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Spelunky |OT| With Fate Guiding My Every Move


Yaaaay! I beat the speedrun in about 10 attempts last night! Pretty happy with that as I was expecting it to take me a week. I did get pretty lucky and got the "feel a psychic presence" event in the Ice Caves (which has a guaranteed jetpack) though. :D

Naaaay! The only achievement I have left is Low Scorer and it's SO BORING. I'm very much not a fan of achievements that require you to play the game wrong. :mad:

and that SUCKS about the pickaxe! i used it just this morning and it was brilliant. beat my old score by like 40k points before i did some stupid shit and died way to early. i was rich by the end of mines for crying out loud.
It's a useful item but I suggest giving my method of beating the game starting from level 1 a shot... What I do is play the mines gathering money but not really going far out of my way to get it, picking up the Udjat and then proceeding to rob the black market. With some ropes to hang from and some patience, robbing it isn't very hard, and combatting the exit-guarding shopkeepers is actually only hard in the mines. In the Ice Cave, they always run off the edge and kill themselves and exits in the Temple generally have tiki traps that they kill themselves on. This method almost guarantees you a decent inventory to beat the game with. It's just nice to enter the market with like 20k, 3 bombs and a compass and leave it with 50 bombs, 25 ropes, jetpack, shotgun, ankh and the various shoes and gloves.

Also, I will buy every bomb pack I see and maybe one stack of ropes in the Mines. Can never have too many bombs. And I'd do anything necessary to buy a jetpack if one appeared in an early shop.


Congrats! Damn sounds like that wasn't so hard for you after all the practice. Crazy.

Yeah low scorer is supposed to be a bitch. Good luck. Doesn't sound fun.

Thanks for the tips. I'm going to keep working on that and try your strat. So do you bomb shopkeepers from the rope? Is that the idea?

I'm sure ill be looking for some more advice and encouragement, so check back! Thanks.


Thanks for the tips. I'm going to keep working on that and try your strat. So do you bomb shopkeepers from the rope? Is that the idea?
I do if the situation calls for it, but here's a breakdown of what I do every time I enter the black market:

- Climb around on the ladders to see what each shop has, and what configuration of enemies and traps there are. Kill every enemy surrounding the shops.
- If there's a shotgun in a shop on the bottom two floors, I buy it. If there's one in the top two shops, I steal it. Then I kill the shopkeepers up top.
- From here, I'll go over to the right where the Ankh shop is and look down and wait. What I want to happen is to trap as many shopkeepers as possible in the Ankh shop, since they can't jump up from there.
- With the 2nd floor down empty of shopkeepers (i.e. all trapped by the Ankh), I go down to the block right next to the ladder. Jump and press down to toss a bomb right at the thicker wooden board in the ladder (the one that's a floor if you walk on it) and the bombs can't stick to it and will fall down, often landing right on a shopkeeper's forehead. One or two bombs tossed down this way usually kills all of them down there.
- Jump down and grab the Ankh, then check out what's on the 3rd floor down by looking down from the 2nd. If there are items worth grabbing down there, I'll bomb open the shop entrance to the left and then climb back up to the 2nd to trick the shopkeepers to rush after me and fall out of the 3rd floor onto the bottom floor. Then I steal.
- If I empty the 3rd floor, I head over to the wheel game (it's always in the same place) and put a bomb right by the door to the prize. It'll almost always blow open a quick path to the exit. If there was nothing of value on the 3rd floor and there are too many shopkeepers going buck wild in there, I head back to the Ankh shop and bomb my way down to the exit from there. Takes 4-5 bombs but lets me avoid any remaining shopkeepers almost completely.

From there, I kill exit-guarding shopkeepers passively by activating them by getting close, then getting the fuck outta there and waiting for him to spaz into a trap a few times and kill himself. This works on every level after it since there are tiki traps everywhere and they're capable of eventually killing him, unlike the arrow trap in the mines.


sweet, thanks for the layout. i had something in mind like that while i was plying this morning, but thats very detailed. should help. ill work on my shop raiding this week.

this game is so great.


