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Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia probe

I know people say it wouldn't stop if Trump resigned but it would be interesting to see what would happen. Nobody likes their dirty laundry being aired and I feel the establishment would be desperate to brush it under the carpet and use Trump resigning as the it's all over, back to normal, nothing to see here, just close up that investigation, no need now. I hope not but they are self serving bastards.

New York AG Schneiderman would give absolutely zero fucks if Trump resigned, he'd still go after him. It just makes it easier to do sooner.


I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

I want Roger stone to go down.
Honest question, what would happen if on the day of reckoning Mueller says something like "we came to the conclusion that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no impeachment, investigation closed"

What would happen next? Of course, apart than the deep sense of desperation in all of us
Realistically they get kicked out in 2020, if the election even happens.

Hopefully? Mass civil unrest and revolution.


not licensed in your state
Wow be to the red shirt that has to break this news to Trump. In the middle of his "vacation"


Guys, if this fuck gets taken down, I'm turning my life around.

I'm going to get back into school, find a quality job, and find happiness.

Hold me to it


Honest question, what would happen if on the day of reckoning Mueller says something like "we came to the conclusion that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no impeachment, investigation closed"

What would happen next? Of course, apart than the deep sense of desperation in all of us

Then the GOP ends up in the awkward situation of trying to explain how this entire mess came about and why Trump is such an unbelievably shitty president without the convenient fallback of, "Oh, we were hacked and manipulated and he's just hopelessly corrupt."

I honestly think they'd be better off just taking the planet-sized L and leaving the galactic L on the table.


Tagged as I see fit
I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

Hope Hicks.
Guys, if this fuck gets taken down, I'm turning my life around.

I'm going to get back into school, find a quality job, and find happiness.

Hold me to it

how about start now. Start looking at classes, start studying math, practice leaving the job at the job. push yourself, and want to be better.


Guys, if this fuck gets taken down, I'm turning my life around.

I'm going to get back into school, find a quality job, and find happiness.

Hold me to it

How about you do that anyway and save some time. I was laid off last month after a 10 year job where i changed professions. Ive been depressed more than usual but have been working quickly, and im already enrolled in two separate schools for certifications and certificates. Shit is hard work when you feel everything is against you but you just go through the motions anyway. With any luck by the time i finish school im employed again and Trump is out. HUUUUGE party.
I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

Felix sater, Sergei Millian. This thing goes deep
In response to this CNN story, the President's attorney, Jay Sekulow, said, "President's outside counsel has not received any requests for documentation or information about this. Any inquiry from the special counsel that goes beyond the mandate specified in the appointment we would object to."

The mandate was actually open ended. :)

FYI 99.99 percent of federal grand juries end up delivering at least some indictments. EDIT: When indictments are sought, which is 84 percent of the time. So >99 percent of 84 percent.

Impaneling the grand jury is very early; the beginning. This is going to go on for a long, long time.


I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

Add Mick Mulvaney‎, Devin Nunes, Kris Kobach and Dana Rohrabacher to the list.
Is she nice person or nobody knows?

Has she ever called out her father ?

She does not seem to engage with the rest of the family or Trump's presidency.

My theory is that she gets a decent allowance in exchange for her silence regarding embarrassing shit. I doubt she is involved in the Russia shit.
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