Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


Ok, I havent watched it live, so I watched both Sony and Microsoft conference now!
I have to say that I expected a little more from both, but since I'm at a Sony's gamescom thread I will give my impressions:

1- The only reveal two reveals that got my attention were Until Dawn (that I'm still not sure how much should I get excited) and Hellblade.
2- Rime finally showed up again and I was excited, but at the end I was a little bit disappointed to be honest. Visually it looks awesome, but I fear that it will not have the feel of an ICO game as I was hoping... maybe I'm wrong, but it seems it is all about exploring and accessing globes to open new areas, I was expecting something a little more "tense" and emotional.
3- System update 2.0 will finally bring youtube (its about time) and that interesting "share play" option, I hope I can have some decent experience with it on Brazil though (because Playstation Now is out of question). Am expecting also to see if this update will also bring a option to pause downloads and fix the share button, I hope it does, but I'm skeptical.
4- DriveClub looks amazing! But there are something that I really cant swallow about both this one and Forza Horizon 2. First I have to say that I'm very excited for both (they're 2 of the 3 games i'm most excited about this year) but how can they talk so much about the "best social experience" when they cant add a damn split sceen anymore!! The best social experience with a racing game will ever be a split-screen race with your friends at home in a party or familiy encounter, honestly! But I'm excited for it anyway, its looking gorgeous and seems to be playing also great!

Other then that, nothing really new or that worth a note from what I remember.


It's hilarious to see the difference in reactions on various places of the internet. No Sony bias on Gaf certainly. Too many indies, but MS was rather poo too. No winners.
..... what?

Ok, I havent watched it live, so I watched both Sony and Microsoft conference now!
I have to say that I expected a little more from both, but since I'm at a Sony's gamescom thread I will give my impressions:

1- The only reveal two reveals that got my attention were Until Dawn (that I'm still not sure how much should I get excited) and Hellblade.
2- Rime finally showed up again and I was excited, but at the end I was a little bit disappointed to be honest. Visually it looks awesome, but I fear that it will not have the feel of an ICO game as I was hoping... maybe I'm wrong, but it seems it is all about exploring and accessing globes to open new areas, I was expecting something a little more "tense" and emotional.
3- System update 2.0 will finally bring youtube (its about time) and that interesting "share play" option, I hope I can have some decent experience with it on Brazil though (because Playstation Now is out of question). Am expecting also to see if this update will also bring a option to pause downloads and fix the share button, I hope it does, but I'm skeptical.
4- DriveClub looks amazing! But there are something that I really cant swallow about both this one and Forza Horizon 2. First I have to say that I'm very excited for both (they're 2 of the 3 games i'm most excited about this year) but how can they talk so much about the "best social experience" when they cant add a damn split sceen anymore!! The best social experience with a racing game will ever be a split-screen race with your friends at home in a party or familiy encounter, honestly! But I'm excited for it anyway, its looking gorgeous and seems to be playing also great!

Other then that, nothing really new or that worth a note from what I remember.
So The Tomorrow Children, WiLD, Silent Hill, ALIENATION, Tearaway Unfolded, DayZ, etc. aren't "worth a note"?


So did Sony mention if suspend resume is coming in 2.0 or not? Was one of the most touted features at the reveal and it's almost been a year with no update.


So The Tomorrow Children, WiLD, Silent Hill, ALIENATION, Tearaway Unfolded, DayZ, etc. aren't "worth a note"?

Wich kind of note would I add to them?
Tomorrow Children, Wild and Alienation can look good to some, but none really had my attention. I will just wait to see more about them before jumping to conclusions since they showed so little.

And DayZ? I could not care less to DayZ, my biggest mistake on Steam was to grab the DayZ:SA after so much people hyping it. I almost slept on my keyboard. I may never had such a boring gaming experience! Thats only my opinion about DayZ though...

I forgot however to say that Bloodborne gameplay seems amazing! Thats for sure!


And sorry dudes! I skip Silent Hill part, because when he said about Kojima I thought he would show MGS:V I'm watching the demo here, and WTF, that is INSANE! o.o
Is that demo avaiable on PSN?

