He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Sonic 1 is my favorite for that and other reasons.
But what if I do dislike both boosting and spindash?
But what if I do dislike both boosting and spindash?
And that's my 2nd favorite!Sonic CD?
I also feel like it encourages lazy stage design and strays rather far away from what made the original game so unique control-wise in the first place.It makes everything so much more convenient, and faster, and accessible.
I also feel like it encourages lazy stage design and strays rather far away from what made the original game so unique control-wise in the first place.
so I've been making my way through all the Sonic platformers since maybe Generations' debut trailer, just for fun. gonna sum up my findings here so far...
Better than Sonic Colors:
Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3K
Sonic CD
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic 06
Sonic Advance
Sonic Generations
all Master System/Game Gear Sonics
Sonic Jump
Sonic Heroes
Worse Than Sonic Colors:
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic 4
Sonic Rush/Rush Adventure/Colors DS
ViewtifulJC's favorite game
Astrosanity's favorite game
Still need to (re)play:
Advance 2
Advance 3
Sonic Battle
Sonic 3D Blast
Shadow the Hedgehog
Black Knight (lol fuck)
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Shadow is next. I'll be making a LTTP on that one. Expecting it to be really, really bad. Probably worse than Colors.
I can't wait for my Sonic boooook!
This thread's fun?
I expected Crime Grumps, amazing way of twisting the events into something else entirely.
I don't even like Golden Axe but the opening stage remix for Adder's Lair is bloody fantastic, nothing in the game pumps me up more, it also helps that the track is one of the very best as well.
I don't even like Golden Axe but the opening stage remix for Adder's Lair is bloody fantastic, nothing in the game pumps me up more, it also helps that the track is one of the very best as well.
Nakamura's drawing:Go ahead!
Unironically this.What's everyone's favorite track from Sanic & Autobots Transformers?
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Music- Panzer Dragoon Stage
I really liked this one and it makes me want to try out the game this comes from. Nice and relaxing.
Oh God... ;____;I'm not even sure where to begin, i'm tackling some of it right now (so many links, choice paralysis!) and the rest in the morning since it's getting late, safe to say you've gone and outdone yourself in content, tomes indeed!
Now all you've got to do is get cracking on those GotY write ups, ohohohoho!
I just stumbled into the most unexpected FF theme with worlds collide, safe to say this whole selection is more than meets the eye.Oh God... ;____;
I didn't commit myself to voting for GotY in the thread yet so we'll see if I end up doing one. I'd like to, but I'm still in the middle of a bunch of games from 2012. I haven't even cracked into Dragon's Dogma yet.
Well, I hope you're enjoying some of it. I spent two days on it, lol. Just read the Crazy Bus award and we'll be good.
I'm not gonna do a post in the GOTY thread. I'm experiencing most of the years games early this year. Currently playing Far Cry 3.
Besides, the winner will be XCOM or The Walking Dead, either of which I'm more than happy with.
Oh, man at least click on these two Nayuta links!Really tempted to click every link the Nayuta part, but I want to remain oblivious to it on the very slim chance I get a chance to play it someday. I hate having music spoiled for games I have some intention on playing.
Everything else is (unfortunately) free game though! Clicking all the links.
my fingers kind of hurt right now but i'll do this later.Well here's my review, let me know if there are any areas I can improve in, especially in the writing or grammar.
...I just stumbled into the most unexpected FF theme with worlds collide, safe to say this whole selection is more than meets the eye.
I read the crazy bus award, listened to the choice, wondered why I have an immunity and i'll now gift you with this special treat.
This is my problem, though. A lot of the stuff I want to vote for won't exactly make GAF's top tally. Though I'd love to talk about them.Oh boo Sonic Gaf, you're letting me down, on the other hand I can now take the glory for myself, the glory of making a big kind of pointless list that will make no difference due to the current front runners.
I got one of those for Mario now.
This would be the safest game to bring over outside of SC if they feel like bringing something newer. It's ... pretty verbose, though. More verbose than I thought it was going to be when I started playing it.why can't I play this in a language I know
xseed pls![]()
Your Vita got stolen? That sucks!I know that I missed out on some of this year's best by not having a 3DS or a Vita (well, I did have one of those, until it was stolen), so my vote will basically just be a list of western titles. Oh well.
So, uh, I was looking at the HOLD RIGHT TO WIN video, and I was wondering whether or not any of the games ever facilitated that sort of thing outside of the first zone. I know the newer games tend to go for "HOLD UP TO WIN" tactics, but sometimes that doesn't seem like the case.
Can that be said of many of Sonic 4's stages? Hold right to bounce on a bounce pad. I'm trying to find a Splash Hill Act 1 map but Google's not being cool for me.Hot Crater Act 1 or 2 was REALLY close. I think I only non-hold right thing I had to do was jump once or twice.
And Sonic 4's White Park Act 2 was nearly as bad. You can even kill most of the enemies by just holding right thanks to the automated dash pads!
Can that be said of many of Sonic 4's stages? Hold right to bounce on a bounce pad. I'm trying to find a Splash Hill Act 1 map but Google's not being cool for me.
It's been really inconsistent, it's like they just decide to make bad games whenever they feel like it. I mean... Colors DS was actually not badly designed and yet... Sonic 4 and Generations 3DS happens.When was the point where Dimps started to drop the ball with regards to level design?
Gonna test this theory of yours.
This would be the safest game to bring over outside of SC if they feel like bringing something newer. It's ... pretty verbose, though. More verbose than I thought it was going to be when I started playing it.
Tried it myself. It was Hot Crater Act 1, I only had to do two jumps total. :lol
Oh, yeah, I finished Katawa Shoujo too, but it's not exactly a game.
Oh, and it's not that good either.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm just pointing out how effortless one can easily beat that act. Closest to litterally "HOLD RIGHT TO WIN".I ended up doing a few more than two and a lot of mid air tricks to either get up to a ledge or avoid a danger or two. There is a good chunk of the beginning where I didn't let my finger off the right button so I'll give you that but there is still a good amount you can do.
See, you're halfway there, this is the chance to represent those different games, the opportunity to explain why your number 1 is superior to the overall Consensus, this is what we all strive for, do you think those soundtracks we voted for have a chance in the face of the front runners? (well one of mine is likely up there but anyway...) never but we we pushed ahead anyway, that's what it means to be an extraordinary Gaffer.This is my problem, though. A lot of the stuff I want to vote for won't exactly make GAF's top tally. Though I'd love to talk about them.
Probably other stuff I'm forgetting about, but otherwise, yeah... my list differs from a lot of people's. :|
I'd put Tales of Graces f on there but I played it in 2010. >_<
I had a GotY post, but I lost the will to go full force on it. Mark of the Ninja aint winning anything anyway