SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #62
Song: Cyber Track Act 2
Game: Sonic Advance 3
Composer: Kenichi Tokoi
For all the flak that Advance 3 rightfully gets, it made a decent effort to mix up the usual platformer level tropes. The digital theme is still more uncommon than you'd expect in this day and age, perhaps because coming up with appropriate hazards isn't the easiest thing unless you're designing a MMBN game. Sonic played around with it three times between Advance 2, 3, and Shadow, and we got some nifty music out of it each time. Of the three Cyber Base tracks I like Act 2's arrangement in particular, but it's fun to go through all three and listen to how the music becomes progressively more unhinged. It could use the sort of instrumentation upgrade Emerald Beach got in Generations though, or the three stage 1 tracks in Mario & Sonic; like so many other Advance tracks, the organ sounds great, but the rest hasn't aged well.