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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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Richard Jacques is another person who shouldn't be let anywhere near a Sonic game.

And sacrifice this? I think not.

Really been into reading the Archie Comics lately. Started at 13 a few months back (A friend of mine has a huge ass collection) and I'm at issue 52 at this point.

The first 12 that you missed are better than the next 120 or so you have to suffer through before it picks up again, FYI. And god help you if you delve into the Knuckles spinoff.
The first 12 that you missed are better than the next 120 or so you have to suffer through before it picks up again, FYI. And god help you if you delve into the Knuckles spinoff.

I think I'm just going to seek out the Sonic Archives books for the really early issues. (I actually do remember reading the Knuckles comics when I was younger, too. I recall the first few issues being okay, and then it just got really confusing from there on out)

Is there any point near where I'm at where I can stop and just skip straight to where Flynn took over, or can I just do that now?
Richard Jacques is another person who shouldn't be let anywhere near a Sonic game.

Prosecution submits Sonic R as Exhibit A.

IIRC, he was tasked with creating a cheesy "90's pop" soundtrack by the Japanese Sonic Team. He did his job, and hell, the songs are actually pretty nice. I think it's the lyrics that most people dislike, which I don't blame them for. There was always the option to switch to instrumental versions in Sonic R.

it took me over an hour to beat Eggmanland first time around (those cheap deaths and QTEs were a bit of a pain)

My first attempt was a shocking 75 minutes. I think I only ever played that stage again once afterwards. Cheap deaths indeed, and switching between gameplay styles mid-stage was not fun.


Okay, going through the entire bad Archie Sonic art blog in one go was a bad idea. Laughing for an hour straight does terrible things to the vocal cords.

this inspired me to do the following:

Richard Jacques is another person who shouldn't be let anywhere near a Sonic game.

Prosecution submits Sonic R as Exhibit A.



Is there any point near where I'm at where I can stop and just skip straight to where Flynn took over, or can I just do that now?

The problem with just jumping straight to Flynn is that his first year or so was spent cleaning up the absolute mess the series was in at the time. And most of what he's done since still leans on characters and bits of canon from before his run, so there's no solid jump-in point where the series is free of ties to past continuity. You might be able to make the jump decently anyway, and he does try to do quick reintroductions of anything that draws on past material. My inclination is that the pre-Flynn stuff is still kind of important though, despite most of it sucking eggs.


I think I'm just going to seek out the Sonic Archives books for the really early issues. (I actually do remember reading the Knuckles comics when I was younger, too. I recall the first few issues being okay, and then it just got really confusing from there on out)

Is there any point near where I'm at where I can stop and just skip straight to where Flynn took over, or can I just do that now?

I personally started with #160; the start of Ian Flynn's run. Yes there were stuff that I was confused about, but as I kept reading the issues, the old stuff don't matter to me anymore, and I can just read up their summary on wikias, etc.


Are you sure about that? The last reported figure for Colours was up to 2.18 million based on the FY2011 report.


I mean we have a joke data from tssz that puts generations at 1.6-1.7 (Lower than Colours in a similar timeframe) million from ********, but we don't have any real data that I'm aware of.

Sonic Unleashed hit a total of 2.45 Million, and that number is, if statements are to be believed, largely thanks to the Wii version.


We'll have to see what numbers Generations manages to get to with only the traditionally weaker 2 console platforms for sales, but I'd be surprised if the manage to keep pace with Colours, and there's certainly no chance that Generations has already sold more than Colours ever will.

I've never seen those numbers. Fair enough. And if those number from TSSZ are around the right figure, surely it sold more than Colours in a similar time frame?


I've never seen those numbers. Fair enough. And if those number from TSSZ are around the right figure, surely it sold more than Colours in a similar time frame?

Colors Shipped 1.85 million in Q3 of release and then had a rather modest, but none too bad, because it shows that the initial shipment sold, 300k additional shipment in Q4 of 2010, that was the last we saw of it if I'm not mistaken.