Edit: Never mind, downloading it now!
I guess shadow of the beast has been cancelled since nothing. There was 2 or 3 games that look interesting. The rest I probably wont care for even if they are good games.
So did Sony mention if suspend resume is coming in 2.0 or not? Was one of the most touted features at the reveal and it's almost been a year with no update.

Nope, but I guess they said they are going to stagger announcements of the features in 2.0. I would hope if they thought it was making the cut that they would have said it at the outset.


Ended it with Wild? Lol.

RIP Sony Gamescom.

I agree they didn't end with a bang but they had a very respectable conference. Despite this, I have to say the diversity of games that they announced were better than what Microsoft announced. I refute your opinion.

I'm really honestly they took a dump all over the vita. I know I shouldn't be but I am. Not only did they announce NOTHING for it, they took one of its essential games and transformed it so it will be better on a different console.

They took a game that didn't sell and rather than kill it stone dead, allowed it to be adapted for a different system in order to keep it alive and hopefully allow it to flourish. At least they released the game on Vita.

I'm hoping that they will have Vita announcements down the road, maybe TGS or VGX? Keep the hope alive.

I am glad i kept my expectations in check this time. Not one big announcement from first party studios. Where are GG, Studio London, Bend?

If you've seen their conferences last year, it appears they are not going to reveal every single game they are making all at once. They are clearly waiting to spread them out, which allows the games more development time before revealing it. Look at it this way, if they reveal everything now, what are they going to show or talk about later? This way they continue to trickle games announcements and keep us waiting for more.

Pretty bad show from Sony to be honest. Where is Sony first party studio? no Vita supports (Vita lost it's best game actually) and no new real exclusives for PS4.

and again where are all Sony first party studios? the thing that kept PS3 afloat during its early years with great games is no just an story we tell to new kids, if Shu Yoshida is doing nothing (Nothing on Vita and nothing on PS4) then maybe Sony should consider replacing him with a new guy,

I disagree with your opinion. I thought Microsoft's show was good but Sony's was better. They had a better variety of games and, if I am correct, a larger quantity too.

Vita didn't lose anything. The game has been available to buy for some time now, it's just that not many people have bought it. See my point above.

No new exclusives? They had two: The Tomorrow Children and Alienation. We know there are others awaiting to be revealed, it appears we will have to be patient.

Where are all the first party studios? Developing games, I imagine. We know of several first party games that are coming, for example: Driveclub, The Order 1866 and Uncharted 4 to list a few, We know that at least three have already been released: Infamous SS, Killzone SF and Knack.

Based on this, why would you suggest somebody should be fired and replaced? I am sure that there are very few jobs where you get paid for doing nothing. I think if you think about what has been developed and what is being developed, you should reach the conclusion that Shu Yoshida is doing something.

Jack Torrance

Neo Member
Don't understand at all the comments about Sony's conference being disappointing. It was absolutely chocka with innovative games and the "Silent Hill" reveal teaches everyone a thing or two about to make an new installment in an established franchise annoucement truly surprising.

Whether or not "Silent Hill" is timed/full exclusive to the PS4, it's reveal here is a bigger deal than "Rise of the Tomb Raider" at the MS conference.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This killed for me.

I want:

The Order: 1886
The Tomorrow Children
Tearaway Unfolded

Oy, forget it, and a bunch more of the indies. Very intrigued by Until Dawn too.

I've been a little scared by the reports of some people having serious difficulties with digital licenses on PS4, but fuck it, I have to jump on board. I'll grab a PS4 and inFamous this week.


I hope sony continues the indie love, its one of the few promised things they have not half-assed in any way. I love all the great games that are coming and all the misery and anger it induces in some people.
I gotta give respect to Microsoft for announcing support for Mkv and many other codecs on Xbox one. I hope sony is able to match as that would put the ps4 ahead of the ps3 as a media device.


And the line between AAA and indie has degraded a shit tone. Tell me if someone from the PS3 era was shown Wild, No Man's Sky, or Rime without any info about devs would they say they were indie games or what?


And the line between AAA and indie has degraded a shit tone. Tell me if someone from the PS3 era was shown Wild, No Man's Sky, or Rime without any info about devs would they say they were indie games or what?
Yea, the industry has changed a great deal. These days indie games can cost several million and have graphics or presentation akin to or even better than certain AAA stuff.



