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Spider-Man 2 Director Explains Why MJ Stealth Scenes Were Included in the Sequel


Gold Member
How did it score so high for this garbage story?


I don't want to pick on some random Insomniac employee. The problem is them hiring these face models and then making them unrecognizable in game. Why even bother at that point?

The problem is beyond that. They are like burning money because they are rich. You see, you pay a model to be used as a 3D object, spend a tons of money for the capture motion hardware, just to the end put a face of one of yours emploeyers? Why even hiring a model in the first place? Why not use the body of this ugly emploeyer in the first place?

Is this even made sense to you? Is a totally waste of money. Even from the reality point.
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You dudes should start hunting down copies of this bad larry

Its on PC too and you can easily Inject AO into it.
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Holy crap, i just took the time to go through it all. How did it score so high for this garbage story? I don't think I would even buy it on PC now, seeing as the first game is not my cup of tea, this seems even worse story wise.

Icing on the cake would have been MJ doing a lesbian scene in front of Peter while he slowly walks away with his tail between his leg. Such a strong character. /s
The game has incredible critical and user reviews. the story was pretty good imo. i'm not watching the whole video, but a snarky youtuber can make anything sound bad if he's dedicated and cynical enough.
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Yup, even here in poland u got that woke narrative among some women, then they wonder they cant keep a guy rofl, or that they cant get married, no sane guy gonna marry such monster, even if sex is e-mazin, obviously u dont wanna have kids either coz its obvious longterm diseaster, let them be "strong females", but single, irl guy like peter parker wouldnt even fanthom any thought of dating such monstrousotity as mj is in spiderman2 ;D
I wish there were just some here in Sweden... it's everywhere lol.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Oh. My. God. I might as well be arguing with myself because you’re not reading or comprehending anything I’m saying. I was talking about you saying the pictures were blurry. Jesus man
My reading is fine. Your pics were low quality and that's clear. Can't take anyone seriously who tries to say they changed the character's game model to make her look ugly while posting blurry pics. Remember, you're the one who replied to me by saying, "try again" and I went into full detail as to why she looks that way. Pay attention, because I can't walk you through the conversation.

fact of the matter is Insomniac changed her character model to be less conventionally attractive. Sorry. Even the pictures you posted are maaaaaybe closer(?) but no cigar. Still doesn’t look like the face they scanned. You lost buddy. Hold the L. It’s not up for debate

They didn't. Just people who are fixated on conspiracy theories. Your argument doesn't hold weight. You offered no real counter-argument other than to post more pics. Legit have grown men whining about this and it's ridiculous. People's political beliefs make it harder for them to rationalize.

Don't complain because I shot down weak arguments.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Freya was not like MJ but she raised a shithead who was going to kill her. Kratos literally saved her life. And shes mad at him? come on. Why not take some accountability and admit that her decision to rob her son of FEELING ANYTHING is what caused him to try and kill her. But hey easier to blame the man.
She was mad at him because she wanted her son to live even though he was trying to kill her.

She took accountability in the second game and realized that her anger was misplaced. This is what Kratos teaches her in the second game. That's what you call taking accountability. Freya's anger was reasonable to some degree because she lost her son, and it was also reasonable for her to change.
The problem i have with these games is that both MJ and Freya are angry women who are constantly shitting on the main character. Maybe its realistic. Maybe thats how the writers view women because their wives blame them for their problems all day and they go and write about it thinking thats what all women do. But to me, thats not what a strong female character is. A strong character should be able to look inward and accept her own flaws instead of being insecure and blaming others. MJ is mad at Peter knowing full well he was under the influence of venom. Then when he apologizes, she is curt with him. instead of loving. Peter accepts it because thats what modern men are supposed to do i guess. Just accept that they have a right to be angry, but never accept women to take any accountability themselves.

So yeah, my problem is with writers. MJ is supposed to be there for peter. Not chastise him. Freya eventually learns to forgive Kratos but not before spending half the game antagonizing him.

honestly, we dont ever see WHY Peter loves her. Whats so special about MJ? other than shes MJ? She wont move in with him to save the house. She wont bother commuiting from queens which is a max 20 minute train ride from flushing. Their bs characterization of these women being boss bitches hurts the storytelling because we detest these women instead of empathizing with them.

