Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


I never do this, but because I've been reading both conference threads all day, I noticed this....

MS conference

Sony conference

Opinions and all, but wasn't turning Tomb Raider into an exclusive the only "big announcement? And Screamride was the one new game for their conference?

Everything is a catch 22 with Sony even with MS and Nintendo. If they show sequels to their IPs, people clamor for new stuff. If they show new IP/games, people say it's either not AAA and denigrate them as 'indie shit' or say it's not a system seller/Megaton. If they show first part software, people will claim they're blowing all their cards, if they tease or keep it all for next conferences, some will jump to stupid conclusions about the systems having no games or support.

There's just no winning. How are you going to reason with these people? As far as I can tell I saw from both conferences a variety of games I did not see much during the previous generation. This bodes well for the current generation.


Bloodborne, MGS5 and Uncharted are still the only must owns for me, but hey I think that may be enough enough for a PS4 purchase in February.
So i guess we should just give up any more support for the vita?

Its now indie centered.

it's indie games and japanese games from now on mostly, which is probably similar as what 3ds got too, it's just that Nintendo have much bigger japanese studios than Sony so they got more games.

I'm sure we'll get more new japanese vita games from Sony at TGS, although there's a chance that Sony will had to focus their japanese studio saving PS4 in Japan, I guess.


Now that was a conference! Great showing from Sony, that really went all in on games after people complained like crazy about the Powers segment at E3.

And people saying the Microsoft conference was better are straight up crazy.

Microsoft announced exactly 1 new game in the span of 90 minutters:

Screamride (Frontier. Xbox One, Xbox 360)

Sony managed to announce 9 new games in just an hour:

The Tomorow Children (Q Games. PS4)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts. PS4, PC)
Volume (Mike Bithell Games. PS4, Vita, PC, Mac)
Hollowpoint (Paradox Interactive. PS4, PC)
Hellblade (Ninja Theory. Only announced for PS4, presumably we'll see Xbox One later)
P.T. (7780s Studio. PS4)
Tearaway Unfolded (Media Molecule. PS4)
Alienation (House Marquee. PS4)
Wild (Wild Sheep Studios. PS4)

5 of those are completely exclusive for PS4 and the others are timed exclusives. You're kidding yourself if you think MS had the better conference.

But MS has RoTR as 2015 holidays exclusive
I'm excited about games again!

The most astounding thing for me is, despite all of these excellent looking games (I'm personally excited about The Tomorrow People, Wild, Tearaway, The Order, Rime and Bloodborne) is that Sony haven't begun to flex their first party muscle.

Japan Studio (Alan Becker's turnaround)
Guerilla Games
Guerilla Cambridge
Media Molecule (other project)
Santa Monica
Polyphony Digital
Studio London

They all haven't announced anything. Quantic Dream haven't announced anything and Naughty Dog haven't released their first built for PS4 game yet.

Lots of interesting stuff ahead, surely.

Yup, 10 million sold and not a single big exclusive from their stable yet. Once UC, GOW, and GT start hitting, it's going to go even higher.
Now that was a conference! Great showing from Sony, that really went all in on games after people complained like crazy about the Powers segment at E3.

And people saying the Microsoft conference was better are straight up crazy.

Microsoft announced exactly 1 new game in the span of 90 minutters:

Screamride (Frontier. Xbox One, Xbox 360)

Sony managed to announce 9 new games in just an hour:

The Tomorow Children (Q Games. PS4)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts. PS4, PC)
Volume (Mike Bithell Games. PS4, Vita, PC, Mac)
Hollowpoint (Paradox Interactive. PS4, PC)
Hellblade (Ninja Theory. Only announced for PS4, presumably we'll see Xbox One later)
P.T. (7780s Studio. PS4)
Tearaway Unfolded (Media Molecule. PS4)
Alienation (House Marquee. PS4)
Wild (Wild Sheep Studios. PS4)

5 of those are completely exclusive for PS4 and the others are timed exclusives. You're kidding yourself if you think MS had the better conference.

I do think Sony had the better conference but not all of those are *new* games

Volume - previously announced for PS4, just got a new trailer.
Tearaway - updated Vita game coming to PS4


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Was really hoping the Shadow of the Beast remake/reboot was going to resurface with some solid gameplay insight. Otherwise, lots of great stuff to look forward to.


