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South America is burning right now. Like literally

For 3 days now temperatures in almost the whole of Brazil have been insanely high, >5°C above normal and this will go on for at least a week.

Today we got sun all day with 37°C. That's almost 100°F.

The Amazonian rain forest is facing what is probably the worst drought ever, with huge fires and rivers basically drying out.
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Little Mac

Gold Member
I came in here thinking a gaf member contracted gonorrhea.

Seth Meyers Omg GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
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Last year we had 8 heat waves in Argentina, this year is cool compared to that, they only cherry pick data.
Well, this year is much, much worse than anything I can remember. There was no winter this year and this is the second consecutive heat wave. This is definetely not usual for São Paulo.


hide your water-based mammals
It's ok. Let's have more kids and kill be forests more.

We're in this to win folks. THRILLHO says, "we're through the looking glass here, folks".
Tbh, this Twitter makes it worse than what actually is… Even though it is hot, it is nothing unusual… specially if considering that we have El Niño happening this year.
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Not even solstice yet.

It was lucky it was a cool spring in BC last year. The fire seasons are showing to be worse due to first degrees of climate change drying out the forests as global temps let atmosphere hold more water. Many fires caused as usual were arson/human, which can be mitigated somewhat in the future, but what fires would normally go out continues to burn due to dryness of fuel.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Apocalyptic click bait.

The temperatures are of course not the highest ever, but the highest ever for that particular day or even that particular day in that particular city. So you read about a "blistering 40+ degrees in Italy" but when you look at the map almost all of Italy is experiencing warm summer weather (30-33 degrees) and it's actually cooler in coastal towns. But it just happens that some town in the middle of Sicily hit a temperature record and that temperature is used as a headline for all of Italy.

Another trick to get extreme news headlines is to measure the ground temperature instead of the temperature in the shade at a height of 2 meters, or about 6 feet, above ground. Ground temperature can be 5-10 degrees higher than the official temperature.


Resident Crybaby
Apocalyptic click bait.

The temperatures are of course not the highest ever, but the highest ever for that particular day or even that particular day in that particular city. So you read about a "blistering 40+ degrees in Italy" but when you look at the map almost all of Italy is experiencing warm summer weather (30-33 degrees) and it's actually cooler in coastal towns. But it just happens that some town in the middle of Sicily hit a temperature record and that temperature is used as a headline for all of Italy.

Another trick to get extreme news headlines is to measure the ground temperature instead of the temperature in the shade at a height of 2 meters, or about 6 feet, above ground. Ground temperature can be 5-10 degrees higher than the official temperature.

The 8 hottest years of worldwide average temperature in all of recorded history have occurred over the last 8 years.

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"Last month was the hottest June on record going back 174 years."

Do people understand that this mean it has been cooling for the past 174 years and just now we had a hotter month?


"Last month was the hottest June on record going back 174 years."

Do people understand that this mean it has been cooling for the past 174 years and just now we had a hotter month?

Ah... the old 'it was this hot a couple of hundred years ago! It's just the natural cycle of the earth!'

Except of course, that's a load of shit:


But, you know, who trusts experts these days?

Here's the whole report from people who know a lot more about this stuff than any of us, if any of you deniers actually want to engage with facts for once:


Spoiler: it doesn't say everything's going to be fine!
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Apocalyptic click bait.

The temperatures are of course not the highest ever, but the highest ever for that particular day or even that particular day in that particular city. So you read about a "blistering 40+ degrees in Italy" but when you look at the map almost all of Italy is experiencing warm summer weather (30-33 degrees) and it's actually cooler in coastal towns. But it just happens that some town in the middle of Sicily hit a temperature record and that temperature is used as a headline for all of Italy.
While intentional exaggeration for profit should be watched for and sources checked there are cases where extreme weather was going in a similar example to that one:
When the temps for Lytton hit their highest the day before it was razed by fire in 2021 the coastal cities were cooling in BC.


Those are rookie numbers.

Dare you to come to any of the spanish coastal towns in summer during heatwave+humidity dome season with +43 celsius, close to 100% relative humidity and no air coming through the humidity dome because the pressure is higher inside the dome than outside so any storm or flow of air is told to GTFO of the frying pan as it approaches. Hot, stupidly moist and stale dense air that smells like ass because it has pretty much been trapped there for some time, it doesn't circulate as much, it just rises with humidity during the day because of the heat and comes down when the sun hides so you're pretty much trapped smelling Earth's farts. 🥲

After a few weeks of that you're pretty much set to end your suffering by death. 😆


Those are rookie numbers.

