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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|




site deleted?

Without knowing the details, my gut reaction is that he got picked up by SEGA to work on something Sonic-related. But that's pretty unlikely even with the knowledge of Sonic Mania existing.

The site works fine for me, here's the post:

So Sage is over. Id like to thank everyone that has played and enjoyed our game and those that are still playing trying to find all the Sonic Coins. If you haven't yet check it out. The S.A.G.E. 2016 demo is on the Download page.

While I would like to thank everyone who supported our game, I am displeased to announce that this could possibly be the end of Sonic Neo Genesis. Felik the team leader has stepped down from his position as Director and Main Coder. Which means that I am now the acting leader until his conditional return to the position. The part about this that makes it game threatening is that he was the sole coder for this game. I am the sole artist for this game. Felik has sold a lot and I mean a lot of his time to this project back when it was called "Sonic Mega Drive" and he's feeling a bit burned out from all the sacrifice and effort put into this game.

What this means now is that we NEED additional team members for a full game to see the light of day. People who can Sprite and people who can code in Click Team Fusion 2.5 . A total last resort would be to port everything to another engine, but that a lone is still an issue in itself. So if to all of you out there reading this post if you have some skills as CF2.5 coder and are interested in seeing this game completed CONTACT US AND JOIN.

Also, if you've been somehow following us on Sonic Retro you no longer can. Unless Felik decides to throw Retro a bone, there will be no more updates or contact there; as I am indefinitely a trial member with no post left @ Retro. So unless they me official member there too you are out of luck.

Please contact us if you wish for this game to continue.

PS: You can find us also us/me around the SOAH forums or even the SFGHQ discord group (ask for mimicry)

He probably won't be validated on Sonic Retro btw, he kinda wasted his trial posts on large confusing rants about how Sonic Mania is a glorified fan game.


He probably won't be validated on Sonic Retro btw, he kinda wasted his trial posts on large confusing rants about how Sonic Mania is a glorified fan game.

That explains it. I wondered how someone who made their own very polished game couldn't get validated.

I wonder if there is some sort of drama. It's very strange to put the game on hiatus immediately after its biggest exposure.


Heh I played the game and beat today at work and I played with the audio low so I can't comment on it ^^;
If it helps, why not mute the game's audio and just run some other Sonic games music from your phone?

I never use alternate music. It's just something I'm averse to.


My big holdup is that I hear the music ranges from mediocre to bad.


I knew immediately what this would be.
I don't think I'll ever be more dissapointed than I was after playing Sonic Heroes. It's not a terrible game, it's just so incredibly average. It's averagedness is compounded by having to replay those average levels 4 times.

Say what you will about Unleashed and the Adventure games, at least those games have high points.

Aside from that: Am I the only one that would kill for a new version of "This Horizon" from Knuckles Chaotix? I love the original.
I forget who it was who said it (possibly you, Blaze), but someone mentioned in this or an earlier thread that Sonic Heroes got more enjoyable on harder difficulties. I wish I could find the quote.


I forget who it was who said it (possibly you, Blaze), but someone mentioned in this or an earlier thread that Sonic Heroes got more enjoyable on harder difficulties. I wish I could find the quote.

I thought it was the reverse: it's more enjoyable to play on the easiest difficulty because the levels are shorter (and thus less repetitive) and there are less enemies (which are tedious to fight).


I forget who it was who said it (possibly you, Blaze), but someone mentioned in this or an earlier thread that Sonic Heroes got more enjoyable on harder difficulties. I wish I could find the quote.

I've said on a few occasions that Super Hard Mode is the best way to play the game, in part because the tutorial dialogue finally shuts up. Shame about the unlock method, though.
I forget who it was who said it (possibly you, Blaze), but someone mentioned in this or an earlier thread that Sonic Heroes got more enjoyable on harder difficulties. I wish I could find the quote.

It was Azure Dream that said it. I've never had the guts to unlock Super Hard Mode in Sonic Heroes.

