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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #60

Song: Emerald Hill Zone
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Composer: Masato Nakamura
Its tone is perfect for a Sonic opener, upbeat and energetic. No disrespect to Green Hill which is a good theme itself but Emerald Hill sounds more fitting for Sonic speeding through the rolling hills.
Though the loop transition has always felt a bit off to me.

Yeah they never remix this theme, no wonder it gets overshadowed.

She kicked Sonic's ass!


Between this and Lost World I figure Sonic should just never skate again, it just doesn't end well.


That isn't the point he's trying to make.

The latter tends to happen more often than the former in this thread, really. It's just that, and as you've probably discerned from discussion in the past few pages here, people are incredibly verbose and like to discuss matters further for a few more posts and then discussion about that topic dies down until we're on-topic again.

The actual question was not the point I'm trying to make either. It was a lead-in. My point was that you shouldn't need to feel like you can't put your opinion there. There are mods and we can do something if things are getting out of hand. If people are insulting you then, they are likely going to get banned if they're spotted/reported. There are options.

To expand on my first two questions a little since you've mentioned it. They were kind of meant to see if it was a matter of someone disliking just the negative attitude folks have towards something (like Lightning) or if it's because they don't like the negative response they get. There's a key difference because, at least IMO, there's not much we can do about folks having a negative opinion itself but there is something that mods can do for just negativity thrown at someone's opinion. It's important to differentiate and if you can do so, then there's something we can to help if it's the latter.

Of course, this comes down to a personal views of mine. I can deal with negativity towards a product. It's there for some reason which can be addressed as a part of a discussion. Even if they don't change their opinion, maybe someone reading the convo will. Or at the very least, it provides a place for me to further expand and solidify my own ideas for later, more fruitful conversations. But I hate having negativity thrown at me for an opinion. It's unfounded or unnecessary or whatever. That's the stuff that can easily be dealt with and I'd try to even if it was somewhere else.

At any rate, since you guys are back to Sonic and this talk has gone on long enough. This will be my last post on it in here. If anyone wants to talk about it a bit more, please send me a PM.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Right. Let's move on. If anyone has anything else to say, like Shouta said, address it to the moderators and they'll go from there. That thread of discussion is finished in here.

Last two cents go to the moderators or posters in question via PMs that you would've wanted to address if the discussion continued.


In any case, I put off that Sonic Generations speedrunning competition we were going to have because... we're all playing something else going by my twitter feed, and discussion in here and in various threads. When it's a little deeper into Christmas, maybe we could do it? I know people were super-excited about doing it.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #59

Song: Waking Up
Game: Shadow the Hedgehog
Composition: Julien-K
Vocals: Ryan Shuck

I really liked the vibe Julien-K had going for them, like a synthier Type O Negative. They accomplished an awful lot with nothing but a good driving beat, lyrics that flow smoothly, and one or two synth lines. And like most songs that are essentially 8-bit in their complexity, this one's darned catchy.
Yeah, the synth is really good. If there's one takeaway I have for the Shadow the Hedgehog soundtrack, it's that the vocal themes are at least really good. Waking Up is one of the best ones because it's very reminiscent of 80s for me, really. Diction is good, vocal colour of the lyricist is very good.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #60

Song: Emerald Hill Zone
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Composer: Masato Nakamura
I'll preface this by saying that I've played Sonic 2 a lot. Far more often than its predecessor. I like Sonic 2 more than Sonic 1 simply because it's easier for me to speedrun as the level design is built in a way that it's easier for you to speedrun it (yes, even with slower levels like CPZ, MCZ, OOZ, etc.). At least, that's how I feel. Sonic 1 has this fast -> slow as hell -> slow/fast -> slow -> fast -> slow/fast thing going on. In any case, it's because I preferred to play Sonic 2 more than Sonic 1 that I like EHZ's theme a little more than Green Hill.