What you're saying is very inaccurate. It's not unusual for anyone to be upset with Spider-Man BEFORE they find out what the symbiote is doing to their behavior. it would also be unrealistic for them to immediately understand what's going on with him, but MJ found out shortly after and began to ask Miles Morales for help

Simply saying, "Go on" is not consistently shitting on the main character. She quickly understood how the symbiote changed him and that's why she didn't hate Peter for what he did.

This is why the next scene she expresses regret for publishing her story about Spider-Man with the Bugle

Jameson: Your first assignment: write more juicy stuff by tomorrow morning! Drama, Controversy! Just like this!
Mary Jane: Like this...?

She knew this wasn't Peter and that's why she didn't want to write anymore "juicy stories."

Mary Jane: I, Uh.. Didn't get fired from the Bugle. In fact I think I got a promotion.
Peter Parker: Hey! That's what you wanted, right?
Mary Jane: Yeah I.. I thought it was

Another thing that goes against your argument is what she told Peter after the fight with the Scream.

MJ: Jonah? Kiss my ass. I quit.
MJ: I think I've been lost for a while now. Not just to the symbiote. For months I've been...Trying to be something I'm not.

You have 3 points here.

1. She related her situation to Peter as not being themselves. This means she acknowledges Peter's problems and she's too.
2. She noticed her fault and apologized.
3. The typical "boss babe" wouldn't sacrifice her career for love. This goes totally against that narrative. This is why she decided to have a podcast instead of a higher paying job.

Commuting wasn't the issue. She wanted to stay in the city because that's where the action was. She couldn't

Mary Jane: I need to be in the city close to where the action is.

She also offered to pay for the mortgage so Peter wouldn't lose his house.

Mary Jane: If you need time, I can cover the mortgage.

It's as if we played totally different games.
My reading is fine. Your pics were low quality and that's clear. Can't take anyone seriously who tries to say they changed the character's game model to make her look ugly while posting blurry pics. Remember, you're the one who replied to me by saying, "try again" and I went into full detail as to why she looks that way. Pay attention, because I can't walk you through the conversation.

They didn't. Just people who are fixated on conspiracy theories. Your argument doesn't hold weight. You offered no real counter-argument other than to post more pics. Legit have grown men whining about this and it's ridiculous. People's political beliefs make it harder for them to rationalize.

Don't complain because I shot down weak arguments.
You can’t walk yourself through this conversation because it took 4 exchanges for you to realize I was disputing the “blurry” pictures. Which they’re not lol. You look like the biggest clown trying desperately to use this as a defense. In a court of law you’d be getting thrashed right now boy. Even if I granted for the sake of argument and said “okay they’re blurry” they’re still obviously clear enough to see it’s a far cry from the face model. And you know that. So stop using this weak ass argument perhaps?

Also shot down weak arguments? You got trounced and started flailing trying desperately to position yourself as the mature one so you could muster any kind of credence. Also saying “no real counter argument” to me posting pictures is hilarious because A. Posting pictures is literally precisely what you’ve been doing as well with an added caveat of some dumbass thing about day rendering and B. What better argument is there to present when talking about how someone looks? You just sound so silly right now and it’s laughable

That’s like saying “okay your honor he did produce photographic evidence of the accused killer but he really didn’t provide any REAL arguments if you think about it ya know?”
>Or we could say, 'Hey, we've talked about showing the world from all different angles.
>And if she's a little OP, I don't give a shit. She's fine. I don't care.

Open contradiction. You're not showing the world from a different perspective if you make MJ capable of dealing the same foes Miles and Peter have trouble fighting. The best MJ sections were the Kingpin Museum and the Grand Central Station sequences; where she was appropriately placed, and appropriately weak in comparison to the threat.

But like he said, he doesn't care. He's in a Californian studio working for 2 companies entrenched in ESG bullshit, and he doesn't have the backbone to say no. He'd rather annoy the paying customers with pace-breaking nonsense because women are strong and powerful, m'kay?
Fucking spot on man, just left wing city people preaching to the rest of the world how wrong everybody who's not them is. So many AAA games are like this these days.
MJ missions were way better than the first game. They actually had good level design with decent gameplay. People just hating because she isn't the stereotypical feminine damsel in distress or how men want women to behave. Her character in the game wasn't annoying at all, especially comparing to other side characters. Kind of a nice wrinkle to the traditional portray of the character

And, it's quite funny how apoplectic gamers were over her model. It's as if some were so disturbed that they won't be able to be to jackoff to her animated character.
No instead she's a stereotypical "strong" woman so that liberals can pat themselves on the back that they made her the type of woman they obsess over and so they can feel good about "sticking it" to everyone who's not them.