Dare you to come to any of the spanish coastal towns in summer during heatwave+humidity dome season with +43 celsius, close to 100% relative humidity and no air coming through the humidity dome because the pressure is higher inside the dome than outside so any storm or flow of air is told to GTFO of the frying pan as it approaches. Hot, stupidly moist and stale dense air that smells like ass because it has pretty much been trapped there for some time, it doesn't circulate as much, it just rises with humidity during the day because of the heat and comes down when the sun hides so you're pretty much trapped smelling Earth's farts. 🥲

After a few weeks of that you're pretty much set to end your suffering by death. 😆

In northern Australia, this is called ‘wednesday’.


Rio thermal sensation today 58,5 C /138° F.

Luckily tomorrow is holiday so time to hit the beach.
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All sort of of plant species are moving their habitats north/south on the hemispheres.

They wouldn't do that unless something drastic was going on. Whatever it is, it is happening right now.


Maybe we should like protect the lungs of the world aka the Amazon and not deforest it as temperatures rise and more fires spread out of control?

Nahh that's crazy talk

It's the oceans that are the true lungs, and naturally, those plankton's we rely on for oxygen are reportedly dying off.

Half of our oxygen is produced phylo plancton. There are reports of massive wipe outs, contradicted by "everything is fine".

NASA though, reported a 65% decline of our lil buddies last year in the Gulf of Mexico.

Between fake news and corporate media, I ain't too sure, but, there is something going on.


It's the oceans that are the true lungs, and naturally, those plankton's we rely on for oxygen are reportedly dying off.

Half of our oxygen is produced phylo plancton. There are reports of massive wipe outs, contradicted by "everything is fine".

NASA though, reported a 65% decline of our lil buddies last year in the Gulf of Mexico.

Between fake news and corporate media, I ain't too sure, but, there is something going on.



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Gold Member
Axios and PBS are also not credible, propagandist entities. Not saying this is wrong but need good data, I'd have to research it myself. I remember last year they claimed record temperatures in UK but those temperatures were found to be taken by airports, invalidating the data.

We also have leaked conversations by media showing they will use climate as the next scare after covid.

Research it yourself? You ain't gonna study out shit. Have fun debunking those links.


Research it yourself? You ain't gonna study out shit. Have fun debunking those links.
I'll debunk credible sources, not corporate media. Research as in finding real sources and looking at the data they used. I'll believe it if independent media confirms it.


Gold Member
I'll debunk credible sources, not corporate media. Research as in finding real sources and looking at the data they used. I'll believe it if independent media confirms it.

My point still stands. I trust science and what the science community says, just like I did with doctors and covid.
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I'll debunk credible sources, not corporate media. Research as in finding real sources and looking at the data they used. I'll believe it if independent media confirms it.

As posted above, this is the report from the IPCC:


Here’s the latest summary:


Direct from the source. No media to navigate. Hundreds of scientists, working independently and cooperatively to arrive at well researched evidence, over many years. All fully backed up with reams of data you can look over.

Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming, with global surface temperature reaching 1.1°C above 1850-1900 in 2011-2020. Global greenhouse gas emissions have continued to increase, with unequal historical and ongoing contributions arising from unsustainable energy use, land use and land-use change, lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production across regions, between and within countries, and among individuals (high confidence).

Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred. Human-caused climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe. This has led to widespread adverse impacts and related losses and damages to nature and people (high confidence). Vulnerable communities who have historically contributed the least to current climate change are disproportionately affected (high confidence).
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Sounds like climate change propaganda. I'm in Argentina and didn't hear anything about it on any media, and for my personal experience it is cooler than previous years

The world is also just 5,000 years old, Dinosaur fossils are a hoax and the Earth is flat.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Axios and PBS are also not credible, propagandist entities. Not saying this is wrong but need good data, I'd have to research it myself.

What's the point in you doing your own research when the entirety of the scientific community is united?

If you went to the doctor and they said you needed an operation or you were going to die, you wouldn't go to 1000 doctors until you found one that said you didn't need it, unless you had genuinely lost the plot. By the time the 30th doctor says "Nope, I agree with the other 29" wouldn't you start to doubt yourself?
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