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Speed Racer (2008, Wachowskis) - GO WATCH THIS NOW

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Posting epic GIF


I originally wrote this movie off, considering how bad a taste Matrix Revolutions left in my mouth I kinda never wanted to touch a Wachowski bros flick again.

But this gif. This has changed my mind. I will watch this movie now.
I love this film, its fun and so colorful, it makes me remember that my HDTV can display beautiful color, what with all the grey/brown tinted movies now a days.

I just wished they would have gotten rid of that monkey, I dont appreciate cringing every time he is on the screen, film would be 100x better without it.


I love this film, its fun and so colorful, it makes me remember that my HDTV can display beautiful color, what with all the grey/brown tinted movies now a days.

I just wished they would have gotten rid of that monkey, I dont appreciate cringing every time he is on the screen, film would be 100x better without it.

loogie doodie justifies the existence of chim chim


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I love this film with all of my heart, but I can definitely see why people would think it's stupid. But they should think it's stupid because they don't like the direction, not because they think it isn't well put together.

I hate the movie, but I don't think it's stupid at all. I can appreciate the style and what they were going for, it just doesn't work for me. It fell super flat. But it was a unique approach, and I can appreciate the effort. I just don't want to ever watch it again.

Just watched this again last night after my initial viewing about 4 years ago.

This movie is amazing. I love how they cut from scene to scene (guy is talking in a room, someone he's talking about pans across the screen and suddenly you are in the middle of an action packed race)

They crammed as much story as they could and still had room for tons of action. At the start of the movie they tell you the whole story of Speed's brother and his growing up while a race is going on. They tied it all together very well. I also loved how they introduced the villain racers in short 10 second clips in the middle of the race.

The visuals are amazing. The colors and vibrant, the effects work very well and the tracks and locations are very imaginitive. At one point I turned to my wife and said "dude this is amazing looking! How do they do this!?"

The characters hit all their spots from the cheesy 60s cartoon.

The movie had really good emotional scenes and was a lot deeper than just racing to win. Very funny as well "I'm gonna send him some Chim Chim cookies!"

They did an amazing job with Speed Racer and I can't imagine anyone doing it better. To those who don't like this movie, what were you expecting from it? And you have no soul.

Most of the reasons why you like it are the reasons why I hate it. The cutting from one scene to another in just a few seconds completely ruined any immersion, it never left me any time to soak any of it in. It was far too much of an ADD directorial style to work for me. I hate Armageddon for the same reasons: the camera never sits still, every scene is a 2 second shot of something so overwhelming that you can't take it all in. The movie is just a run on montage of little scenes strung together to make a super fast paced narrative. The viewer is never given any time to appreciate or process any one scene. Speed Racer made me feel the same way.

While you love that they crammed so much story into little 10 second parts in the middle of a race, I felt that it was overwhelming and distracting. It was too much too fast. I never had time to feel any of it. The little clips took me right out of the moment of the race.

I do agree with you that the visuals were fantastic. But they were also fantastic in Star Wars The Phantom Menace. Yet, that movie sucked, even with all of its awesome effects and visuals, simply because it had no story and emotion behind them. Great effects need substance to give them any real weight. Lord of the Rings did that combination extremely well. Speed Racer fell flat for me for the same reason SW Ep1 did. The effects just couldn't save it from being a jumbled incoherent mess.

I also agree with you that the characters were written well and the actors did a great job, it's just that the relentless pace and hyperactive directing ruined it all for me.

Now, what would I have done differently? How would I have made the movie better? This won't be popular with the GAF Speed Racer Defense Force, but sure, I'll bite.

I would have made the movie more realistic. I would have used less effects for physical objects and more real sets. I would have had a physical Mach 5 in real car races, and not made it all CG and green screen stuff. I would have certainly toned down the ADD pacing / scene switching. I would have made it less like a live action cartoon and more real, given it more substance, given the situations more weight, made everything more tangible. I would have actually allowed the audience to relate, connect, and feel what was going on, rather than just bombard them with psychedelic blasts of special effects and impossible situations that were so incredibly unbelievable that all meaning was lost in them.

I can't relate, enjoy, or even process this movie the way it is now (yet I love the original cartoon), and I'm betting that most people couldn't. GAF seens to have a high percentage of people who love and adore it, but in real life I've never met ONE person who liked it at all. Some of my friends outright hate it vehemently. And when I ask why, the answer is always because it was too over the top, too ridiculous, too much too fast. It's also how I feel too.