Neo Member
She was mad at him because she wanted her son to live even though he was trying to kill her.

She took accountability in the second game and realized that her anger was misplaced. This is what Kratos teaches her in the second game. That's what you call taking accountability. Freya's anger was reasonable to some degree because she lost her son, and it was also reasonable for her to change.

What you're saying is very inaccurate. It's not unusual for anyone to be upset with Spider-Man BEFORE they find out what the symbiote is doing to their behavior. it would also be unrealistic for them to immediately understand what's going on with him, but MJ found out shortly after and began to ask Miles Morales for help

Simply saying, "Go on" is not consistently shitting on the main character. She quickly understood how the symbiote changed him and that's why she didn't hate Peter for what he did.

This is why the next scene she expresses regret for publishing her story about Spider-Man with the Bugle

Jameson: Your first assignment: write more juicy stuff by tomorrow morning! Drama, Controversy! Just like this!
Mary Jane: Like this...?

She knew this wasn't Peter and that's why she didn't want to write anymore "juicy stories."

Mary Jane: I, Uh.. Didn't get fired from the Bugle. In fact I think I got a promotion.
Peter Parker: Hey! That's what you wanted, right?
Mary Jane: Yeah I.. I thought it was

Another thing that goes against your argument is what she told Peter after the fight with the Scream.

MJ: Jonah? Kiss my ass. I quit.
MJ: I think I've been lost for a while now. Not just to the symbiote. For months I've been...Trying to be something I'm not.

You have 3 points here.

1. She related her situation to Peter as not being themselves. This means she acknowledges Peter's problems and she's too.
2. She noticed her fault and apologized.
3. The typical "boss babe" wouldn't sacrifice her career for love. This goes totally against that narrative. This is why she decided to have a podcast instead of a higher paying job.

Commuting wasn't the issue. She wanted to stay in the city because that's where the action was. She couldn't

Mary Jane: I need to be in the city close to where the action is.

She also offered to pay for the mortgage so Peter wouldn't lose his house.

Mary Jane: If you need time, I can cover the mortgage.

It's as if we played totally different games.
Its like people want to be angry. Many people in this thread can’t seem to identify the development and changes of a characters personality based off of circumstances. A mother having her son be killed when she was willing to die instead and having to be taken off the path of revenge. A girlfriend who is still focusing on her career only to find it isn’t the path she ultimately wants to take while trying to balance a relationship with a super hero. Characters change and grow and that was showcased in both characters.

It feels like people don’t have the ability to see the events through a women’s eyes and instead just go spouting about “woke”.

MJ’s missions on the other hand….pretty bad, didn’t enjoy them and did find it funny how she was able to take all these guys down in 1 shot as opposed to spider man who needed to beat the hell out of them.


You nailed it. So many times i wanted to shut the game down because of her ranting about how much more she's suffered compared to Kratos. I mean it's like those damn writers don't even know the story of the character the game is about. Idiots!.
I was on the phone so couldn't go in too much detail. Either way, having female characters being "bitchy and toxic = strong female " is the modern way of thinking according to the libs. But what most of these weak, mentally ill writers fail to understand is that this shit has a ripple effect its design to destroying the dynamic between men and women. This is effing everywhere from movies, shows and now games. They want the two sexes to always be fighting for whatever reason may be to disrupt the natural order of things, weaken the nuclear family etc etc. That's how they program females to behave towards their loved ones. Now image making MJ be more agreeable, understanding or loving.... that's being weak and incapable according to them. These people are nut jobs and rewarding them with your money is basically saying "Good job, please continue feeding us more of this delicious poison"
Freya lectures Kratos after he speaks of his past. The ‘exaggerated’ line is perfect.



One section of MJ content looks like it is straight out of a Splinter Cell game. Seriously, what is this doing in a Spiderman game? "We need to make MJ super capable." At taking down bad guys faster than Spiderman? So dumb.

Hearing that they may have cut content, such as Venom portions, to get more MJ in the game. Just wow. If you are lucky, you can get to play as Venom in the DLC.
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>Or we could say, 'Hey, we've talked about showing the world from all different angles.
>And if she's a little OP, I don't give a shit. She's fine. I don't care.

