extraneous info back then, there were all kinds of plot holes like where these games actually take place, what is the villian's name, why are there multiple chaos emeralds, etc.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
The website pretty much works in the same way the strategy guides (even the manuals, off the top of my head), worked in the 90's. It's just meant to hype up little kids. If you dug up extraneous info back then, there were all kinds of plot holes like where these games actually take place, what is the villian's name, why are there multiple chaos emeralds, etc.
We're just poking fun at it. There's no harm in doing that, is there? No one is complaining about the story.

How they wrote up the story section on the site was something we found humour in when more info about this game was released, so this is why we're poking fun at it now for reasons Nocturnowl wrote up.

0 HP

good god 0 HP get a sense of humor

why are you taking the whole story "complaints" so seriously

my god

Because for the first time in 20 years, the story isn't second hand embarrassment and you guys are complaining it isn't fleshed out enough. I'm sure they'll make another Sonic Colors game and then you can have a bunch of lame cutscenes before every boss, but keep that out of the numbered Sonics.

edit: Having a sense of humor in Sonic threads basically comes down to posting the Bioware music, reposts from that Sonic tumblr, and playing Sonic 2006; give me a break.


Hey guys, I tried out some online co-op today and the dummy I played with didnt even go for the extra life at the start of slyvania castle zone I was like "come on man" whats going on in he-

Are you guys mostly Modern Sonic fans? A lot of these complaints with the story can work against the Genesis games too. Why did Robotnik build Scrap Brain? Wouldn't it have been more economical to reuse Scrap Brain in Sonic 2 instead of Metropolis? Why don't they mention the floating island/master emerald until Sonic 3 if its so important? I bet they just shoehorned it in at the last second for "story." Why is the 2nd to last boss in S3 one of the easiest in the game? Et cetera.


qq more

Because for the first time in 20 years, the story isn't second hand embarrassment and you guys are complaining it isn't fleshed out enough. Fuck that. I'm sure they'll make another Sonic Colors game and then you can have a bunch of lame cutscenes before every boss, but keep that out of the numbered Sonics.

Holy shit, you're not listening. No one is really complaining about the story. We're all poking fun at the story description at the website. It's humor.

edit: Having a sense of humor in Sonic threads basically comes down to posting the Bioware music, reposts from that Sonic tumblr, and playing Sonic 2006; give me a break.

oh for crying out loud

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Because for the first time in 20 years, the story isn't second hand embarrassment and you guys are complaining it isn't fleshed out enough. Fuck that. I'm sure they'll make another Sonic Colors game and then you can have a bunch of lame cutscenes before every boss, but keep that out of the numbered Sonics.
Oh my goodness. Ahahaha. No one cares about the story. We just find the prose on the website used to describe it funny in hindsight.

edit: Having a sense of humor in Sonic threads basically comes down to posting the Bioware music, reposts from that Sonic tumblr, and playing Sonic 2006; give me a break.
Wait, what?

Did I miss out on this or something?
Funny thing is this game essentially does have lame cutscenes before each boss, not skippable with humour that may not be your cup of tea like Colours but unskippable boss preparation and posing that you'll have to watch every time you face them.

Yeah i'd sooner see the BBBE approach.

qq more

Funny thing is this game essentially does have lame cutscenes before each boss, not skippable with humour that may not be your cup of tea like Colours but unskippable boss preparation and posing that you'll have to watch every time you face them.

Yeah i'd sooner see the BBBE approach.
That reminds me of how I had to constantly watch the same unskippable pre-final boss cutscene in Luigi's Mansion every time I died. Ugh.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I guess the Archie tumblr or that Dumb Running sonic?
But no one really posts stuff from the Archie tumblr unless the conversation goes into that direction, which is usually when we talk about the comics anyway.

And "Sonic Runs Like an Idiot" has its own thread so no one really refers to it.


For those who have beaten the game or gotten a good idea of it from playing it, what would you rate it out of 10?
5, maybe 6. Its pretty middling even in its best moments.

Wait what?

Im so glad search works now so I dont have to put much effort into this:
sonic colors was totally unremarkable. to sing that game's praises so much you really have to be comparing it to shit. or biased. the #1 argument furries will use in defense of that game is its review scores, yet it seems sonic 4 outscored both versions of colors on metacritic.
sonic 4 is worth it at $5. dont listen to the furries, its not nearly as bad as they make it out to be.
That reminds me of how I had to constantly watch the same unskippable pre-final boss cutscene in Luigi's Mansion every time I died. Ugh.
That was King Boo in a Bowser Suit right? fortunately I never died against him but this reminds that Boolossus was a real pain in the backside, never got the golden frame for that cowardly menace.
Hey I almost forgot there was a sequel coming, I need more footage!

For those who have beaten the game or gotten a good idea of it from playing it, what would you rate it out of 10?

6/10 I guess.
It's playable, has fun moments but it never truly breaks out of being very basic. Other recent Sonic titles have made me burst out the gaming grin, you know like when you are playing a section so great or awesome you can't help but break out in grinning joy? Episode 2 never quite has that, its stage gimmicks never blew my mind, in fact they are barely noticeable, no crazy platforming set pieces either. Ep 2 much like Ep 1 is just kind of "there", it exists, you can play it, there's some fun to be had but nothing is truly memorable about it.

