i'm starting to think Tara won't survive the season. i can't see her pulling this scheme off, and she seems to have crossed a point of no return with Jax...when he finds out.
So that leaves her:
1. Not pulling it off, being without Jax, but still in Charming for some reason
2. Or dead.
her dying would leave the kids with jax and i could see wendy getting closer to the club.
I'm getting absolutely convinced that the show is going in this direction, that the season finale will be Jax finding out about Tara's plot and showing how far he has fallen when he kills her or Wendy.
Tbh from the beginning of this thread it has been baffling that no one has realised that the MC will just kill whomever to get Jax his kids back, in particular Wendy. She was injected with Heroin by him not even a few months ago.
As others have mentioned, the plotline really falls down as it is difficult to root for people other than the MC. The characters are so centre stage, so ingrained as protagonists that everyone else comes off as a bad guy. Police working to bring down a criminal organization or a mother trying to take her kids away from a group of psychos don't seem to be the good guys that they obviously are.
Final point, really not understanding people calling this "the worst thing ever", or even calling it a bad episode. For me, this season has been a return to form for SoA, the pointless school shooting excepted.
edit: Reading the AV Club review, another thing pops to mind about Tara: Her sudden, unexplained desire to be rid of Jax. There has been nothing in their relationship to suggest that she would fall out of love with him, that she would want a divorce. It was just, last season they were happy and then offscreen Tara realises she hates Jax. Yes, one could make the argument that she sees divorcing Jax as the only way to get her kids away, but all of her behaviour implies she also wants to get away from Jax. I can't help but think this storyline would be much, much stronger if this wasn't the case. If Tara was a woman forced into choosing her husband or her kids, left with the only option of leaving the man she loves for the sake of her children, then there would be much more they could do. It would make her scheming far more likeable, given what she is doing and give the actress far more to do.