The estimated numbers from banned website... honestly I'd be surprised if it sold that much, but I wouldn't be complaining if it did. You're right taht if they actually sold 1.6-1.7 from November through christmas that they probably sold more ina similar timeframe. Generations will undoubtedly be on the next quarterly statement, so I guess we'll see.
I'd be wary of anything TSSZ posts, honestly. Tristan, the owner of the website, has drummed up a very negative reputation around most Sonic fansites.

I mean, hell, every time he writes anything about the fangame I'm helping out with, Sonic Robo Blast 2, he makes absolutely sure to play up the drama of the original programmer, SSNTails, stepping down, despite the whole thing being fairly undramatic at all (he has a kid now, so of course he has other obligations - hell, he still pops in from time to time). Then there's the time where a bunch of fangame designers all started having a conversation in an IRC chatroom about making one giant fangame together, while Tristan was present - it was all a giant joke, but Tristan took the story and actually ran it. That's the problem in a nutshell - he's so desperate to be first with a scoop that he'll run anything, no matter how grounded in fact it really is.

Plus, he's citing a website that's banned on NeoGAF, which is in itself not a good sign.

That being said, I'm not sure where you'd obtain accurate sales for both Colors and Generations. I do recall hearing that Generations was the most pre-ordered Sonic game ever, prior to its release (there was even a NeoGAF topic to this effect), so I'd assume that Generations will end up selling more in the long run.


The thing with sales figures is that they lump console and handheld versions together, despite them being wildly different games.

And at least in the UK, Generations is beating Colors into the dirt over time.



(click for BIG)


What's the longest Sonic level? It has to be Planet Wisp Classic. Or the last level of Advance 1.

10 minutes was like the base time for any Heroes stage.
Its gotta be one of those.

EDIT- oh yeah eggmanland.
i forgot that thing


About time we're getting Triple Trouble! My parents somehow made me sell my GameGear years ago and I haven't played the game in like 15 years.
Looking forward to it.

Really looking forward to Tails Adventures, however. It tends to get a bad rap for some reason, but outside of Tails moving about two pixels a frame in general, I can't really see why - it's a very solid action-adventure title, and probably my favorite of all the Game Gear Sonic games.
But they got me an AC adapter!

This reminds me I need to buy some AA batteries for my Wii remotes. Damn Monster Hunter eating all my batteries.

So much for my theory that you were swiping them from the tv remote and other household items.
I revel in the glory of my wii remote battery pack which in fact has been getting much use recently due to Monster Hunter myself, follow the lessons learned from your Game Gear and invest in a rechargeable pack. Then again my other rechargeable wii remote battery is awful so it can go both ways.
Really looking forward to Tails Adventures, however. It tends to get a bad rap for some reason, but outside of Tails moving about two pixels a frame in general, I can't really see why - it's a very solid action-adventure title, and probably my favorite of all the Game Gear Sonic games.

I wouldn't say best (dat Triple Trouble), but I agree with you. Tails Adventure was different in a good way; the little gadgets were a blast to use (the
mini robot Tails
was my favourite) and it had some neat puzzles. I always preferred Adventures to Tails' Skypatrol, which was another Tails-only game on the Game Gear. Bizarre how he managed to get the star role in not only one, but two GG games.


Comic talk time.


Jon Gray is awesome.

Sonic #233 thoughts/spoilers:

Steven Butler finally learned how to stay on model. About time.

How does Geoffrey have a five 'o clock shadow.

And here's a wonderful example of an issue that simultaneously demonstrates how painfully convoluted past continuity is and how it's still important to the series today. And then retcons the hell out of all of it. But then this version of Geoffrey is a more interesting and dynamic character than anything Penders ever did with him in over 150 issues, so retcon away, Ian.

And then Naugus trolls everyone and wins without lifting a finger. Not gonna lie, I like having him as king. A political villain isn't something a series like this should lean on too heavily, but it's nice to have one around. I do wonder if only having one free pardon for the year is going to come back to bite him in the ass later, though.

And what in the world are you doing digging up a two-panel gag character from 217 issues ago, Ian? This could turn out cool, but I'm not at all certain we need another freedom fighter group.


Never played Riders(except for the abysmal Free Riders on Kinect).
I did just recently get Sonic Riders for the PC, so i'll be trying that out when I get the time.