Party Pooper
somewhere around 600 deaths and I beat Olmec (from the shortcut)


Obviously still much to see (City of Gold, Hell), but it feels to good to finally beat the game


sweet, thanks for the layout. i had something in mind like that while i was plying this morning, but thats very detailed. should help. ill work on my shop raiding this week.

this game is so great.
No problem, I'm just happy if my strategies come to good use now that my time with the game is winding down. Low Scorer is being an absolute bitch to me, though, so I guess I'll still be playing it for another week.

Had a run yesterday where I got jetpack, 30 bombs and all and on the 2nd Temple level there was a cluster of jewels and no way to shortcut past them with bombs so I had to try to blow them out of the path with tossed stickies... Of course that ended up with one of the jewels being blown right at me. :(

atomsk said:
Obviously still much to see (City of Gold, Hell), but it feels to good to finally beat the game
Congrats but sorry, man, you didn't beat it if you used a shortcut. You merely saw the ending!


Is there any easier way to kill Olmec?
I got to him 3 times, and one of them with a Jetpack and Scepter, but killed myself accidentally because it just takes too long for him to dig through. It takes a lot of bombs to bomb a decent exit (I usually don't have many bombs). So it's either stacking dozens and dozens of bombs, or letting him break it slowly and hope for the best?


Yeah they are random pick unless you get the whole pack too. So you kinda have to get them all if you want a few of them.

I just went with one. Hope I get one that I like.

Wait, is there no pug? I don't remember seeing one. Hope I don't get a stupid maiden. Lol

Yeti, shopkeep or tunnel man wuld be cool.


Speaking of the soundtrack: my friend and I were in the Caves and instead of one of the normal tracks there was a weird, retro-sounding tune. It's only happened once. Is there any significance to it?
No significance, each area just has a rare song that plays sometimes. My favorite is the one in the Temple. Ominous chiptunes!

godddddddddd.. I want the yeti one so bad! I'm really tempted to buy 3-4 singles but at that point maybe I'd be better off getting the full set.. gah. decisions, decisions..
I really shouldn't be doing any frivolous spending...but I want the caveman, yeti, shopkeeper, jiangshi and tunnel man so fuck it. Buying the lot and hoping they're still there in 2 weeks when I get paid. (It's supposed to be a very limited run...)


im in such a rut.

last several days ive just been dying in the dumbest ways. ill have a great start and then do something just so fucking dumb, like land on some spikes or start some stupid chain reacton that gets me killed in some outrageous way.

had 7 health today and just fell right on some spikes.

had a jetpack and shotgun and fucked up somehow in the Black Market (forget what i did, something really dumb im sure).

i regularly go spelunking with a pick axe and kill myself by excavating under a falling block that kills me dead. so dumb...

just over 900 deaths now, with little to show for it. so bad.


im in 2-4 right now. its a dark level. i had to go into a 1 square small pit to retrieve my torch and just had to pick up, my shottie, a dead tribesman, his boomerang, and a small frog before i could get to the torch. lol

spike trap at the exit, got me and the dog through safe then floated to my death on 3-1 with 6 health. shit.


Story of all our lives, Daigoro. :(

Need help from fellow fans; listen to the soundtrack: http://phlogiston.bandcamp.com/album/spelunky and tell me what are your favorite tracks? Can't say why, but I'm working with Eirik (the composer) on something awesome and your answers will help us a lot.
I can't listen to them and name tracks but I love all the rare tracks (I think they're called like "Mines Egg" etc?), especially the Temple one. And that's not because I have a hard-on for chiptunes, I generally don't care for them too much.

Can't really stand the MIDI stylings of the Mines and title screen songs. Please use less MIDI-sounding samples on whatever project you're working on!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
still been playing this game almost daily. Finally beat olmec on one play through and got both the 'beat game' and 'beat game no shortcuts'

now have to do city of gold and hell.

one question, what does having opening that gold door on the ruins do?