With that said, though, GHZ is easier to listen to because its instruments don't stick out as much and it's seamlessly mixed. But since you said, "Bass too intrusive," that might be why I like EHZ more. In that sense, though, GHZ is arranged and mixed better, and flows far better with the level design than we give it credit for (the doot-doots in GHZ totally remind me of the hilly landscape, at least the apexes).

Schala, how could you?!
Team Dark. :p

She kicked Sonic's ass!

I love how my AI's a speedster much like how I typically use speedster characters in video games. It makes me happy in a way.

Man, I kinda want to get that game, but I'm waiting for your review first if you do choose to make one.

interesting that they put french on only the canadian versions. it must be a completely separate design team at nintendo of canada and sony of canada. where i work, we put it on everything because we also sell to canada.
Oh, I have a huge gripe about the "Playable in French and English" portion of the boxart. You guys get pristine boxart in the States for Nintendo games, but we get this huge thing on our boxarts and it essentially ruins the boxart for me. For some reason, it seems exclusive to 3DS/DS games because I don't have a Wii or Wii U game with it on there.

That thing ruined my DQ boxarts. I mad.

OMG Aero

Oh, I have a huge gripe about the "Playable in French and English" portion of the boxart. You guys get pristine boxart in the States for Nintendo games, but we get this huge thing on our boxarts and it essentially ruins the boxart for me. For some reason, it seems exclusive to 3DS/DS games because I don't have a Wii or Wii U game with it on there.

That thing ruined my DQ boxarts. I mad.
If you think that's huge, it's a good thing you don't live in Germany:

I want to say there have been cases where I've seen that on a UK box along with our rating, but I can't find any examples so I might be remembering wrong.


well people, if that's how this is going to go down, i'll be moving on to this thread. if there's another platformer-centric one, please feel free to point me to it.

i just don't have much to contribute to sonic the hedgehog on a regular basis, so i guess i'm out. was a pleasure talking with you all.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
well people, if that's how this is going to go down, i'll be moving on to this thread. if there's another platformer-centric one, please feel free to point me to it.

i just don't have much to contribute to sonic the hedgehog on a regular basis, so i guess i'm out. was a pleasure talking with you all.
Well, I think we'll still keep on keeping on in this thread with respect to platformer talk. I don't think there's a way to prevent it, and it's a natural flow of conversation because we do compare Sonic to other platformers on a consistent basis.

So still feel free to talk about platformers in this thread, because I--and everyone else--truly do appreciate your insight in here. And you do come in here to blow off steam, so continue to feel free doing that in here too.

Additionally, we'll make an effort to post in that thread, too.

Essentially what I'm saying is, "don't leave."

If you think that's huge, it's a good thing you don't live in Germany:
Oh yeah, that thing destroyed my Xenoblade boxart. Yikes.


I want to say there have been cases where I've seen that on a UK box along with our rating, but I can't find any examples so I might be remembering wrong.

You're right, it happens when Nintendo does bundles/special editions of games so they can save costs by using the same package in all the European territories.


In any case, I put off that Sonic Generations speedrunning competition we were going to have because... we're all playing something else going by my twitter feed, and discussion in here and in various threads. When it's a little deeper into Christmas, maybe we could do it? I know people were super-excited about doing it.

That would be delightful. I'm really looking forward to it.

Green Hill Zone is good, maybe even objectively better, but I prefer Emerald Hill. I'm in love with that bouncy, twangy bass.

Agreed, it's easily one of my favorite tracks from the series.


well people, if that's how this is going to go down, i'll be moving on to this thread. if there's another platformer-centric one, please feel free to point me to it.

i just don't have much to contribute to sonic the hedgehog on a regular basis, so i guess i'm out. was a pleasure talking with you all.

I said I was done with the thread but one last time.

Discussions will wander, that's fine. But the talks shouldn't be focused only on other games. As Schala points out, Sonic being compared to other platformers is invariably going to happen and that kind of discussion is fine because it's still related to Sonic. It's just when you forget about Sonic and discuss other games without him that it is undesirable. If that comparison talk leads to asking how another game is that's fine too. Just don't continue on for several pages therefore changing the most recent posts to all X game series or whatever. You don't need to contribute about Sonic directly but you should try snag on to threads and connect it to him.
I don't know if we can stop you from leaving Anihawk, but at the very least please feel free to stop by anytime since you're more than welcome in the thread.


