CassSept said:
She is my muse, my flame :lol
Overall, I have a very mixed feelings. I quite liked it but it was dumb as hell and overall quite shitty. Something like the Crippled Summer which, while funny, the level of humor was very very low.
Jersey Shore episode might be interesting.
Wait, if you're talking about the camp half of the ep, Crippled Summer was hilarioius. It was pure fanservice for Looney Tunes fans. :lol
Don't you remember these guys?
There were plenty of other throwbacks too, of course
While I agree the level of humor in this episode was low hanging fruit (really, REALLY low hanging fruit), the sheer absurdity of it was entertaining, the dialogue was hilarious, and really, an absurd episode like this is good to get the crew back into their groove after a hiatus.
Plus, this ep had a modest amount of Kenny, which is always welcome