I think the path to a correct finish is the following

get eye thing from locked chest
go to black market buy/steal ankh
kill yourself on 3-3 to get the hat
beat city of gold to get necronomicon (or whatever it's called)
after olmec is dead, there is a door there down below where you'll have to jump off his head to get to, if you have the book it will take you to hell.

If that's right, what does the scepter door do on 4-2? I've killed that asshole with the scepter, but it always says 'the scepter fits but nothing happens' I think because I need the hat as well? But what's in there?

also for those of you that have done the gold achievement, whats a general 'good' gold run on the mines? I'm usually happy if I get 20000 on the first stage, but have no idea what to shoot for. I know in the later levels money gets crazy valuable, but I don't wanna get all the way there and realise I'm too far off the pace.


one question, what does having opening that gold door on the ruins do?
That's the door to City of Gold. Since there's only like 3 of us regularly posting in this thread anymore, I think we're safe for spoilers...

The door only opens if you have the Hedjet and Scepter. To clarify the rest of the path; you have to fetch the Necronomicon from the center of CoG, it isn't just handed to you, and grabbing it spawns Anubis II (whose badassery is pretty overblown by the internets, he's still kind of a wimp). While beating Olmec, you need to use the 'con (it's an icon that works like the Eye) to find the correct spot to sink Olmec. You don't jump from him, you have to be standing on him as he sinks to enter the door.

For the $500k, you can aim for getting lucky by getting all the gold you can, maybe finding a Mattock and making it unbreakable and just freestyling it and hopefully you'll have some $200k by the time you hit CoG, but that's pretty luck-based. The best way to intentionally get it is to "ghost run" in levels with the little treasure rooms (4-block-sized room with 2 chests and a shopkeeper); blow the room open, kill or lead the shopkeeper elsewhere and wait by the jewels in the chests until the ghost shows up and lead him over them. That's $70k in every level you do it in. I've posted lengthier tips for that in the thread.

If you're diligent in ghost-running every level you see a treasure room in, you should have $300k-400k before you even enter the CoG. If so, you'd only need to spend like 10 bombs in there to get the rest. If not, you should bring some 40-60 bombs and try to keep 15-20 bombs for Olmec and Hell. (You do not need to save bombs for Yama, the final boss in Hell, as his minions will give you 24 bombs.)

Edit: BTW, at the beginning of 5-1 in Hell, there will be a tower with a boss vampire near the top of hte level. It's there every time. If you bomb your way in from the side, right where Vlad is hanging in the ceiling, you can spend 2 bombs to easily kill him and release the amulet that's in the wall next to him (you'll see it since you have the Eye). Going from the bottom of the tower is the intended way, but that's suicide. Getting the amulet will help a lot with the true final boss, since it grants you protection from the lava guys and one of the boss' main attacks is flooding the room with those dudes.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
That's the door to City of Gold. Since there's only like 3 of us regularly posting in this thread anymore, I think we're safe for spoilers...


I thought finishing with the hedjet was the way there.

now I need some reliable tips for actually killing the anubis dude. because without a gun, this is actually pretty tough. I sort of get him sometimes by just waiting around and he goes near tiki traps.

sticky bombs I guess, but sometimes his placement is a total bastard.

also - unbreakable mattock?!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, if you carry one to the level after you find it, its unbreakable.

if they patch that out before i get some of the achievements im going to be one unhappy spelunky.

dear god, I'm gonna get on that asap.


I can't listen to them and name tracks but I love all the rare tracks (I think they're called like "Mines Egg" etc?), especially the Temple one. And that's not because I have a hard-on for chiptunes, I generally don't care for them too much.

Can't really stand the MIDI stylings of the Mines and title screen songs. Please use less MIDI-sounding samples on whatever project you're working on!

