In the context of an accident that occurred on 26/06/21 on the RD30 in the commune of ST CADOU (29), during the first stage of the TOUR DE FRANCE 2021, a judicial enquiry is being opened for "Unintentional injury with incapacity not exceeding 3 months due to a manifestly deliberate violation of a safety or cautionary obligation".
The spectator who caused the accident left the scene before investigators arrived. She was wearing glasses, blue jeans, a red and white striped jumper and a yellow jacket (like an oilskin). She was holding a sign with the words "GO OPI-OMI! Anyone able to provide information is asked to call the Finistère Gendarmerie Operations Centre on
Not gonna lie, I reckon that rider came down a little too easy.
Yet another cunt more concerned with the camera's spotlight instead of the actual sport in progress.
What did the sign say?
Lets be honest guys.
The only time cycling is worth watching is giant spills.
That spectator just doubled Tour de France ratings.
All I know is it's like 20 stages, the first place guy wears a yellow jersey, and there's a mix of flat, downhill and mountain stages, where some cyclists are better at one type than another.I didn't even know it was going on, or how long it's supposed to last for.
Lets be honest guys.
The only time cycling is worth watching is giant spills.
That spectator just doubled Tour de France ratings.
Lets be honest guys.
The only time cycling is worth watching is giant spills.
That spectator just doubled Tour de France ratings.
i don't watch the tour that often but wow, those are car accident level injuries, particularly Lemoines. just wow.Konovalovas - head trauma and loss of consciousness, concussion.
Lemoine - four broken ribs, a moderate pneumothorax and a head wound
Froome - hip and thorax trauma (will he continue the race?).
Soler - finished the race with fractures to both elbows - the end of the radius on both arms and the ulna of his left arm and is out of the race
pretty sure the sign said something different originally lol
well that would cause a shitstorm , i was hoping for a "I HATE TOUR DE FRANCE" edit of that imgpretty sure the sign said something different originally lol
pretty sure the sign said something different originally lol
Maybe car and cyclists races should have one mandatory crash per race.This is basically like watching Nascar if you aint a sister humping, inbred, white trash red neck. You watch for the crashes.
It's ok. You know I'm right and so isStreetsofBeige
No, that's the sign as it was when they shot the scene. They only changed it to "I hate N......" digitally afterwards. The scene was filmed in a bad neighbourhood, and standing there with a sign saying I hate N...... was considered too dangerous for the actor and crew.pretty sure the sign said something different originally lol
No, that's the sign as it was when they shot the scene. They only changed it to "I hate N......" digitally afterwards. The scene was filmed in a bad neighbourhood, and standing there with a sign saying I hate N...... was considered too dangerous for the actor and crew.
really? the N word was added later?No, that's the sign as it was when they shot the scene. They only changed it to "I hate N......" digitally afterwards. The scene was filmed in a bad neighbourhood, and standing there with a sign saying I hate N...... was considered too dangerous for the actor and crew.
This is basically like watching Nascar if you aint a sister humping, inbred, white trash red neck. You watch for the crashes.
It's ok. You know I'm right and so isStreetsofBeige
But this was only one girl...
Let’s roll back society.
Amazing how it is politically correct to shit on low income white people, but it is a crime to say anything about any other ethnic group.
I say this as a person of color; the double standard will eventually destroy any semblance of unity in the USA.
How is it a crime to say anything about other ethnic groups? Say what you want, nobody's stopping you or anybody else. You can tell it's not a crime to say anything about any other ethnic group by the way a sizeable portion of America is openly saying things about other ethnic groups and not being arrested for it.
Definitely though he needs to tone back that language, as we know NASCAR is the birthplace of many American ideals and rights, and their events are known for being highly diverse and minority-friendly. Remember, even some die-hard NASCAR fans tried CANCELLING them after they banned the confederate flag from being displayed by the fans!
Anyways, back to the dipshit with the sign. Did they ever find her?
You say that like this is uncommon when it comes to major events like this. Do you think the average spectator at a NASCAR event knows the cars? The teams? The drivers? What about football? You think Billy Joe and Holly Hughes in seats 543 and 544 know who is playing on the offensive line? Or who the cornerbacks are? Who the special teams coaches are? Same goes for Tennis, Basketball, or any other sport. Golf is probably the best example. You think everyone is standing at hole #13 to see Jim Fuzzies from FuckKnowsWhere? No they are there to see Tiger Woods, Brooks Koepka, and Rory. Everyone else that passes through is a "Oh hey that's fun" kind of moment. I imagine the TDF is no different.Never understood fans at cycling races.
There's surely some main hubs people group up at. The cyclists coming zooming down the road and blow by you in 2 seconds.
Now what? Does the average cycling spectator stand there for hours watching every cyclist ride by? Does the average person standing there even know who the cyclists are by number or jersey?
No, that's the sign as it was when they shot the scene. They only changed it to "I hate N......" digitally afterwards. The scene was filmed in a bad neighbourhood, and standing there with a sign saying I hate N...... was considered too dangerous for the actor and crew.
I literally drive right the fuck next to em in the same lane. Scares the shit out of em lol.I keep hoping to see a small scale version of this happen when cyclists take over my one road home going slow as fuck
I literally drive right the fuck next to em in the same lane. Scares the shit out of em lol.
Everyone looks at me like I’m a madman when I demand they register their bikes and pay wheel taxes like I do on my car lol. Hey. They gonna use the road they get to help with the upkeep as far as I am concerned lol