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Speed Racer (2008, Wachowskis) - GO WATCH THIS NOW

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I think it's a bit longer than it should be. The fact it's a family film and that it's about racing; I feel that the pacing should be blazing fast and it isn't. The movie is 2 hours and 15 minutes long. Has there ever been any other "kid" film with such a long runtime?


(Then again I don't agree with 90 either, that's too short!)

The Wachowskis seem to have a "either we have final cut or you can fuck off because we ain't doing the movie" mentality, so no wonder Warner had to agree with the long length. That extends to other things as well, for example we still haven't seen a single deleted scene from their films because once something is cut, they don't believe there's a reason to exist anymore, if it isn't in their final cut.

I have to LOL @ the 39% RT score though. Anything bellow 60, is just plain wrong. Easily a 70+ movie in my eyes.

When it was in production I remember reading that the script they wrote was like 200 pages. They say a page equals a minute, but I can't imagine the movie being any talkier.
When it was in production I remember reading that the script they wrote was like 200 pages. They say a page equals a minute, but I can't imagine the movie being any talkier.

Nah, the first draft (which is almost the same as the final film) was 163 pages.



Watching this again tonight for the umpteenth time, on our new bigger tv we got for christmas. Still love it, and now our nearly 4 year old does too- she's been playing the DS game and she's excited to see the movie that it's based on.


formerly nacire
I really want to see this as it looks like a real feast for the eyes, but god damn if I just cannot stand Emile Hirsch. I know people really like him, but no matter what I see him in I just can't enjoy him or his performance. I'm sure I'll deal with it and just enjoy the movie at some point.


I'm gonna be a party pooper.

Didn't enjoy. Felt weird, some incredibly questionable editing and pacing, strange scenes with trademark Matrix sequel-style odd speeches that don't belong in Speed Racer, obvious "slaps own head" misses like no bullet-time ala the Speed Racer intro... just couldn't get into it.

Sorry :(


Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna be a party pooper.

Didn't enjoy. Felt weird, some incredibly questionable editing and pacing, strange scenes with trademark Matrix sequel-style odd speeches that don't belong in Speed Racer, obvious "slaps own head" misses like no bullet-time ala the Speed Racer intro... just couldn't get into it.

Sorry :(
Bullet time from Speed Racer intro happens when he finishes the Casa Cristo rally.
You can add me to to the recommending list.

I remember being blown away by the film and spending hours lying awake trying to engineer those amazing cars.


Watching some the special features on the blu-ray, pretty in-depth look at the cool 'virtual sphere' bubble camera tech. I didn't realize how much of the background stuff was made using augmented still photography. Cool beans.

I LOVE this movie. Glad to see I am not alone. Hugely underrated. The game on Wii was actually not bad either.

I really enjoyed the Wii game a lot. I wish the game had made it to the 360, but I was happy enough with the Wii.


Watching this again tonight for the umpteenth time, on our new bigger tv we got for christmas. Still love it, and now our nearly 4 year old does too- she's been playing the DS game and she's excited to see the movie that it's based on.

Yeah I can think it's time for another rewatch on my new TV as well.

This movie is fucking trash. Another would-be GAF favorite turned flop.

no u

Trojan X

I love Speed Racer, it was so much fun and funny as anything. Definitely not a movie to take serious, just relax and enjoy. Oh yes, the last race featured all the hype and incredible craze that should be in the next FZero and Daytona 3. Damn, not getting rid of my blu ray version.

Trojan X

From what I heard the actors actually had fun.

That is great to hear because the movie definitely was loads of fun. Hehe. I remember the monkey fight scene, many peoeple in the cinema was having a good laugh along with myself and friends. I love films like this that makes you feel good afterwards. Good job, actors.


Watching this movie again for the umpteenth time(looking absolutely glorious on my new tv), I noticed something new, when one of the Spanish announcers in the final race screams "ES UN DEMONIO SOBRE RUEDAS!", one of the funnier moments for me. :p Anyway, these are actual lyrics from the original opening song, "He's a demon on wheels."

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Just chiming in, this is a beautiful movie. I would show this to those not sold on Blu-Ray. Looks like DVD my ass. You saw this, you knew you were watching some next level shit.


