So after all of this time, what is Sonic GAF's final consensus on Generations?
So after all of this time, what is Sonic GAF's final consensus on Generations?
Sticking by my impressions in this thread:So after all of this time, what is Sonic GAF's final consensus on Generations?
Reposting what I said in... er, one of the Generations threads:
"I've finally decided that Generations complements Colours rather nicely. There are a few things I didn't like about Generations (and to be honest, after going back and playing a bit of Colours and then Generations, I like Colours a little more for reasons I'll get to later this week). But all-in-all, Generations is a pretty good platformer. The Classic level designs and Modern level designs work very well with their multiple pathways and platforming elements. Not to mention the fanservice with the cutscenes, attention to detail in the levels, the music, and the included levels.
"After replaying many levels for red rings, I think that the Modern levels' fun comes from trying to memorize and discover newer and faster routes in order to attain the best time and rank (plus get red rings). The levels aren't as balanced as Colours' levels, but after you try to work on perfecting the Modern Sonic levels' playthroughs, I've started to ignore the imbalance with regards to platforming and behind-the-back play (what I mean by "imbalance" is the fact that some of the behind-the-back sections felt somewhat like filler while in comparison to Colours, there was a reason for the behind-the-back play even though the majority of stages were done in 2D perspective in that title). The Classic Sonic portions, I suppose, were to complement the behind-the-back perspective of the Modern Sonic portions, but I guess what the game lacked was cohesion and fluidity in comparison to Colours. However, Modern Sonic's drifting in Generations is way better than the Colours' drifting, that's for sure.
"As I finish up the plat, I'll probably think about the game's mechanics a little more, but overall, I really enjoyed it! I thought it was a must-play. It's a very good effort on SEGA's behalf. It isn't crappy like Sonic 2006 or Shadow the Hedgehog. It's legitimately good like Colours was."
I prefer Sonic Colours, however. I know people say that in a lot of ways, due to the wisp powerups, it's less of a pure Sonic experience, but I liked the level setups, presentation (ie: audio, visuals, narrative) and 2D sections a little more than Generations. It has more of a cohesive world, nice atmosphere (including music, Eggman's PA announcements and gorgeous scenery) and a better final section than Generations did.
Generations, however, has a lot nice Modern stage design. It's extremely satisfying to find all the different paths in the behind-the-back perspective, and really fun to run those routes again and again to clock the best time. The modern mechanics work very well in this game as well. I kind of miss swimming (and maybe the double jump but I don't think it's needed here, plus it was a little awkward in Colours sometimes) a bit, though. I also can't help but to feel the final segment of the game was rushed. I didn't really like how Planet Wisp was executed in terms of the Wisps (Classic's Sonic's Spikes, in particular), and the final boss... well, I've griped about that for a while.
Thus I think they both go nicely together hand-in-hand, though I prefer Colours slightly more than Generations.
Old, but I hear we're talking about Metal Gear and BAH BAH
Anyway, Kazooie beat, Tooie started. I dunno, that boss fight wasn't really that hard, although I suppose finding the time to duck and shoot the eggs necessary to win was a pain in the ass - got hit so many times there. Fortunately, since I'd 100%'d the game beforehand, I got access to something that doubled my health for me, which is good, because I ended the fight with 2/16 honeycombs. Ultimately, though, my only deaths were falling off the castle like a dunce.
What was really bizarre was that I merely cleared the board game, then Gruntilda was like "oh, fie, have Tootie back then, I'm running up these stairs, btw here's the credits roll". And I got Tootie back and a credits roll, without it being a prank on her part. Which was really weird, since I knew there was a boss fight with her that hadn't happened yet. The game did lampshade it - credits finish, Banjo, Kazooie, Mumbo and Bottles are tanning outside Banjo's house, then Tootie said "what are you doing? Gruntilda got away!" But... well, she gave Tootie up! Why would I have to kill her at this point? Isn't that just adding insult to injury? I'm assuming that if I hadn't 100%'d the game before facing her down, none of that would've happened, making the fight make more sense, plotwise...
Anyway, Tooie. Using Kazooie like a gun in a FPS is actually really amusing. I can't imagine this segment controlled well in the original N64 version, but the XBLA version has Halo-style twin stick controls, which work just fine.
Also, please tell me the Gray Jinjos don't stay dead
...I just looked it up, they do![]()
Yeah it's a dumb title.I don't want "As You Truly Imagined It" on the OT title, Beef. Come on, keep it simple. Either of those titles are great without that bit.
Is it safe to admit that I don't even get the reference/joke for As you truly imagined it?
If anything, Sciz will be happy with the OP because I'll have finally replaced all of the dead links in the music section.
Sorry about that, btw. :x
Play on Easy, play as Axel, spam Grand Upper (→→B) a lot.I should try and force myself through that game to appreciate its soundtrack more, but i'm absolute cack at it.
Oh I see.Sega's infamous PR line for Sonic 4 Episode 1.
Uninspired levels, homing attack, dying cats and rush physics is how we truly imagined Sonic 4 after all.
I'll keep this in mind if I ever try it again, I just can't help but feel so limited in options which pretty much kills the genre for me.Play on Easy, play as Axel, spam Grand Upper (→→B) a lot.
