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Spelunky |OT| With Fate Guiding My Every Move


Game is just so god damn hard. I'm back to playing near daily. Up to 225 deaths. Today I cleared the mines only once in about 15 tries. I've been playing this for months. It's been a long time since I've loved a game this much but I just. can. not. improve. my game!


it is really fucking hard. 225 deaths in several months means you aren't putting in enough time to improve though.

play more. die more. :p

I'm susper rusty myself. every time I fire the game up I have one decent run in me at most, then I need a break.

shit is hard.

Nose Master

I've been playing this a lot again lately, trying to clean up achievements. The only one left is Low Scorer. Fucking impossible. Hell is a breeze compared to this, I would rather beat hell three times consecutively than Low Scorer.

Ice caves, man. If you get a snow level, it's more or less entirely luck whether or not you get gold on your way to the exit. I haven't made it past 4-3 without gold.
Congrats, man. I still haven't beat the game at all, though I haven't played for a few weeks now. I'm probably just not good enough to beat it, honestly. That really bums me out. It's not often I simply can't execute the needed skills in a game I really love. Usually if I keep playing, I can get through the base game (to say nothing of achievements like Low Scorer).

Right now I have other games to get to, so I'm not sure I'll go back to grinding on this one.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I bought this on the weekend. Damn amazing game. Loving it. Can't wait to rebuy on the vita.
God, I want this version of Spleunky to come to PC. It's the only reason I haven't sold my 360. I should just back up my save and pray that it is compatible. I haven't played in months and never even beat the game, but I unlocked the temple shortcut! My proudest achievement.
Unlocking the temple shortcut is very satisfying, until you realize how ridiculously brutal the temple is. It's like a rape simulator and you're the victim.


Junior Member
I'm with you guys who want a PC version. I'm actually curious as to why it hasn't happened yet. It would be a lot easier for me to just boot it up on my PC that I'm on everyday, rather than having to use my 360.

Hopefully some more DLC is released in the future too.

Nose Master

Unlocking the temple shortcut is very satisfying, until you realize how ridiculously brutal the temple is. It's like a rape simulator and you're the victim.

Shortcutting to the temple and getting through it is actually harder than doing it from the mines, imo. If you have a cache of bombs the temple is free. If you shortcut there, you only have the four.
Shortcutting to the temple and getting through it is actually harder than doing it from the mines, imo. If you have a cache of bombs the temple is free. If you shortcut there, you only have the four.

I agree, but I've been telling myself that I would use the shortcut over and over until I've mastered the Temple, and then start from the mines once I'm done practicing.

But I guess I have to accept the cold hard truth; there is no mastering the Temple, at least not for me.
I agree, but I've been telling myself that I would use the shortcut over and over until I've mastered the Temple, and then start from the mines once I'm done practicing.

But I guess I have to accept the cold hard truth; there is no mastering the Temple, at least not for me.
"Cold hard truth"

Good phrase - that's how I've felt about Spelunky. Love the game but I had to accept the truth at some point that I just don't possess the skill to beat this game. Frustrating. I simply don't have the time to devote the thousands of tries it would take for me to reach the end.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Bring key all the way to 3rd ice level. Makes a stupid mistake. Cries.

That's the story of Spelunky man - glad I finished everything I wanted to get in MGR: Revengeance, gonna finish up Doritos Crash Course 2 so I can spend the gaming time I'm not playing Gears with in Spelunky again.


This thread bump reminded me that I still need to get the low scorer achievement. I don't know if I've got the willpower to do it... During the last holidays I got robbed twice against Olmec (both times I had gold falling on me out of nowhere), and that pretty much killed my motivation...


I'm going to do some flying this week. I'd hoped this would be out on Vita by now but sadly this is not the case. Oh well, maybe for my flight back...


So....is this the thread to talk about the PC version as well?

Just got it on Steam. I can't seem to choose a character. I cannot get passed the character selection. It doesn't freeze, it's just that I can't do anything. I move to the character and the only option I have left is "back," but even that doesn't work. The keyboard doesn't work either (Using my DS3).
if anyone wants to add me for the daily challenges, feel free


what's the best tactic to get high scores? do you need to learn how to kill the merchant? which items that he sells are the most benefitial? what should i be buying/avoiding?

edit: gets the jetpack for the first time: this is awesome!

20 seconds later: finds the transporter for the first time: cool!