I'd second the "Sonic Heroes is maybe better on easier difficulties." Sonic Heroes suffers the same problems a lot of Sonic Team's games of that era have in that you can tell they were really struggling on how to stretch the game out. So a lot of levels have the same rooms/areas literally cut-and-pasted multiple times so they could more easily add length to the game.

But then you end up running in to levels that are 10-15+ minutes long as you near the end of the game. If you play as Team Rose, one of their levels is never over five minutes, which is as it should be.


I thought it was the reverse: it's more enjoyable to play on the easiest difficulty because the levels are shorter (and thus less repetitive) and there are less enemies (which are tedious to fight).

I agree. Team Rose's sections were always the best because you got to end the level halfway through.
Considering Team Dark feels like enough of a slog, I can't see that "tougher is better" angle playing out for Heroes, more tedious enemies to fight, woooooo...

Freakin' Tazz trying to shill those multiple playthroughs.
It's Richard Jacques, I'm pretty sure (the guy who did Sonic 3D Blast on the Saturn and Sonic R's music). They had him do some music for Shattered Crystal, but I think all they could afford (?) was one song's worth.

Make it two. Or 3. For what it's worth no one else was listed as composer in the credits to my recollection, and his influence can definitely be heard in a few other tracks. Maybe it was a directorial decision that led to the majority of it being kinda meh?
It was Azure Dream that said it. I've never had the guts to unlock Super Hard Mode in Sonic Heroes.

Super Hard Mode is indeed better, IIRC. I don't mean immensely so, but it's a step up. It's focused on Team Sonic only, there's no cutscenes, and the levels are just a bit more engaging, with a few extra clever tricks, if I remember correctly.

To be honest, though, it's been since the game came out that I played through it, so my memory of it is fuzzy.


Super Hard Mode is indeed better, IIRC. I don't mean immensely so, but it's a step up. It's focused on Team Sonic only, there's no cutscenes, and the levels are just a bit more engaging, with a few extra clever tricks, if I remember correctly.

Sounds about right. Doesn't fundamentally fix the game, but it's a collection of subtle improvements that make the moment-to-moment gameplay a more active experience, like higher enemy diversity and more light dash opportunities, with all the surrounding fat trimmed off.


Unlike Sonic, I don't chuckle.

Out of curiosity and counting the games only, did Sonic (or indeed any character other than Knuckles) at any point laugh prior to Sonic Adventure 1?

I know one of the game gear games had a dummied out Sonic laughing sprite (that was terrifying) but to my knowledge, that's it.


Out of curiosity and counting the games only, did Sonic (or indeed any character other than Knuckles) at any point laugh prior to Sonic Adventure 1?

I know one of the game gear games had a dummied out Sonic laughing sprite (that was terrifying) but to my knowledge, that's it.

Sonic 2 on Game Gear has two sprites of him laughing (second row, on the end) that explain for themselves why they were cut from the game. Other than that, I'm struggling to think of any, or find anything online.



I assume Eggman doesn't count, right

I don't even remember Eggman laughing in the games until Sonic Adventure, unless you count the laugh in the music from Sonic CD as him.

The series was wholly chuckle-less until Knuckles came along.


I don't even remember Eggman laughing in the games until Sonic Adventure, unless you count the laugh in the music from Sonic CD as him.

The series was wholly chuckle-less until Knuckles came along.

SegaSonic the Hedgehog count? https://youtu.be/p5JIN3FsXS4?t=2m40s

He also has a laughing animation (or at least what looks like one) at the start of some Sonic CD boss fights (so it's just not just the music), and sometimes in the middle of the battle as well, like here: https://youtu.be/veiCHBRH4EI?t=1m44s

I also thought that he laughed if you beat Sonic 1 without collecting all of the Chaos Emeralds, but it seems he just has a big grin on his face.
I don't even remember Eggman laughing in the games until Sonic Adventure, unless you count the laugh in the music from Sonic CD as him.

The series was wholly chuckle-less until Knuckles came along.

He laughed each time he hit you in Sonic 1. Can't remember if it happened in Sonic 2's boss fights, but he certainly laughed in the bad ending.
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