Schala has an unfair advantage against Sonic since she lives in the snow. =P

BHZ Mayor

I hate to continue this conversation, but I honestly don't see why this is an issue. It seems like you're asking us to take all the good discussions into a place where the games we typically discuss (i.e. platformers and JRPGs) here are already largely ignored or looked down upon (usually for being "outdated" or "too gamey"), where they will be passed over in favor the weekly "let's freak out because this game isn't HD enough", "lol Wii U sales" or "grrr game journalism" threads, or attacked because a poster "wrote an essay" or is "bringing negativity in the thread", all because said discussions don't pertain to Sonic.

I just can't see this sort of sudden moratorium doing anyone any favors. Just like how the "no thread whining" rule didn't lessen the amount of bad threads, or how the "cunt" ban didn't make the forum any more welcoming (I'd argue that one made the place worse tbh).

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Can we get to a new page now

I hate to continue this conversation, but I honestly don't see why this is an issue. It seems like you're asking us to take all the good discussions into a place where the games we typically discuss (i.e. platformers and JRPGs) here are already largely ignored or looked down upon (usually for being "outdated" or "too gamey"), where they will be passed over in favor the weekly "let's freak out because this game isn't HD enough", "lol Wii U sales" or "grrr game journalism" threads, or attacked because a poster "wrote an essay" or is "bringing negativity in the thread", all because said discussions don't pertain to Sonic.

I just can't see this sort of sudden moratorium doing anyone any favors. Just like how the "no thread whining" rule didn't lessen the amount of bad threads, or how the "cunt" ban didn't make the forum any more welcoming (I'd argue that one made the place worse tbh).
I... have to agree somewhat. The intent is not to stifle discussion at all, but the thing is, putting moratorium on certain aspects of discussion actually does stifle discussion and doesn't let the thread naturally flow as it has been doing.

It goes back to the point Alberto was making last night with respect to an influx of posters in community threads (and I know it has been happening because I look at nearly every single community thread on this site even if I don't post in it, people have told me, and a lot of people have merely taken to Twitter or other sites to express their thoughts or keep in touch with other GAF members with whom they've shared a connection). It's not something you can stop or try to put preventative measures in place for because some people may feel like they are being stifled and might just leave regardless of the well-intentioned suggestions.

...which is what almost happened, though I'm not alluding to me. I won't deny that I was contemplating leaving last night, either, because I do feel like I'm partially to blame for what happened. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you felt that way, and I wouldn't blame you for feeling that way. But I won't.

I'm trying to keep level-headed about this, but considering I'm a little personally (and somewhat emotionally) invested in this, I am not the best person to moderate this discussion at all because I am going to take a side due to my personal bias. I've said time and time again that this thread and this community was important to me because it's the very first community that I felt was welcoming back when I joined the site and was too shy to participate in any other thread. It's not a community that I'll easily abandon.


I didn't know the "No fun allowed" image was from a Sonic comic. :O

Er, yeah. I can't find the issue it's from offhand, but the first couple years of the comic are absolutely loaded with cornball sign gags and terrible puns, and Swatbots in particular are fountains of hilarity. Mike Gallagher had a gift for writing that sort of stuff.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
is this thread just gonna have to become awkward sonic photos tumblr reposts

because I can make that happen
I'll allow this until the next page.

Go nuts.

You may also use the tumblr with all the Ron Lim drawings because we all love those and I can use another laugh today.
Bought a Vita today. 3G + 8GB memory card for $169 was way too good to pass. Gonna get All-Stars Racing this Friday, too.

What the fuck, I got the exact same stuff (3G + 8GB + ASRT) last week and paid $220. :/

I'll allow this until the next page.

Go nuts.

You may also use the tumblr with all the Ron Lim drawings because we all love those and I can use another laugh today.

Don't mind if I do.

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