Throw enemies behind you to hit enemies sneaking up on you from afar, or hold C and hit B to do a backwards jab.
Same button combo throws weapons you're holding, for a ranged attack.
If you want to be almost guaranteed the enemies you're attacking will be in a stunlock, you can jump into them and attack while holding ↓ (if you forget to hold ↓, you'll be guaranteed that they'll get knocked onto their backs, instead, which makes them take longer to KO).
Hold ↑C if somebody throws you, and you should be able to land on your feet and take no damage. This doesn't apply to suplexes, though!
Also, there's an extra life right at the beginning of the game, hiding behind a sign; likewise, there's an extra life hiding behind the truck in Stage 2 immediately after you exit it.
That's the advice I've got, really. It's a fun game, probably my favorite beat-em-up; the soundtrack plays no small part in that.
So after all of this time, what is Sonic GAF's final consensus on Generations?
For the record, |OT2 Battle| was the winner in the poll. If you guys want a different title, then you better come to a consensus fast, because I'm making the thread in 2 hours.
There was a poll?
If we ever have an OT4, we'll probably use the |ACT|. So many things we could possibly do with it.I guess we'll never have |ACT|
damn you sequel names!
Yuzo Koshiro.I know SonicGAF likes to talk about video game music so I might as well mention that I heard some tracks from the Streets of Rage 2 OST on a stream I was watching in the downtime, having never really experienced anything from the game before. Holy crap that shit is kickin'.
I haven't played Maverick Hunter X / Powered Up in soooo long. Shame, because I have Conception in my PSP and I have it on continuous suspension...Got Megaman Maverick Hunter X free from PS+, lemme see if I can actually beat one of these bosses.
If we ever have an OT4, we'll probably use the |ACT|. So many things we could possibly do with it.
Huh, 12 people voted.
Yuzo Koshiro.
I haven't played Maverick Hunter X / Powered Up in soooo long. Shame, because I have Conception in my PSP and I have it on continuous suspension...
If it's for free on PS+ and Vita-compatible, I might double-dip.
Fun fact: Powered up and Maverick Hunter X sold more when released in the US than when they were released in Japan.
Capcom proceeds to say that westerners don't care about Mega Man.
It would be more perfect if I could play as Heat Man and Air Man, have a more robust stage creator and of course fixing the whole crash bomb and turret boss.Thought it was cray cray they never made Powered Up 2. Though I guess that's perfect as is, whereas Mega Man 1 is... yeah...
Both Mega Man remakes bombed and it's probably because of the fact it's on the PSP. Nearly every Mega Man fan I know didn't get the games simply because they didn't want a PSP.
gj Mega Man fans for the support![]()
Puke. I really don't like Tails's vocal song in SA.One of the best tidbits of info in the history of Sonic book was me finding out that Koshiro was responsible for the Sonic 1 MS soundtrack, then it told me bridge zone was remixed for Tail's campy lyrical theme in SA and my mind was sort of blown.
Rockman DASH/ロックマンDASH 鋼の冒険心, right? let's see... Oh no... Garaph doesn't have info about it. Weird. Where did I get the Suikoden PS1 sales numbers from, then? I don't think I remember.qq more said:Yep! Capcom is fucking full of shit. I think the only Mega Man titles that sells better in Japan are the RPG ones... I think?
Great! Let me finish up this chapter in Time Travelers (it has an auto-save so I can't save in-between, I don't think), and I'll grab it. Thanks.PhantomOfTheKnight said:That's how I got it, but I'm too preoccupied with Bomberman '94 and Bentley's Hackpack at the moment.![]()
It would be more perfect if I could play as Heat Man and Air Man, have a more robust stage creator and of course fixing the whole crash bomb and turret boss.
I'd sooner blame Capcom than the fans for banking on people buying new hardware for two remakes for a series that they had lose its lustre over time if anything.
Hell their other early titles were just more remakes and ports, good old Capcom and their test games.
Talking about the RPG games like Battle Network.Rockman DASH/ロックマンDASH 鋼の冒険心, right? let's see... Oh no... Garaph doesn't have info about it.
Going by logic, I guess it sold better in Japan.
Those definitely sold better in Japan.Talking about the RPG games like Battle Network.
MMBN4 single-handedly killed the popularity of the MMBN games.
Good god was that game TERRIBLE
Some people can't read Japanese. >.>Schala, did you really just type out both of the Japanese names for Mega Man Legends?![]()
I'm genuinely sad I never played those. I should probably pick them up whenever I can.Noi said:Starforce not doing as well always made me sad though. They were good games.![]()
Half the time GAF and I have a different opinion of a high encounter rate, lol.I only recommend Star Force 1 and 3
I really hated 2 for its ridiculously high encounter rate. It made the game a chore, ugh. Oh and it introduced a really angsty rival, I hate him.
Some people can't read Japanese. >.>
If I wrote something like ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ, some of you wouldn't know that's Ocarina of Time, right?
This and Mega Man don't go together...I actually really liked 2, but partially because I didn't like how mopey Geo Stellar is at the beginning of the series with his daddy issues and all. He's over it by start of Starforce 2, so I just watched the animated version of 1 to catch up on the plot.