Duly noted. I'm working on an EP with several composers, and Eirik will contribute heavily to it; a bunch of original tracks and one Spelunky medley. Scheduled release is December so that's a way off, but I figured fans of the game's music might wanna know.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
urgh finally made it to city of gold. assumed it was 4 levels long..... left without book.



sticky bombs and rope? i was amazed when i got there, but i didnt have much in the way of good equipment when i got there.

i think i heard sticky boms were the way to go. now im thinking i should have went up with some rope instead of trying to go under. (now ever sure if i had rope and i didnt have sticky bombs at the time.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sticky bombs and rope? i was amazed when i got there, but i didnt have much in the way of good equipment when i got there.

i think i heard sticky boms were the way to go. now im thinking i should have went up with some rope instead of trying to go under. (now ever sure if i had rope and i didnt have sticky bombs at the time.

it's actually a lot easier than that, you can run towards the bird man at the start and olmec will squish him, then when he jumps again, just run under him and back to the side. he will fall down directly and leave a spelunky-dude sized gap beside him. when he jumps again, do the same. he will essentially just jump up and down on the spot, leaving your safety gap at the side, it's clausterphobic, but it works.

repeat all the way down, then at the bottom you have to be a little tricky with ropes to ensure you don't fall in the lava. occasionally shoot ropes up if it looks like a critter is coming to get you as well.


hm crazy. i get the idea, but i cant visualize what happens as you get towards the bottom since i havent seen the bottom yet. ill see whats up next time i make it that far. thanks.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
hm crazy. i get the idea, but i cant visualize what happens as you get towards the bottom since i havent seen the bottom yet. ill see whats up next time i make it that far. thanks.

it's not very deep, takes about 10 jumps of olmec I think. maybe 15. basically you end up standing on the one he's about to break through, so you have to throw a rope and jump as he's coming down. This is slightly tricky as sometimes the shaking or a guy hitting you can make you fall in. It's waaaay easier with a jetpac, but then the whole game is easier with a jetpac (and shotgun).


total spoiler vid there on how to do it.


ahhhhhhhhhhhh. i just had my best run ever straight from caves to Olmec. had a jetpack, was using a pickaxe to get around and had like 8 health, shitload of bombs and health. i was super nervous though.

i dropped the pickaxe on 4-3 right at the exit, went to meet Olmec and got crushed on his second jump. shiiiiiit.

i had used the Temple shortcut and got to him like 4 times today to practice, but the farthest i made it was about 1-2 crushes away from defeating him, but like 3 baddies came swarming in.

well i made it over the hump, but this was such a golden opportunity. damn!!

thanks for the tips and the vid, going to watch now. (edit: yeah thats what i was doing, screwed it up like 4 times today though, including that golden run.)




i got Public Enemy, Made It, and Ironman achievements during this run. good enough for 864th place on the leaderboard. took long enough!

didnt feel like much of a run while i was doing it probably due to so many crappy deaths over the last week, but i got to Olmec with a ton of crap and about 60 bombs. i wound up digging a big hole for him to jump in because i still havent manages to kill him the quick way (i kept screwing it up, but i was close the last time, ill keep practicing that). glad i read that little tidbit somewhere recently because i did not want to fuck this up.

finally got that monkey off my back. hard earned win there. thanks for the advice above guys.

lots left to see though. havent been to Hell or the City of Gold yet.

edit: AND my first Mini just came in the mail. sadly, it is the one i least wanted, the maiden (see above, the one mini i hoped i didnt get. yay!). boo. AND she has a big head with tiny feet and falls over easily. i knew she was the worst mini!

i tried turning on maidens instead of pugs once, but that didnt last long.


Story of all our lives, Daigoro. :(

Need help from fellow fans; listen to the soundtrack: http://phlogiston.bandcamp.com/album/spelunky and tell me what are your favorite tracks? Can't say why, but I'm working with Eirik (the composer) on something awesome and your answers will help us a lot.