Not sure if this is thread-worthy, so posting here:

We're all the new games they announced today digital releases? Hellblade, Tomorrow Children, Wild, etc?

I'm sure Until Dawn will be retail and maybe Tearaway: Unfolded, but that's about it. Any clarity yet?


starting to feel like all the indie demographic research is producing eye-rolling crap that's just as bad as Dew/Doritos being aimed at Call of Duty bros.

The "experimental" faux-emotional electronic music, stylized graphics, lost little girls/boys interacting with psychedelic environments, vaguely worded stories that have no just drives home that video games don't really bring anything new to the world, they just leech off of marketable cultures and put them into interactive little packages. Sad, really.

it's all starting to get recursive, but "indie" seems like a stop gap before the VR revolution marketing push anyway.
I do think Sony had the better conference but not all of those are *new* games

Volume - previously announced for PS4, just got a new trailer.
Tearaway - updated Vita game coming to PS4

You're right about Volume, didn't know it was announced before, scratch that off the list.

Tearaway - Unfolded is a new game though. They even said themselves that it wasn't possible to port the game and from what I could see, none of the gameplay they showed was sections from Vita Tearaway. It looks to me like they ported the engine and some assets from Tearaway to PS4 and then made a new game highlighting PS4 features.
Not sure if this is thread-worthy, so posting here:

We're all the new games they announced today digital releases? Hellblade, Tomorrow Children, Wild, etc?

I'm sure Until Dawn will be retail and maybe Tearaway: Unfolded, but that's about it. Any clarity yet?

Hellblade and Wild seem like 60$ games. Until Dawn and Tearaway: Unfolded could get retail releases, but probably not as full priced games.
I think Wild was the highlight. Open-world too? That's legit. Still way too many indie games. Every single Sony conference is packed with indie games, it's getting ridic. E3 2015 needs to get here fast. I think that's when they'll finally reveal some blockbusters.

starting to feel like all the indie demographic research is producing eye-rolling crap that's just as bad as Dew/Doritos being aimed at Call of Duty bros.

The "experimental" faux-emotional electronic music, stylized graphics, lost little girls/boys interacting with psychedelic environments, vaguely worded stories that have no just drives home that video games don't really bring anything new to the world, they just leech off of marketable cultures and put them into interactive little packages. Sad, really.

it's all starting to get recursive, but "indie" seems like a stop gap before the VR revolution marketing push anyway.
That's my exact sentiment on these indie games. You put it a lot more eloquently than I could have. Fucking beautiful comparison with the dudebro thing too.


Unconfirmed Member
You're right about Volume, didn't know it was announced before, scratch that off the list.

Tearaway - Unfolded is a new game though. They even said themselves that it wasn't possible to port the game and from what I could see, none of the gameplay they showed was sections from Vita Tearaway. It looks to me like they ported the engine and some assets from Tearaway to PS4 and then made a new game highlighting PS4 features.
From what i understood, Tearaway Unfolded is in base the same game as the original; the story and journey are the same, only instead of doing a straight port, they reworked the gameplay around the DS4 and thusly reworked and even added some areas in that process.
From what i understood, Tearaway Unfolded is in base the same game as the original; the story and journey are the same, only instead of doing a straight port, they reworked the gameplay around the DS4 and thusly reworked and even added some areas in that process.

Considering how Vita focused the original is, they would have to change quite a lot though.


"Indie" hate has to stop.

Other than Rime and the Tomorrow Children there was nothing more of interest there for me personally.

I'm not a big fan of Ancel and Wild didn't do anything in particular for me.

Where is GG, MM, SSMs new games? GT7? TLG?

It was a decent show, but it missed proper a 1st party exclusive AAA announcement at the end I feel.


He touched the black heart of a mod
It makes sense that Media Molecule hasn't shown their new project. If it really is a big step up from LittleBigPlanet, although in the same sort of play/create/share field, they wouldn't want it to cannibalize the sales/excitement for LittleBigPlanet 3. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see anything more about it until after 3 is out.
HUGELY impressed with today's conference, and it takes a lot in my case.

