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Sony Set To Discuss PSP & PS3(?) Next Week



Sony Set To Discuss PSP + PS3???

By: Chris Leyton

Sony confirms plans to meet the press next week to discuss future plans for the Playstation?

TVG has today learnt that Sony will be holding a conference with the Japanese press next week, in which specific details about the Sony PSP and further information on the Playstation3 are likely to be revealed.

It?s believed that Sony will confirm price and release details regarding the PSP, whilst there have also been some suggestions that the heavily rumoured PSTwo could make some appearance.

We?ll have more information soon.

the PSP part is a no brainer but the PS3 also? well, I think I remember reading that Sony was supposed to have some info on PS3 at or around TGS. so well see. those Cell-based workstations are meant to be out by the end of the year too :)


When will we start hearing about developers getting some sort of PS3 dev kits so they can start code work on actual launch games???


mj1108 said:
Are you telling us you know something we don't?

Heh, I think he means to just get ready.

If it is priced at 200 bucks or less it'll be "OMG NINTENDO DS IS TEH D00M3D" and if it is priced at 250 or 300 it'll be "OMG PSP IS TOO HIGH PRICE D00M3D".
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