Neo Member
the movie is crazy cool. Too bad everyone missed the point. Yeah the Monkey stuff is shitty, but otherwise, its dripping in style and purpose..


Stop making me sad that this bombed guys :(
I want more Speed Racer.
Damn I need to go rewatch this now. It is a visual treat.
Honestly, I can't say I agree with the legion of fans here. The film's editing was too jarring and illogical, completely took me out of any interest of seeing what would happen next. It's certainly something on the visual side, yes, but that's not enough to carry a lackluster job on the overall.


This thread is like getting a cold sore, it can show up at any point of your life and with it, a new wave of misery or anger over this piece of shit movie appears.


This thread is like getting a cold sore, it can show up at any point of your life and with it, a new wave of misery or anger over this piece of shit movie appears.
The movie's fucking fantastic, sorry it didn't work for you.


Speed Racer is a visual gem. A true marvel of cinema. Too bad it bombed like there's no tomorrow :( Love it. How can anybody watch it and say it's bad is beyond me.


I caught this a few weeks ago. I can see why people wouldn't like it, but I thought it was great. I may be a sucker for some unusual visuals, but I just think I GOT the movie and what it was and what it wasn't.

The only thing I didn't like was John Goodman's performance but I've rarely liked his performances (Big Lebowski being the exception).

Trojan X

I love Speed Racer too. My friends and i along with people surrounding us was cracking up laughing in the cinema when we watched it. It's a movie that you can only enjoy by jumping on the hype train - that is almost the same hype feeling when you are playing a ghetto blasting 8 players daytona usa and everyone including yourself are awesome - don't care about the technicalities and enjoy the ride. Im so glad i got it on bluray.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It also has a truly fantastic soundtrack.

I absolutely hate the movie. I own it on blu ray and I've tried many times to see what the GAF crowd sees in it, but the Ritalin induced editing of the film plus the jarring green screen effects just ruin it for me. HOWEVER, the best part of the movie IMHO is the song that plays during the end credits. I love that bit of music:

This thread is like getting a cold sore, it can show up at any point of your life and with it, a new wave of misery or anger over this piece of shit movie appears.

Definitely not going to the movies with you then.

As a big Speed Racer fan, I loved the hits of nostalgia, but the whole PG-13 rating killed it for me.

Also the focus was on CGI races and not the characters and back stories.


I don't like the movie, but to be fair I'm glad that a lot of people on gaf do.

Remember the Speed racer wii game? Based on the movie, it was brilliant!! Only setback is that it was too easy


To bad a re-release isn't possible. I think it might do even better today. No changes to it. Just put it back in theaters. The film is amazing from the acting, action, visuals, family theme, etc.


The movie is too long for its own good and a lot of the comedy grates. It's visually exciting in the opening but some of the races are a little too busy visually and overstay their welcome. There's a difference between visual dazzle and visual assault and overloading of the senses. Speed Racer accomplishes both. There is a touching story about family but the movie should have been trimmed down considerably. The Wachowskis don't seem to know when to quit.


Definitely not going to the movies with you then.

As a big Speed Racer fan, I loved the hits of nostalgia, but the whole PG-13 rating killed it for me.

Also the focus was on CGI races and not the characters and back stories.

Speed Racer is actually PG, and I can't even imagine why someone would complain about its rating.
It's a good thing Speed Racer has more than visuals.
It has colors, racing, a paper thin plot, bad acting, a chimp and over the top cartoony sequences that look great in a cartoon but not so good in a live action movie.

I understand why so many people love this movie, but also there're enough reasons why most people (and the box office is a proof of that) didn't like this film, I've the Blu Ray and I have tried to give not only 1 but 3 other chances and it's still the same, it's a beautiful screensaver and nothing more.

But I like the chimpanzee.
In what sense was the movie limited by its rating?

I'm of the opinion that this movie could've easily been PG, and probably would've made it better/an easier sell for kids.

For example, Speed cursing made like no damn sense whatsoever in the grand scheme of things


Definitely not going to the movies with you then.

As a big Speed Racer fan, I loved the hits of nostalgia, but the whole PG-13 rating killed it for me.

Also the focus was on CGI races and not the characters and back stories.

Definetely not going to the films with you if you are gonna complain about the rating of something like Speed Racer.
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