social media, ladies and gentlemenit seems like one of those things you do without putting much thought into it."
social media, ladies and gentlemenit seems like one of those things you do without putting much thought into it."
”I am sorry if people took offense to it and perceived my message in any way insinuating support or condoning people being hit by cars," DiSanto said. "I perceived it differently. I perceived it as encouraging people to stay out of the street."
What the actual
You can't play the grey area defense when you reposted a literal picture of people being hit by a car and used the word "splatter".
I was actually expecting a Splatoon meme. This is much worse.
It's a truly puzzling read of that image.
If she's lying, she shouldn't be in government because she's evil.
If she's telling the truth, she shouldn't be in government because she's an absolute moron.
Heather fucking Heyer you heartless homunculus.
Heather fucking Heyer you heartless homunculus.
If you were going for alliteration, you achieved it. And totally agreed, she is evil.
I don't know guys. By "a movement that we can all support", she obviously means the unimpeded forward movement of traffic. And those people in the meme are obviously just filming a music video, see the woman dancing on the hood of the car and the man behind the car break dancing. You guys are jumping to conclusions. She apologizes, what else do you want.
....both sides....something something Obama.
The real forgotten people, something something Antie Ruth, it was just a joke, etc.
But seriously, I would love to see someone defend it just out of curiosity of how crazy humanity has become.
As a white conservative Christian, she's the real victim here. No other group in history has been more marginalized or treated more unfairly or suffered as much. All she wants to do is make people adhere to her ideals and skin color. If they don't, she should be allowed to run them over in her SUV.
Besides, Heather Hayer was white so it's not racism. Checkmate, libtards.
Ooo! Ooo! I'll try!
Protests that block traffic are ineffective and do more to annoy the general populace than actually change opinions. In fact, some may vote against your protest out of spite of inconveniencing them. what I would argue if we lived in a world without Black Lives Matter and Charlottesville, but we don't. So fuck this bitch.
Also, is this one of those shitty lawmakers that was pushing for legislation to protect drivers who hits a protester in the street (that's a real thing)?
Bet she's against punching Nazis though
Heather Heyer is the person that was murdered by a neonazi in Charlottesville.
”I am sorry if people took offense to it and perceived my message in any way insinuating support or condoning people being hit by cars," DiSanto said. ”I perceived it differently. I perceived it as encouraging people to stay out of the street."
What's with GOP members seemingly condoning terrorism lately? We just had Aaron Bernstine casually imply he'd run over protesters less than a week ago. Is Trump single-handedly lowering the entire party's IQ?
Probably not. Wanting to hit vile people is a pretty basic compulsion.Bet she's against punching Nazis though
I have to say, Republicans suddenly being cool with ISIS style terrorist attacks when they have control of the government is interesting.
Hmm, a Republican acting deplorably. Big surprise.
(I'm curious though - are there any memes/images that Democrats have posted that are quite as disgusting as the ones Republicans often do, or at least are disgusting to the Republican outrage machine? I can't recall any...)
Meaning just that there was a protestor who died about getting run over with a car and this bellend thinks it's possibly okay to post this shit?
She needs to be censured and drummed out of that legislature.