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Sony feeling the heat from MS?

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Tag of Excellence
The hell is going on in this thread.

Of course Sony is paying attention to Microsoft and vice versa. That's not even open for discussion.


Infernodash said:
Huh? MS in front of Nintendo? LOL, you're serious? Get a grip young man, nintendo is still holding down second place.

Through the miracle of the Internet, I can make ludicrous claims and be unable to prove anything!



jedimike said:
Attack of the sequels...

Halo 2
Mech Assault 2
Knights of the Old Republic 2
Ghost Recon 2

... and Blinx 2 (threw that one in for laughs) :D
I can understand the others, but Mech Assault? Yeesh! Next thing you know, Blood Wake will be considered A list. I saw Darien's post and maybe he's right, but as of now, I don't see it doing that well. Nothing like the other games mentioned at any rate.

As for Sony feeling the heat, they're still by far in the driver's seat. The next generation will tell whether anything MS has done will carry on to its next generation.


I think very few people will actually argue that Sony is not feeling any heat. The degree of heat they are actually feeling right now is as high as it's ever been this generation, imo.

The real question now is how lightly Sony will take Microsoft as a competitor for the rest of this gen and going into next-gen. Will they make a Nintendo-like mistake and let Microsoft get an even stronger foothold next gen (they already have in some ways) or will they do *everything* they can to crush them completely? As of right now, it seems Sony is not being aggressive enough to accomplish the latter.
MASB said:
I can understand the others, but Mech Assault? Yeesh! Next thing you know, Blood Wake will be considered A list. I saw Darien's post and maybe he's right, but as of now, I don't see it doing that well. Nothing like the other games mentioned at any rate.

As for Sony feeling the heat, they're still by far in the driver's seat. The next generation will tell whether anything MS has done will carry on to its next generation.

If the xbox 2 isn't BC, they're pretty much over for.
open_mouth_ said:
I think very few people will actually argue that Sony is not feeling any heat. The degree of heat they are actually feeling right now is as high as it's ever been this generation, imo.

The real question now is how lightly Sony will take Microsoft as a competitor for the rest of this gen and going into next-gen. Will they make a Nintendo-like mistake and let Microsoft get an even stronger foothold next gen (they already have in some ways) or will they do *everything* they can to crush them completely? As of right now, it seems Sony is not being aggressive enough to accomplish the latter.

PS3 - Blue Ray, BC, Cell, Colada, Open source. Just a few of the many steps to stay ahead in the game.


Infernodash said:
If the xbox 2 isn't BC, they're pretty much over for.

Haha what a douchebag.

Because when all the killer-apps come out for Xbox Next, people will refuse to buy it because it wont play old last-generation games.


Razoric said:
Haha what a douchebag.

Because when all the killer-apps come out for Xbox Next, people will refuse to buy it because it wont play old last-generation games.

Say what you will, but backwards compatibility did help the PS2, and it still does. Both PS1 and 2 owners can still buy PS1 games, a system which - although anemically - is still being supported.

And I guess if XBox 2 owners want to play Halo 1, KOTOR, or any other of the XBox Games That Actually Matter, they're going to need to shell out another $50 for a Xenon-friendly version or keep their XBox around, which should be easy given how inconspicuous it is.


xsarien said:
Say what you will, but backwards compatibility did help the PS2, and it still does. Both PS1 and 2 owners can still buy PS1 games, a system which - although anemically - is still being supported.

And I guess if XBox 2 owners want to play Halo 1, they're going to need to shell out another $50 for a Xenon-friendly version, because the super-discounted XB1 version won't work, and neither will the copy you bought when you got your XBox.

It helped PS2 in the beginning yes. But do you think people buy a PS2 now based on the fact it can play old PSOne games? I seriously doubt it. They are buying it for GTA3/Vice/SA, GT3/4, Metal Gear Solid 2/3, etc.
open_mouth_ said:
I think very few people will actually argue that Sony is not feeling any heat. The degree of heat they are actually feeling right now is as high as it's ever been this generation, imo.

The real question now is how lightly Sony will take Microsoft as a competitor for the rest of this gen and going into next-gen. Will they make a Nintendo-like mistake and let Microsoft get an even stronger foothold next gen (they already have in some ways) or will they do *everything* they can to crush them completely? As of right now, it seems Sony is not being aggressive enough to accomplish the latter.

I think Sony's quite respectful of what Microsoft has done, except when Kaz makes speeches at E3.

You've got to realize that Sony's got an almost 60% market share in the US vs 23% Microsoft. In Europe and Japan, Sony's got over 80% market share. That's not to say the Microsoft hasn't done tremendous, but they're not "right at Sony's heels".


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Hellraizah said:
Best. Quote. Ever.

What will decide the outcome of next generation's war ? Last generation games, of course.

Regardless of how many launch titles you have, it's always nice to know that you have a cushion of last generations titles to hold you(your customers) over because the simply fact is you won't maintain a stable shipment of "good" games after that initial launch it just doesn't happen that way.

