Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


Where's TLG?


Why do you do this to yourself. It's dead and has been rotting for a while now.


Such an abrupt ending. I think it was an ok conference. Nothing very remarkable about it, but still lots of new games announced.


So no Vita, thanks for nothing asshats.

Yeah, that was disappointing. We should have gotten Freedom Wars announcement. =/
What's funny is, I currently play my Vita more than anything else (And I have a PS4/X1/PC/Wii U 3DS).

But I still think the overall conference was pretty great (in terms of the breath of titles, and the variety).
Well, that's one way to end a conference.

Overall, it was pretty good I'd say. Pretty excited about Tearaway coming to PS4, but at the same time, that confirms that the Vita is essentially dead to Sony. They talked more about PS TV than the Vita. That says something.


Vita managed to be even more dead than at e3.

Nothing announced and it managed to LOSE an exclusive

#4theplayers indeed
Ok conference, some indies I've already played on PC and a good portion of the time was spent on games coming out soon. Wild, 2.0 Features and Until Dawn are the three things that stood out most to me.
so we got 10 seconds of gameplay for Bloodborne
some cardboard box shenanigans
and barely a mention of the Vita

yeah, this conference sucked


Are multiple people trolling or did people actually expect TLG?

Also...the lack of vita isn't really surprising. Unfortunate but nowhere near surprising.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
As always, it's hard to even compare Microsoft's conference to Sony's.

Wild looked awesome. Can't wait to hear more.
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