Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12

Damn fantastic conference holy shit.

I think DriveClub and Destiny were the only repeat games?

I mean what?

I was expecting maybe 3-4 new games. Not 20
Thats it, huh, would thought we'd see a bit more first party games like uncharted or something. Ah well, good conference Sony, time to sleep.
Sony killed it. Better show than E3. The once again demonstrated an unmatched breadth of interesting titles.

Only disappointed at Media Molecule's game only being a Tearaway remake.


What an incredible, incredible conference. Didn't show everything I wanted, but more than I expected, and so much new stuff.

Almost EVERYTHING was a new IP!
Where's TLG?



Fantastic show. Much better than I was expecting. I think with SharePlay Sony will have Microsoft playing catch up again. They're already ahead with Morpheus too.


Kinda just died at the end lol.

Some interesting games shown but still nothing mindblowing (Rime, Terraway look neat tho).

well...TGS is next I guess


Sony GC 2014 conference >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sony E3 2014 conference

No contest.

Such an impressive and diverse line up of games.


Gamescom was amazing. Way better than even e3. We didn't even had many big game reveales, but the show and pacing was just top notch. So many games to look forward to. Wow.
That ended suddenly.

Until Dawn and Wild look intriguing I guess, but those trailers gave us zero idea what the gameplay will be like.

No Bloodborne gameplay demonstration. LOL Vita.



Left work early for this... what a waste of my precious time. I expected atleast a new Uncharted trailer...

Not a single game shown that interests me, seriously.
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