That won't win the generation, it simply helps to stablize the upfront offering.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Razoric said:
It helped PS2 in the beginning yes. But do you think people buy a PS2 now based on the fact it can play old PSOne games? I seriously doubt it. They are buying it for GTA3/Vice/SA, GT3/4, Metal Gear Solid 2/3, etc.

This is GA, you're not allowed to use logic, damnit.


For the people who say that Xenon will fail due to lack of BC, i sure as hell hope you feel the same way about the PSP. I mean of course, unless you're just bias and can come up with a myriad of excuses as to why BC isn't important in the handheld market :rolleyes:


rastex said:
For the people who say that Xenon will fail due to lack of BC, i sure as hell hope you feel the same way about the PSP. I mean of course, unless you're just bias and can come up with a myriad of excuses as to why BC isn't important in the handheld market :rolleyes:

If Sony had made a handheld prior to the PSP I would agree with you. (No, Pocketstation doesn't count. :p)


rastex said:
For the people who say that Xenon will fail due to lack of BC, i sure as hell hope you feel the same way about the PSP. I mean of course, unless you're just bias and can come up with a myriad of excuses as to why BC isn't important in the handheld market :rolleyes:

Maybe, just maybe you would have a point if PSP had a predecessor.
rastex said:
For the people who say that Xenon will fail due to lack of BC, i sure as hell hope you feel the same way about the PSP. I mean of course, unless you're just bias and can come up with a myriad of excuses as to why BC isn't important in the handheld market :rolleyes:

Why'd you do this to yourself? I'm telling you, it's amazing to see what people would say and do when you're just bringing up a point for argument sake. I was called a douchebag, mocked, etc, etc. The point is, the playstation 2 survived because of bc, and a bunch of awesome titles.


Infernodash said:
Why'd you do this to yourself? I'm telling you, it's amazing to see what people would say and do when you're just bringing up a point for argument sake. I was called a douchebag, mocked, etc, etc. The point is, the playstation 2 survived because of bc, and a bunch of awesome titles.

Why do you respond to the same quote twice?

And you didn't "bring up a point for argument sake"... you outright said that Xbox 2 would fail if it didnt have BC. Can you not see how stupid that sounds?


Will they make a Nintendo-like mistake and let Microsoft get an even stronger foothold next gen

You think MS has a strong foothold this gen? One thing I give MS is how they somehow got it in peoples head that even though they are 3rd world wide, while only selling 15million, while losing BILLIONS, they are still right there with Sony.


sonycowboy said:
I think Sony's quite respectful of what Microsoft has done, except when Kaz makes speeches at E3.

You've got to realize that Sony's got an almost 60% market share in the US vs 23% Microsoft. In Europe and Japan, Sony's got over 80% market share. That's not to say the Microsoft hasn't done tremendous, but they're not "right at Sony's heels".

No one's saying they're "right at Sony's heels" but they certainly are close to "sniffing up their ass" status.


DarienA said:
Regardless of how many launch titles you have, it's always nice to know that you have a cushion of last generations titles to hold you(your customers) over because the simply fact is you won't maintain a stable shipment of "good" games after that initial launch it just doesn't happen that way.

That won't win the generation, it simply helps to stablize the upfront offering.

IAWTP, but it also helps stabilize the offering during software droughts further in the systems life. Saves space as well.

The cost effectiveness of BC is there as well. You can trade in your old machine, put that money toward a new one, but still be able to play old games on it. Value conscious customers, a winner is you!
open_mouth_ said:
No one's saying they're "right at Sony's heels" but they certainly are close to "sniffing up their ass" status.

NO generation EVER has had as large a descrepancy in userbases as this one, and yet somehow Microsoft is "closing in"? I do admit there's been a change in momentum, but you are way overstating the current situation.
sohka88 said:
You think MS has a strong foothold this gen? One thing I give MS is how they somehow got it in peoples head that even though they are 3rd world wide, while only selling 15million, while losing BILLIONS, they are still right there with Sony.

I agree. They're doing a pretty good job with public perception. That's what billions of dollars in marketing will do for you.


Silly kids. It doesn't matter if there's a predecessor or not, look at what your arguments are for the advantages of BC. DS has these advantages while PSP does not: THAT IS THE POINT.

And if you look at where MS was last gen (absolute 0) they are "closing the gap" ;)
rastex said:
Silly kids. It doesn't matter if there's a predecessor or not, look at what your arguments are for the advantages of BC. DS has these advantages while PSP does not: THAT IS THE POINT.

And if you look at where MS was last gen (absolute 0) they are "closing the gap" ;)

Actually, from a purely delta standpoint, Microsoft was closer when they were at zero than any other time as Sony has outsold Microsoft every quarter since then. The gap has only gotten wider.
djtiesto said:
Be careful what you say... this is GAF, where everyone's allowed to insult Nintendo and Nintendrones... but if you say anything even remotely insulting to MS, people will jump on you.

