Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12

No GG new IP?
No MM new IP?

Guess they saw 10 million and didn't have to blow all their big guns.

Yeah, I'm surprised that we didn't get more on either of those, but they had PLENTY of content regardless, so it was still a DAMN GOOD CONFERENCE.

What bothers me more is this:

Where are the games they announced at last year's Gamescom? Where was Shadow of the Beast? Where was Everybody's Going to the Rapture? Shouldn't we have seen more of those?

I am absolutely giddy as fuck right now at work. No words.


Pretty good conference.

Allthough I expected Quantic Dreams to be on stage, at least for an Beyond Two Souls remaster.

And Guerilla Games, but looks like the unveil will take a bit longer.
Best showing of recent years. Vita absence was already expected, but what they showed was amazing. Fast paced, and no long boring stat reports. It was great.


It kinda missed a Tomb Raider shaped bandaid.

Lots of tiny games though.

Tomb Raider is a mainstream franchise, with a very big legacy. I don't know what kind of game they could have pulled out to counter that (I guess more Uncharted 4 footage, but obviously they aren't ready). Personally, as someone that really liked Tomb Raider's reboot, I think BloodBorne looks much better.

But the reality is, that's not the kind of game that would get the same level of mainstream appeal/buzz. Is what it is. I think Sony has a lot of titles that I think could be better than TR. But not many are going to have that appeal. MS snatched a popular franchise.
This is how you do game sharing Microsoft. Without taking away consumer rights and options.

Doesn't work in the same way Microsoft were claiming there method would have. You have to both be present online and on the same title in Sony's version, whereas if MS were being truthful, you'd be able to have access to a friends collection independent of what they're playing at the time.


I'm really honestly they took a dump all over the vita. I know I shouldn't be but I am. Not only did they announce NOTHING for it, they took one of its essential games and transformed it so it will be better on a different console.


A lot of interesting and unique games. Conference was great imo.

Maybe if they switched out Wild with Bloodborne people wouldn't be so disappointed by the ending, but I think Wild looks great.
Thank god, who wants to see that in a conference. It's just going to be the same thing with slightly nicer graphics.

wa? Was one of the biggest announcements at E3. Announcement thread gets bumped every few hours of people desperate for any info. Going to be one of the top selling games of 2014
That was a great showing by Sony; strong and varied. So many games I'm hyped about that I had no idea were on their way.



This conference was amazing except for Destiny and FC4 spot.

Share Play was my megaton announcement for me.
This pretty much solidifies all my gamer buddies to buy into PS4/PS+ this gen so we can remote co-op like the old day, passing the controller around.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
No gigaton announcements.
-1/10, worst conference of all time.
Where that gif with the guy starting to talk, giving up, and putting his hand on his mouth. Damn man, I was just waiting for a WWS title. Just, anything. Big massive AAA. Not getting hung up on that, tons of stuff I want just got announced.
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