You do the math

The Heavenly Sword IP is held by Sony though, I believe, so this may just be their Demon's Souls/Dark Souls moment (making a multiplatform spiritual successor to a system exclusive IP).

I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this conference, even moreso than this year's E3. Game after game after game... it really does remind me of the PS2 days. Add in the fact that they haven't shown all their WWS titles (and be the looks of things, don't have to for a while) and it's plain to see that Sony haven't even gotten started yet.

I fully expect that this year's TGS is gonna be megaton after megaton (although looking at the PS4's performance in Japan, it kinda has to be)...


Yea, the industry has changed a great deal. These days indie games can cost several million and have graphics or presentation akin to or even better than certain AAA stuff.

I cant tell the difference anymore. Hell Wild and some of the other announced games could be a $60 retail releases for all I know.
A+ conference. Best Sony has done in years.

Currently have Rime, The Order, DriveClub, Bloodborne, WiLD, Tomorrows Children, Until Dawn, AlienNation, MGSV, The Witcher 3 E3 and No Mans Sky E3 all 1080p from Gamersdye loaded into my MPC-HC video player with full 10-bit RGB encoding turned on, full screen on a constant loop with my surround kicked into high gear on my 1080p 40 inch LED fully professionally calibrated.



I would imagine Mm new IP would be like a more advanced littlebigplanet. A game where people share their games and showcase their talents. Like RPG maker, but RPG+all genre maker.
Just finished watching. Best presser any first or third party company has done in a while. The two trailers of big previously announced games were a great opening beat, and they just rolled through game after game from there. I liked the focus on talent and devs who have solid visions for their products, regardless of scale or genre - Cuthbert, Kojima, Ancel. Exactly the right amount of time on the streaming and features, too - announce the stuff, details to follow.

Only sore point is the Vita. But, I'm long since over it. I bought mine after it became an indie couch machine. And I'm thrilled more people will play Tearaway, or at least a new version of it. I know I will.

Really looking forward to TGS with hopes that Sony shows an interest in working more closely with smaller Japanese devs in any way they can, and some good things from a newly refocused J Studios.


Best thing about Sony's conference was no Call of Duty or Assassins' Creed. I loved this one, it flowed nicely and there's so much i'm looking forward to playing. I thought closing on Wild wasn't that strong but actually it was kinda neat. Wish there were more gamey features shown in ti, but still, it's something original. Even the MGS V demo kept the overall ton of the conference well with it's playfulness.


Really looking forward to TGS with hopes that Sony shows an interest in working more closely with smaller Japanese devs in any way they can, and some good things from a newly refocused J Studios.

I think Sony definitely has interest. The question is do the developers. They generally tend to hug the last generation console for a bit longer than most. Of course it makes sense seeing as their market is there and their manpower is limited. It may take them some time, but they'll migrate and once they do the Japanese audience will follow.
I think Sony definitely has interest. The question is do the developers. They generally tend to hug the last generation console for a bit longer than most. Of course it makes sense seeing as their market is there and their manpower is limited. It may take them some time, but they'll migrate and once they do the Japanese audience will follow.
That's true. Hoping a couple are willing to step up to the vanguard. Even for Vita. I don't know about the culture there but it seems like devs there aren't breaking out onto their own as much as they are in the west. Having the weight of a Sony with you can help mitigate some risk.


A+ conference. Best Sony has done in years.

Succinctly put. I rather enjoyed it and found most of the games to be interesting, charming and beautiful in some cases and the Kojima humour was just the right touch.

Why Ninja theory uses the same face painted woman character over and over? Is Hell blade a sequence to heavenly sword?

Hmmm, think of it this way: they're using the same actress to portray different roles. Perhaps we might say that there are some artists who are gifted in drawing a variety of facial and body types, and there are others who predicated towards drawing a certain 'type'. Neither option negates their ability, it just highlights your preference.

I'm okay with it because I find the style appealing, others might have a differing opinion.

I'm not sure if Hellblade is a sequel to Heavenly Sword because I think Sony owns the IP. Correct me if I'm wrong. It's most likely a spiritual successor.
A+ conference. Best Sony has done in years.

Completely agree. This was far better than E3, and I love how they focused on stylistically unique games, and they'll all be out in the next six months, which is doubly exciting. Can't wait for Rime, The Tomorrow Children and WiLD.
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