Not true at all, my multiple bannings for bashing Nintendo (which it deserves, of course) attest to that.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
For the people who say that Xenon will fail due to lack of BC, i sure as hell hope you feel the same way about the PSP. I mean of course, unless you're just bias and can come up with a myriad of excuses as to why BC isn't important in the handheld market :rolleyes:

In a thread full of retarded posts, your presence is still distinguished. Quite the accomplishment.


NO generation EVER has had as large a descrepancy in userbases as this one, and yet somehow Microsoft is "closing in"? I do admit there's been a change in momentum, but you are way overstating the current situation.

You think MS has a strong foothold this gen? One thing I give MS is how they somehow got it in peoples head that even though they are 3rd world wide, while only selling 15million, while losing BILLIONS, they are still right there with Sony.

Xbox has mindshare, but not marketshare, let alone profit. A mixed bag of results. Not up to Atari, Nintendo, Sega or Sony first time efforts. Everybody knows about Xbox, but they aren't interested in buying one. And they sure would'nt buy it if MS had to break even on the machine.

I think the mainstream press gives so much attention to MS because of how much MS affects Wall Street. Just a theory.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
rastex said:
Explain. Seriously, I want to hear this.

HAHAHA. So you're saying PSP should be backwards compatible with the other handheld that Sony... ah... never released? You can't be that stupid.


DarienA said:
Denial... it's not just a River that runs through Africa.

Overlooking your tired internet quip that died several years ago...

DarienA said:
-Yeah but IIRC it's usually sold better on the Xbox.... Xbox fps > PS2 fps.

But that was already proven.

DarienA said:
-KOTOR2 doesn't have hyped? It's been on the cover of a few mags including EGM IIRC what more does it need?

Being on magainze covers != hype
When I look at EGM's hot top ten and see KOTOR2 nowhere to be found or see next to no discussion of KOTOR2 on any forum, then I see no hype.
KOTOR for all of the positive word it received wasn't a massive seller itself. It's been over a year and 2003's GOTY hasn't sold 800k yet.

DarienA said:
Mechassault was a sleeper hit... don't sleep on 2.

Hot Shots Golf 3 outsold Mechassault and we don't consider HSG4 one of PS2 biggest games of '04. enough said.

DarienA said:
You're point still stands?... no... no it doesn't.

Insertia said:
Yes it does, and you have yet to prove otherwise.


Mooreberg said:
HAHAHA. So you're saying PSP should be backwards compatible with the other handheld that Sony... ah... never released? You can't be that stupid.

From my other post
me said:
It doesn't matter if there's a predecessor or not, look at what your arguments are for the advantages of BC. DS has these advantages while PSP does not: THAT IS THE POINT.

What is so hard to understand?

Ok, I'll spell it out a bit more for you. Quoting Darien in this thread

DarienA said:
Regardless of how many launch titles you have, it's always nice to know that you have a cushion of last generations titles to hold you(your customers) over because the simply fact is you won't maintain a stable shipment of "good" games after that initial launch it just doesn't happen that way.

See, that is a strength that DS has, and PSP does not. DS has BC and PSP does not. Simple as that.

So I ask again, what is so ridiculously retarded about my point?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
It doesn't matter if there's a predecessor or not

Considering a previous system would have to exist for BC to even be an option, of course it matters.

So I ask again, what is so ridiculously retarded about my point?

What isn't retarded about it?


See, that is a strength that DS has, and PSP does not. DS has BC and PSP does not. Simple as that.

So I ask again, what is so ridiculously retarded about my point?

Your point is quite obvious. I see it. DS has a large leg up on PSP when it comes to library-it will have the GBA software already. The parallel is there with PS3 (with BC) and Xenon (without). Only the PSP is new, while the Xenon is squandering the advantage of being able to use the Xbox library.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'd ask you to explain how a portable where there is no previous system to be compatible with equates to a console where the predecessor has commonly used components and a standard API, but this is well beyond on your mental capabilities.
Not really this gen. I mean Microsoft has done great for a 1st time entry into the market. But anyone who has ever followed Microsoft knows that they haven't even started turning the screws yet in the industry. I suspect they will next gen.


sonycowboy said:
How did the Microsoft 30% marketshare rumor get started? 72 million vs 15.5 vs 14.5 does not give Microsoft 30%.

Even in the US, it's 24.5M vs 9.5 vs 7.8, which only give M$ less than 23%. I guess if you go buy the most recent monthly NPD totals, you could get 30%, but that's about it.
No kidding. Time for DJ's reality check...

Sony: 60%
Microsoft: 21%
Nintendo: 19%

Sony: 83%
Microsoft: 9%
Nintendo: 8%

Sony: 80%
Nintendo: 18%
Microsoft: 2%

Sony: 70%
Microsoft: 15%
Nintendo: 15%

...the truth is, XBox is doing only about half as well as N64 (number wise, about a third as well in terms of marketshare) in a market that's 20-30% bigger. All it's done is give Sony a stronger lead practically. :/
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