RAPID CITY, S.D. — A Republican state lawmaker in South Dakota faced calls to apologize Tuesday after she shared an image on Facebook depicting protesters being hit by a vehicle under the caption, "All Lives Splatter."
Rep. Lynne DiSanto shared the image Sept. 7, less than one month after a driver plowed through counter protesters at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., killing a 32-year-old woman and injuring 19 others.
DiSanto, who is the GOP's majority whip in the state House, did not immediately return a phone call requesting comment.
Comments from friends and constituents on the post were initially supportive of the image. After the post was more widely circulated, the tone of comments turned against DiSanto until she deleted the post Tuesday afternoon.
DiSanto is set to again serve as majority whip during the 2018 legislative session unless she opts to step down from the elected position, said Republican House Majority Leader Lee Qualm.
"I don't think that will have an impact," Qualm said. "Obviously I think she wishes she had not put it out there, but she was quick to pull it down and it seems like one of those things you do without putting much thought into it."
"Oops", I guess. #alllivessplatter

USA Today
Her response is a gem:
”I am sorry if people took offense to it and perceived my message in any way insinuating support or condoning people being hit by cars," DiSanto said. ”I perceived it differently. I perceived it as encouraging people to stay out of the street."
She was also fired from her job by the end of that day:
Then, at 7:24 p.m. Tuesday, a post appeared on the Facebook page of Keller Williams Realty Black Hills that said, "Due to recent events, Lynne Disanto is no longer associated with Keller Williams Realty Black Hills." DiSanto's occupation is listed as "Realtor" on her legislative biography page on the South Dakota Legislature website.