perceived my message in any way insinuating support or condoning people being hit by cars
This "I'm sorry you got offended" non-apology shit needs to end.
Chelan county... Yeah that sounds about right.
Man, there are a lot of shitty people out there.
"Nobody cares about your protest". Never ceases to amaze me how people have no clue about the founding principles of our country.
"Nobody cares about your protest". Never ceases to amaze me how people have no clue about the founding principles of our country.
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Since "We" elected a Giant Orange POS as President, now all racists feel emboldened and normalized.Lol, when did they get so brave
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Even casual racists who "just pass on memes on Facebook, it's just a joke geeee... Sorry if that offended you", they just feel very safe and inocuous in contrast to the Lying Sexist Racist Misogynist Con Man in chief.
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Hell, technically a white person and many more were run over during a protest only a month ago. I guess she doesnt count that because those white people who died or were hurt in Charlottesville protested the right way.
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Defend this GAF.
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When a neo Nazi ran over two dozen people and the person in the oval office condemned "both sides"Lol, when did they get so brave
The image plainly states "Nobody cares about your protest" and has people getting ran over, you racist liar.I perceived it differently. I perceived it as encouraging people to stay out of the street.
White supremacists.Republicans
What a piece of shit. Glad she got fired.
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