All IMHO, of course. :)
I would have made the movie more realistic.

That would have made me hate the film. Speed Racer is good because it's not pretentious, it has absolutely no shame about what it is - goofy, cheesy, crazy, cartoonish, fun.

If it took itself seriously, it would be rightfully mocked for the shlock it is. Instead it mocks itself and we laugh along with it. As it should be.
This needs a blu-ray re-release because those special features included suck! I need features on special effects, set dressing, costume designing, etc.
This is probably one of the saddest effects the low BO had on this movie. I would kill to see an in depth behind the scenes feature(s) on everything about this movie. It fucking deserves it.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I originally wrote this movie off, considering how bad a taste Matrix Revolutions left in my mouth I kinda never wanted to touch a Wachowski bros flick again.

But this gif. This has changed my mind. I will watch this movie now.

What's hilarious is that it feels out of character, but he couldn't hold the sheer awesomeness of that scene, especially if you know the whole context of that car-fu. It had fucking vikings with beehives and mace attached to cars as weapons!


This is probably one of the saddest effects the low BO had on this movie. I would kill to see an in depth behind the scenes feature(s) on everything about this movie. It fucking deserves it.

The saddest effect of the movie flopping is that Speed Racer 3 in 3D and 48 or 60fps would have been absolutely amazing.

But it'll never happen.


This is a good movie to watch this weekend if you have nothing else to do!

My favorite thing about this thread is that you keep it updated.

And you've convinced me, popping it again now. This is seriously one of my favorite movies of all time...it's just so GOD DAMN FUN
This is the best depiction of a cartoon on live-action ever.

That is a technical feat in itself. And makes for one of the must-have Blu Rays.

If you don't like this movie, you just don't know how to have fun.

Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer.

By coincidence, I happen to be watching the cartoon at this very moment as it popped up in my Cartoon Network playlist.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Redline has one of those dinosaur driver right?

Also one thing that wonders me is why Trixie seems to visit Speed residence... for long visiting hours. I mean, she's there during breakfast and she's there during nighttime.
I finally watched it this afternoon.

Short review: HOLY SHIT! AWESOME!

As it started, I was having a little bit of fun. The movie is gorgeous and wildly colorful, but it was just not in the "OMFG!" tier like many on here put it. But then it got to the cross country race, and it went into "OMFG!" territory for me.

Especially this moment:

Posting epic GIF


I was laughing so hard at that. And then John Goodman beating up a ninja put it over the top. Or should I say a non-ja.

And the music! Giacchino delivers again with some amazing work.

The best way to describe this movie is that it is a living, breathing cartoon. It is like you are peeking into the mind of a ten year old boy that has had way too much sugar. It is lighting fast, silly, completely over the top fun. It does not try to ground itself in reality or make anything dark or gritty. It is simply designed to make you feel like a kid again, and god bless the movie for that.

Add me to the list of people jizzing about the movie. This was incredible!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Posting epic GIF


Although I don't like the movie, and I disagree with the GAF Speed Racer Defense Force, I will admit that this gif is spectacularly awesome. I even enjoyed that scene in the movie. Matt Fox's smile at the end of it just makes it. It needs to be on every page of this thread from now on.


Fuck it, this Blu-ray is only $8 at Walmart so I'm going to blind buy it. If I don't like it it can go in my stack of Blus that I'm going to put on Ebay. :)


Just watched this movie for the first time last week, been meaning to watch it since it came out:
How the hell did I go this long without seeing it!? I think this may be the best Wachowski movie, and I loooved The Matrix as a teenager. This is how you adapt a cartoon to a movie (by changing as little as possible)! Give them the Transformers franchise or Avatar:TLA or TMNT after the other directors are done ruining them.


Fuck it, this Blu-ray is only $8 at Walmart so I'm going to blind buy it. If I don't like it it can go in my stack of Blus that I'm going to put on Ebay. :)

It's a movie where EVERYTHING, from the camera cuts, to the background characters, to the fight choreography, to the dialog...is straight from a cartoon. If that sounds appealing to you then definitely get it.


Just finished watching it. It was fucking AWESOME! My eyeballs were going to have an orgasm. The story and characters were great. It was self-aware and it didn't take itself seriously, but the serious moments still felt genuine.

GAF was right this time.