1. Title screen

6. Adventure begins

9. Mines B

13. Shop Radio 3

17. Lobby

24. Ice caves A

26 Yeti caves *this track is SO awesome.

28 Mines C

42. Cemetery

45. Shop radio 1

those are the ones i picked for now. i love the soundtrack. its really great. i didnt pick any of the songs past 47 because they arent in the game and seems like demos and alternate version by other people (if im reading right).

62. Shnabubula & Gabe Terracciano - Turkish coffee is amazing though! my god i am in love.


Olmec is fucking with me hard.

ive been taking the shortcut to temple just to practice beating him the quick way and i can not do it. havent done it once in about 20 tries or so? FUCK!

a few times it has been my fault, just freaking out and getting crushed, but 80% of the time or more he sends a fucking army of baddies after me. spiders, frogs, bats. even if i had enough rope to deal with them (i dont) it would be hard as fuck.

ive tried both the back and forth and run under/run back methods fail me. back and forth is worse because there is always a baddie that gets dropped opposite me.

driving me fucking crazy.

still havennt gotten to the City of Gold yet either, but im getting closer. it sucks losing my handheld items after getting the hedjet. need to make sure to have sticky bombs i guess...


im talking to myself here, so im going to stop soon.

i am cursed! ive tried Olmec a good 5 more times since my last post. still 0 wins the quick way. tried yesterday from the shortcut, got there on the first try. at the first stopm he sends a red frog down on my head. !@$^&(*!@%%

played from Caves today, got to Olmec with more than enough of everything i could possibly need to defeat him plus a jetpack, but instead of bombing a giant pit for him, i try to do him the "easy way". miraculously he doesnt send one bad guy after me (like in every fucking youtube video of defeating Olmec out there). i set up my ropes and at the final stomp, as he is sinking himself into the lava, 2 fucking scorpions spawn/drop on either side. right where my ropes are placed. i bounce from one to the other and die on the top of his head as the door opens above me. OH i did get the Romeo achievement on this run unexpectedly, so that was nice.

i LOVE this game but FUCK. throw me a fucking bone Olmec. i just dont get it. its not like im not paying my dues here. i just want to be able to kill you like everyone else seems to do with ease instead of having to bomb a giant fucking pit for you to hop into every time.

doesnt seem like that much to ask...


good to know. im still playing every day until i rage quit. ill post more success/fail stories then.

i ordered a second mini myself. hoping for a good one. which ones did you get, or was it the whole set?

i might order a few more in a week or so.


I got the whole set. Didn't want to take any chances and since I had to import them from the US I'd have to pay customs more than once if I had ordered individually. Has there been any word on how long they'll be available or how many they manufactured?


i dont know. someone said they are supposed to be a limited release, but i dont see anything on the store front or on Spelunky World about it.


Well, I played Spelunky again tonight. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I still need to get the gold key to the end of 3-4 and made it to 2-3 when I triggered a chain-reaction with multiple bees and tiki traps. I even made it through an all dark level without a torch in 2-2 before that. As expected, every run after that initial one was worse, though :p

Also, I discovered that I didn't actually get a real full set of the minis. I have two duplicates and the caveman and the plant are missing :(


Gold Member
I've been saving up bing points to buy this and I finally have enough. Question: have they said anything about a PC version? I'd hate to drop $15 and see a PC version in 3 weeks for $5 on Steam.


Well, I played Spelunky again tonight. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I still need to get the gold key to the end of 3-4 and made it to 2-3 when I triggered a chain-reaction with multiple bees and tiki traps. I even made it through an all dark level without a torch in 2-2 before that. As expected, every run after that initial one was worse, though :p

Also, I discovered that I didn't actually get a real full set of the minis. I have two duplicates and the caveman and the plant are missing :(

oh no. that sucks. you should contact Fangamer about that. the caveman is one of the coolest looking ones.
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