0 HP

0 HP also calls anyone who doesn't like Sonic 4: Episode 1 a furry.
He seems like a real fun guy to hang out with.

You're basing whether I'd be a fun guy to hang out with based on what I post in a Sonic thread? You don't think that's comes off kinda lonely/creepy?

And I'm not calling everyone who didn't like Sonic 4 a furry. Colors and S4 came out at around the same time and I think the outspoken reaction comparing those two games was very furry-like. Not just on this site, but most of the other Sonic sites too.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
For those who have beaten the game or gotten a good idea of it from playing it, what would you rate it out of 10?
5.5, maybe 6. Not bad, not very good. Flawed and middling. Like Nocturnowl said, it's just 'there', and it never really does anything significant.

An improvement over Episode 1, imo. It feels better, looks better, and in some cases, sounds better.

Fix the rolling and descending down slopes, some of the music, the level variety, the level design (ex: please stop putting boosters, springs, and bubble chains everywhere in order to state the significance of the Homing Attack when in reality you can do something different to make the HA matter), and maybe we'll have something good for Episode 3.

Also, removing the lengthy boss intros or allowing them to be skippable would be a plus.

qq more

You're basing whether I'd be a fun guy to hang out with based on what I post in a Sonic thread? You don't think that's comes off kinda lonely/creepy?
...Uh. What?

Colors and S4 came out at around the same time and I think the outspoken reaction comparing those two games was very furry-like. Not just on this site, but most of the other Sonic sites too.


0 HP

...Uh. What?


If you're going to reply, just say what you want to say instead of "????". That guy/girl was attack what kind of person I am and it seems like he/she comes on here to socialize about Sonic almost every day. Do you understand the irony there?

What the shit.

You... you don't know what furries are, do you.

Its people that have an emotional attachment to furry characters.

How come the guy in 0 HP's avatar doesn't have 0 HP? Am I a furry for noticing this?

This guy on the other hand, has no idea what they are

qq more

If you're going to reply, just say what you want to say instead of "????". That guy/girl was attack what kind of person I am and it seems like he/she comes on here to socialize about Sonic almost every day. Do you understand the irony there?

I think he's attacking you for being so oblivious to an obvious joke that has been explained at least twice. Have no idea where you get the "creepy" idea from.

edit:Its people that have an emotional attachment to furry characters.
Yeah but that has nothing to do with either game because people are judging them as a you know... A GAME?!


How come the guy in 0 HP's avatar doesn't have 0 HP? Am I a furry for noticing this?

Can't wait until he realizes I made the Star Fox 64 3D |OT|.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
How come the guy in 0 HP's avatar doesn't have 0 HP? Am I a furry for noticing this?

If you're a furry and you know it, yiff your friends (yiff yiff)
If you're a furry and you know it, yiff your friends (yiff yiff)
If you're a furry and you know it, drawing Sonic porn will show it
If you're a furry and you know it, yiff your friends (yiff yiff)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I think it's GOTY. Haters come at me!
Nah. I think it's fine that you really like the game and consider it a GOTY contender. I wish I had a GOTY at the moment.

Right now my frontrunner is a visual novel. A visual novel in front, followed by another visual novel. oh gosh.

qq more

No, the fact that people compared them isn't what was furry like, it was the arguments and logic behind it. Whether or not you agree with me, you can't be so dense as to only get that from my post.

Okay dude. What were the arguments and logic about it that made them furry? show me those posts


Only thing for me is Skullgirls, so it's either Skullgirls or that Tenkaichi 4 that's coming out.

Also seems to be a lot of people agreeing in the 6ish range, I give Episode 1 a 7, while this Episode gets knocked down to 6.

qq more

Only thing for me is Skullgirls, so it's either Skullgirls or that Tenkaichi 4 that's coming out.

Also seems to be a lot of people agreeing in the 6ish range, I give Episode 1 a 7, while this Episode gets knocked down to 6.

It better not be worse than Ep 1 because I really hated that game.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
But the VN I'm working on isn't even out yet~
Will it be out by the end of the year? :O

(And it was Hakuoki followed by Katawa Shoujo.) I forgot I played Kid Icarus for some reason, lol. Neptunia mk2's pretty decent. Lumines Electronic Symphony is good. Genso Suikoden PSP is satisfactory but really easy.

Um... uh... I dunno what else I played that I'd consider putting on the list. Edit: Graces was a 2010 game for me.

Professor Beef said:
Gosh, I don't think I've even played anything released this year. I don't even know WHAT was released this year.


It better not be worse than Ep 1 because I really hated that game.

A lot of people find the graphics overhaul, co-op multiplayer, and unique bosses as a reason it's better. For me though, a game at it's core is the most important factor. And the level design feels worse to me than Episode 1, and the bosses definitely feel worse.

Even the Special Stage does.

qq more

A lot of people find the graphics overhaul, co-op multiplayer, and unique bosses as a reason it's better. For me though, a game at it's core is the most important factor. And the level design feels worse to me than Episode 1, and the bosses definitely feel worse.

Even the Special Stage does.

Ugh, those were the things I wanted to be fixed most. I really really hated the level design of Ep 1. And the bosses too (aside from Lost Labyrinth)
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