Just watched this movie for the first time last week, been meaning to watch it since it came out:
How the hell did I go this long without seeing it!? I think this may be the best Wachowski movie, and I loooved The Matrix as a teenager. This is how you adapt a cartoon to a movie (by changing as little as possible)! Give them the Transformers franchise or Avatar:TLA or TMNT after the other directors are done ruining them.

Throw my recommendation in too. This is still pretty damn high up there on my "favorite movies of all time" list.

I finally watched it this afternoon.

Short review: HOLY SHIT! AWESOME!

As it started, I was having a little bit of fun. The movie is gorgeous and wildly colorful, but it was just not in the "OMFG!" tier like many on here put it. But then it got to the cross country race, and it went into "OMFG!" territory for me.

Especially this moment:

I was laughing so hard at that. And then John Goodman beating up a ninja put it over the top. Or should I say a non-ja.

And the music! Giacchino delivers again with some amazing work.

The best way to describe this movie is that it is a living, breathing cartoon. It is like you are peeking into the mind of a ten year old boy that has had way too much sugar. It is lighting fast, silly, completely over the top fun. It does not try to ground itself in reality or make anything dark or gritty. It is simply designed to make you feel like a kid again, and god bless the movie for that.

Add me to the list of people jizzing about the movie. This was incredible!

Just finished watching it. It was fucking AWESOME! My eyeballs were going to have an orgasm. The story and characters were great. It was self-aware and it didn't take itself seriously, but the serious moments still felt genuine.

GAF was right this time.

Thanks for your reviews! Add you guys to the OP


this is one of those bandied about cult favorites of GAF for years on end. I guess it's about time i checked this one out *shrug*
Keep your expectations in check and you'll enjoy the movie a lot more. Going in with a critical mindset will be doing yourself no favors.


I love this thread.

I saw this film at a midnight release with a buddy, and we both thought it was excellent! Because it was!

Then I saw it with my 4 year old son and he loved it!

If you can believe it, I entered Chipotle in Hawthorne CA either in late 2008 or sometime in mid 2009 and the person in front of me in line was the young actor who played Sprittle (Paulie Litt) iirc!! But here's the cool part I decided to be a little discreet and ask him if he is who I think he his, or something to that effect, and he said yeah, so I told him the film was amazing and that I really like it a lot and he was really chill and cool to talk to.

He orders with his relative and they go outside where it's sunny and I liked to eat outside being that it's so cal weather and all that, and I look around and there's like no where to sit but at the same table where Paulie was sitting (it was two or three square metal tables that someone else had previously slid together). Now this is the amazing part: he invites me to have a have a seat and join them!!! o_0 lol. I still can't believe it.

So I say okay and we sit, eat, and talk a bit about him and his role and his experience on the film and the lack of box office sucess (now that I think of it it must have been near Aug-Sept 08',) because he seemed a little bummed about it. I mentioned that they would probably break even or make a profit worldwide and with DVD/Bluray sales and he seemed to agree from what I remember.

All in all it was an amazing random lunch encounter with a "Movie Star" :D

Mr. F

Its an amazing experience on bluray and a great movie in all. Depressing this will never get a sequel.

I kind of like that it was a one-off, I prefer to remember the world and style in a vacuum rather than seeing it overstay its welcome.

Also, cross-post because I fucked up and posted in the wrong thread;

Visual bliss. I especially love the fight scene in the mountain when the camera is whipping around to all the different characters and the snow is blurring around them. So many great eye-candy moments. My jaw dropped at the final race.


I kind of like that it was a one-off, I prefer to remember the world and style in a vacuum rather than seeing it overstay its welcome.

Also, cross-post because I fucked up and posted in the wrong thread;

Visual bliss. I especially love the fight scene in the mountain when the camera is whipping around to all the different characters and the snow is blurring around them. So many great eye-candy moments. My jaw dropped at the final race.

I'm at peace with the one-off factor, but it would have been interesting to see if they could have triologized it! ;)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
To be fair it'd probably ruin the movie if it gets a sequel. I really like its closed meaning.

If anything they should do more classic Tatsunoko anime into live action movies made by Wachowski Bros. Casshan, anyone?


I slept on this until last month, when GAF finally convinced me to pop in the Blu-Ray I picked up during one of those 5-for-$20 sales at Blockbuster. You were right, this movie is fantastic. I liked it way more than I expected.

I couldn't believe all the negative reviews I saw on RottenTomatoes. Bunch of joyless cranks, those critics. There are some movies where you need to just give yourself over to the experience.
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