So much more interesting than their E3 conference. Lots of new games, exclusives and not just sequels and FPS games either. In fact, the only two things that dampened the conference were Destiny and FarCry 4, but I know they had to shove those in to keep their partners happy.


That was a disappointing show. Where were the games the Sony execs were excited for? Seems they are getting excited easily.

I am what the average PS4 buyer thinks about the abundance of indie titles on the PS4. I have the suspicion that most don't care much about those and PS+ is only selling because it is needed for CoD, Madden, FIFA, Destiny etc. Which would mean that TR is bigger than all the stuff which was shown and loosing that is a big blow.

Vita showing was depressing. SCEE seems to follow now SCEAs lead to ignore it completely.

Well, there is hope that TGS will be better.

so TR announcement was more exciting than the 8 or 9 games Sony showed, combined? ok :/
also nice concern about PS plus, real genuine there.
Other than Rime and the Tomorrow Children there was nothing more of interest there for me personally.

I'm not a big fan of Ancel and Wild didn't do anything in particular for me.

Where is GG, MM, SSMs new games? GT7? TLG?

It was a decent show, but it missed proper a 1st party exclusive AAA announcement at the end I feel.

We know those are coming, give it time (unless you believe they're sitting on their hands).

My guess is Sony decided to take their sweet time with their games, no need to rush since it's pretty clear the PS4 doesn't need a big system seller yet.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
starting to feel like all the indie demographic research is producing eye-rolling crap that's just as bad as Dew/Doritos being aimed at Call of Duty bros.

The "experimental" faux-emotional electronic music, stylized graphics, lost little girls/boys interacting with psychedelic environments, vaguely worded stories that have no just drives home that video games don't really bring anything new to the world, they just leech off of marketable cultures and put them into interactive little packages. Sad, really.

it's all starting to get recursive, but "indie" seems like a stop gap before the VR revolution marketing push anyway.
Are some of you really just this dead inside? What did you ever see in gaming in the first place?
I never do this, but because I've been reading both conference threads all day, I noticed this....

MS conference

Sony conference

Opinions and all, but wasn't turning Tomb Raider into an exclusive the only "big announcement? And Screamride was the one new game for their conference?

It's JomJom. This is expected.


Just getting caught up and this is pretty much what a conference should be tbh. Lots of new games, almost entirely all new IPs, almost all exclusive too. HouseMarque were basically Turtle Rockin' it (Alienation is basically Evolve to Dead Nation's L4D) and Hellblade was just moar CGI bs, but I liked the look of Wild and that Q Games title a lot.

Also, PS4 getting DayZ made me chuckle a bit, as we know MS were trying to secure it a while back going off of comments from the developer. It'll probably land on XB1 at some point anyways though.

Good job from Sony. Really puts MS' show that revolved around announcing they'd taken a multiplat game away from everyone else into perspective.

I have still well got the salt that I won't be getting my PC version of Tomb Raider 2 though. At least not for a few months after launch apparently. Need that 60fps.


I love you Shahid and I'm Sorry that some effing douches are spamming you're twitter with hate. You don't deserve it. But! Fact of the matter is that it looks Big Daddy Sony doesn't seem to care a lick about it. It's cock stiff dead to them. What is even more annoying is how fucking stupid I am for not noticing it. It's been there since the new kid came home and Daddy ignored his already, in his eyes, weak offspring.

This is from a Google search...know that I frequent mostly Ps vita Sites so no strange cookies messing it up.

Shit, even your own community mockups forgets about the Vita

So why the hell are you even considering releasing the Playstation Vita Tv?
You can't even support it with games. Oh play PS1 games on your other HD tv? Seriously, you can't even support the Vita with PS1 games and this is a Vita without a Screen...yeah right.
PSP games? Not as bad a scenario but seriously.
PS Vita games...wait Playstation Tv Games..? hah you have those?
(I know they do but do you?)

Nah Sony, if I can afford(I have) another premium HD tv as you showed of, guess what? I'm buying a second PS4 to play the games there not a €100 extension to play bastardised versions of my PS4 games.

Complaining done!

Other than that, really interesting spread among the games that are coming. So effing annoyed that my PS4 is in for Service, Blu ray player trying to spit out blu ray, else I would have tried out that P.T? Thing.
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