Partial Gamification
That is mindboggling. A great video though, love how he explains it. To me it makes perfect sense that the total energy is zero, any other number would have been arbitrary and would have required some exotic explanations about how stuff became to be. But I must say that I struggle to grasp the shape of spacetime, other than using the stretching balloon analogy, in case the gas analogy is inaccurate.
clusters and superclusters - if you zoomed back enough though, wouldn't they eventually seem evenly distributed too? Meaning that there is no centre etc.
It is mind boggling. Trying to "wind-back" the Universe, as a model that fits known laws and phenomenon, astrophysicists can employ light-cones to represent the "shape of [space-]time." Here is a short youtube video on this.
From how I understand what is theorized, the Big Bang was a quantum sinugularity that expand outward "in all directions." The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a one-to-one mapping to these quantumn fluctuations, "seen" just before the primodial Universe. This is to say the quantumn fluctuations, streched out across the universe, "cooled into the form" of the CMB and gave the universe "shape." The galatic clusters generally exist in the troughs or valleys of this "wave front" that is the CMB (as a surface in a set of concentric inflating balloons).
I don't think there is a center in the intuitive sense, as "all points serve as the center" (I cannot explain that one, it could hinge on an infinite Universe). It almost more of an existential "problem of being," as an observer, during the very early Universe. I think that by virtue of the quantum singularity not producing a "flat wave front," matter (energy) was never "evenly" distibuted. Perhaps if it were, energy might find an equilibrium and the Universe would have become static, but that claim would rest on knowing wtf is dark energy, etc., and how it all effects the "normal" matter.
Sorry for all the quotes, I am more of an affectionatto than an expert, and I am trying to be careful with the vocaulary employed to illustrate where there are gaps in my understanding.