I remember a long time ago I was thinking about purchasing, or making a future purchase of Sonic Riders, and some dude at Gamestop told me the game was horrible. This was during last-gen, and I don't recall the exact details though.


Wow, Steven Butler has really refined his pencil work. I always liked him but his characters used to be too "human" proportioned. Looks better now.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I wouldn't say best (dat Triple Trouble), but I agree with you. Tails Adventure was different in a good way; the little gadgets were a blast to use (the
mini robot Tails
was my favourite) and it had some neat puzzles. I always preferred Adventures to Tails' Skypatrol, which was another Tails-only game on the Game Gear. Bizarre how he managed to get the star role in not only one, but two GG games.

Tails Adventure is actually pretty neat. Completely different from other Sonic games, but still good.

Tails Sky Patrol, on the other hand, is made of pure ass and rancid shit.
Never played Riders(except for the abysmal Free Riders on Kinect).
I did just recently get Sonic Riders for the PC, so i'll be trying that out when I get the time.

I remember a long time ago I was thinking about purchasing, or making a future purchase of Sonic Riders, and some dude at Gamestop told me the game was horrible. This was during last-gen, and I don't recall the exact details though.

Like many of your average Gamestop workers, he was incorrect. The story is abysmal, sure (
genie birds, what in the fuck?
), but the game itself is pure fun. And THE MUSIC, GOD DAMN.

Metal City

Green Cave

Sand Ruins

Zero Gravity was just as fun, and the music was also pretty good, but not as memorable as the first game. Once you activated the Zero Gravity stuff, that's when the music really starts to shine.

Through Traffic

Gigan Rocks

Gadget Round


STC was the bomb. Elson was Sonic. Always liked his pencils and colouring. His Super Sonic and Chaotix was pretty boss, too.
I really enjoyed the first 2 Riders games. I suspect they got slated in reviews as they're not easy games, story mode in particular is demanding in the first Riders and it takes a little while to get used to the controls/gameplay. Most people were probably expecting a Mario Kart clone, but they're probably more akin to F-Zero.

Woo! Triple Trouble is easily the best of the GG games. And more Nack/Fang love is always good (It's about time he came back in the series!). But I already own Sonic Gems Collection so I can't imagine I'll be buying it.


I liked the mission mode in Sonic Riders the most. Gave me something to do. The power characters were way better than the speed and flight characters in my opinion.
I thought Sonic Riders was decently fun, but ultimately a missed opportunity for a Sonic racer. It's learning curve and concept was far to steep for it to become a go-to multiplayer racer (unless all your friends took the time to learn the air gauge/speed/flight/power/tricks systems of play) It was all a bit much and never really stuck with me. The racing modes in SA2/SA2:B remain the most fun I've had in a Sonic multiplayer :p

and maybe Sonic 06's 2-player vs. since me and my friend almost died laughing and screaming at what a precarious, uncontrollable, broken mindfuck trying to race eachother was.
SR the first was really fun for me—especially since learning the controls and physics model of the hoverboards wasn't that difficult for me. The tracks were well-designed and had great visual direction, the AI was decent and somewhat cutthroat, and it had so much style. Perhaps it failed to be a successful analog to Mario Kart but, stand-alone, all of the racing mechanics worked really well to solve rubberbanding and keep the races close. I also loved the nails-hard missions, dem SEGA courses, and that wondeful feeling in my left thumb after a long play session. But, yeah, conflicting experiences for all.
I never played the first Sonic Riders outside of a demo but I do own Zero Gravity which was pretty enjoyable, nothing amazing but fun anyway.
I liked the first Sonic Riders, I thought it was fun, though I kind of murdered my controllers due to those circle motion sections. Mission mode was pain, but I liked unlocking Super Sonic.

Zero Gravity wasn't as fun particularly with the Gravity control gimmick and the SEGA stages were a bit of a disappointment (I never did mission mode here).

I recently tried Free Riders...it wasn't as bad as I thought, but I won't be going back to that any time soon.

I always found it funny that in the first two games they kept in Deem Bristow's old voice recordings along with Mike Pollock's voice. I really wish they would make more stages based off previous Sonic environments, most of these in Riders feel generic.
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