3 seconds later: transported into a wall or something and crushed

Don't think there is, but
try taking a picture of the ghost with a camera! :)

Okay, I just read the ghost acted as a timer. Oh well.

Also, FUCK ME. At the end of 1-4, The cavern guy asked me for a bomb and I didn't have any. Died immediately in 2-1. I think I could've made a shortcut if I gave him one :/


What do all the gems above the door stand for individually?

Edit: Nvm. It seems to indicate how many times you've completed the game.
So, I managed to get the first shortcut !

I was wondering, Is the coop also online ? It says LAN, but when you enter it you can switch to had hoc... So ut's online right ?


I suck terribly, but getting back to the action is so quick that it has that just-one-more-go hook that makes you lose more time than you were expecting. Watched a speed run earlier today where somebody completed the game in less than seven minutes! Takes me so long per level that I'm often outrunning the ghost (I assume that's why he pops up).

So, I managed to get the first shortcut !

I was wondering, Is the coop also online ? It says LAN, but when you enter it you can switch to had hoc... So ut's online right ?
No, infrastructure is online.
After hundreds of attempts, I finally completed a 0 score Speedlunky attempt run.

Touched some gold while bombing a path for Olmec and completed it at 8:35.



Just opened up the second shortcut and the third area doesn't seem that difficult in comparison to the Jungle..

Really enjoyed the short sessions i've played so far.

So have they fixed framerate issues on Vita version?

Been playing on vita and haven't seen a patch. Encountered some problems with the "The dead are restless!" Jungle areas. The rest of the game has been smooth for me but I haven't played much and didn't play the other versions.


The last couple nights Rex has been focusing on the Olmec WR which he doesn't have. It's 2:38 and held by this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23vc6rjcgCc
holy shit that's mad. so that's how you use the teleporter!

(some twat posted that's it's beaten in the comments, but didn't post a link. who knows.)

I want to start playing this again, just pissed that I bought the pc version but never play it because setting up my shitty laptop to play game is annoying...

I never did get any of the minis I wanted and now they are all sold out. I should have bought the whole set. oh well.


holy shit that's mad. so that's how you use the teleporter!

(some twat posted that's it's beaten in the comments, but didn't post a link. who knows.)

I want to start playing this again, just pissed that I bought the pc version but never play it because setting up my shitty laptop to play game is annoying...

I never did get any of the minis I wanted and now they are all sold out. I should have bought the whole set. oh well.

Rex has the Olmec WR now.. 2:13 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVfLcoJNnTY
As I mentioned in the Steam thread, congrats mannerbot!

amazing, congrats.

how did you do the co-op achievement, with a partner, or solo?
The game's surprisingly easier doing solo co-op, haha. Ghost blow patrolling shopkeeps on the edge of your vision to make them neutral when they get line of sight. Get the Kapala on the first altar you see. Use the co-op ghost to set off arrow traps. It's very convenient.


amazing, congrats.

how did you do the co-op achievement, with a partner, or solo?

I did it solo. Rickenslacker perhaps went about it more intelligently, I pretty much just either sacrificed the second player at first opportunity or killed it and played the rest of the game up until 4-3 (at which point I revived and carried it for the Olmec fight). If you have two control options that you're used to co-op mode really does seem much easier than single player, as you get free sacrifices, can use the ghost to see what's inside crates (and the stuff RIckenslacker mentioned), and basically get free health refills if you revive and swap players when you get low.


cool thanks guys, might give that a try.

I played for about, 4 hours today, split between the Xbox and pc versions. just getting my chops back. haven't played seriously in a while. had some credit left so I bought the explorers dlc on 360.

such a great game.


Junior Member
PSVita users: There's a patch pending on approval that'll make the game run smoothly as well as include the so-called daily challenges and some minor fixes :)

The Real Abed

I failed todays Daily Challenge because the jerk ass level generator put the door directly below an opening and an arrow trap directly looking at it. And the worse part being I had a rock, that I had with me specifically to set off traps, but didn't see the trap, and just as I landed right on the door, I got shot. Dead. Dammit.

Also, the other day I was doing my best run ever, got all the way to level 3, a snake level, got the Mattick, decided to spend some time digging, dug right into a wall and got crushed by a stone block because I forgot they could fall. I sat in silence for a minute shocked at my stupidity.

This game is awesome.
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