After all these years, I've finally played this game. Before this game even came out, I saw all the trailers and I just didn't pick this game up because to me, it seemed like they were trying to turn Sonic into something it's not.
For a while now, I've been wanting to try this game. I didn't really know what to expect other than "That damn 4th Chaos Emerald!", and I can easily say that I dodged a bullet(nopunsallowed).
First off, this game is wrapped around the definition of edgy. From the bullet menu sounds, font, explosions, and dialogue, etc, you can easily tell what they were trying with this game. While I thought it was humorous, that's not really the issue I have with this game.
Issues with the game.
1. Movement
The movement is quite slippery, I felt like Shadow bathed his rocket shoes in butter.
2. Slow gameplay
Every single thing about the gameplay in this is slow. The running, the falling, and the jumping feels like i'm playing the game in slow-mo. When you get hit in this game, it kinda reminds me of Power Rangers, you know that part when they get hit, and everything is so slow and dramatic? Pretty much this.
3. Weapons
What's the deal with weapons being 3x+ bigger than Shadow? And they really don't add anything to the gameplay, they're just there.
4.Too much stuff going on
There really is just too many things going on, it's hard to even tell what you're doing some times.
5. The bad guy
He's like the embodiment of villains from Saturday morning cartoons.
To me, this game is certainly up there with the worst Sonic games.
"Death to all who apose me."