Open contradiction. You're not showing the world from a different perspective if you make MJ capable of dealing the same foes Miles and Peter have trouble fighting. The best MJ sections were the Kingpin Museum and the Grand Central Station sequences; where she was appropriately placed, and appropriately weak in comparison to the threat.

But like he said, he doesn't care. He's in a Californian studio working for 2 companies entrenched in ESG bullshit, and he doesn't have the backbone to say no. He'd rather annoy the paying customers with pace-breaking nonsense because women are strong and powerful, m'kay?

Nah he's right.

I play tons of games that eschew realism for the same of game play. Are you gonna say this about overwatch because a 250 lb man takes 3 shotgun boats to go down, or mortal combat because the girl with the fan blades got her skull caved in and got back up?

No one cares about this when playing any game. Its not supposed to be realistic and in my opinion folks complaining about this are just looking for things to nitpick.


I have zero love toward Spider Man or any marvel crap but in my opinion devs dont have to "explain" anything to anybody. At end of the day its their fucking game and they can put anything they want and we are free to like it or not.
No one forced him to explain anything.


Can’t Git Gud
OK Now I really feel like I need to play this to see if she is this ugly.
I've never played SM1/remaster and MM but I will make an exception for 2.
People hated on forspoken and called my queen Frey fugly too. All pics were of stupid poses and highly compressed.
But Frey was at least an asshole of a character. Not a soft bitch.
Maybe that's the case?


NaughtyDog Defense Force
You can’t walk yourself through this conversation because it took 4 exchanges for you to realize I was disputing the “blurry” pictures. Which they’re not lol. You look like the biggest clown trying desperately to use this as a defense. In a court of law you’d be getting thrashed right now boy. Even if I granted for the sake of argument and said “okay they’re blurry” they’re still obviously clear enough to see it’s a far cry from the face model. And you know that. So stop using this weak ass argument perhaps?

You don't pay attention very well. I said you're trying to find blurry screenshots in an attempt to prove a point you don't have. It makes you look desperate. You could post higher-quality screenshots and I would still prove your claim wrong.

My arguments aren't weak.

I posted my analysis, and that's something you have et to do. You're just complaining because you have nothing else to say.

Also shot down weak arguments? You got trounced and started flailing trying desperately to position yourself as the mature one so you could muster any kind of credence. Also saying “no real counter argument” to me posting pictures is hilarious because A. Posting pictures is literally precisely what you’ve been doing as well with an added caveat of some dumbass thing about day rendering and B. What better argument is there to present when talking about how someone looks? You just sound so silly right now and it’s laughable

That’s like saying “okay your honor he did produce photographic evidence of the accused killer but he really didn’t provide any REAL arguments if you think about it ya know?”

I've been working with 3D models for years. I'm familiar with face scanning, shaders, lighting, etc. I'm confident that a more experienced developer would laugh at all the ridiculous comments on this thread.

I posted clear screenshots and compared them to the actress. The facial features and structure are the same. But some people think she was made to look like the employee just because some YouTuber made them believe it. The model looks nothing like her.

Just about anyone who actually compares it can see it, but obviously, you have people who aren't capable of doing that due to their own personal beliefs.

I didn't just post pictures, I posted comparisons and explained why. You're only complaining and posting screenshots without offering any sort of analysis. When it doesn't work, you're resorting to silly arguments.

Go to any 3D modeling based forum and ask them.


Jesus fucking Christ, they're still doing this bullshit in the sequel? Literally everyone made it very clear that the reason why no one liked those sections in the original is because it didn't involve playing as Spider-Man. I don't care how much effort they'll put into making those sections great, they will NEVER be desirable by anyone because no one wants a Spider-Man game where you don't play as Spider-Man for any amount of time.

It's just a pointless, tedious distraction and you could've easily delivered that exposition in a few-second cutscene. Or better yet, write the story in a way where we never leave Peter's perspective.
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OK Now I really feel like I need to play this to see if she is this ugly.
I've never played SM1/remaster and MM but I will make an exception for 2.
People hated on forspoken and called my queen Frey fugly too. All pics were of stupid poses and highly compressed.
But Frey was at least an asshole of a character. Not a soft bitch.
Maybe that's the case?
Other than being a charisma black hole, but all the characters in this game are, she's really unattractive.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I understand the narrative purpose for including non-super perspectives. But it is undermined a bit when you give her an OP stun gun, even if it does make those stages more fun from a gameplay perspective.

I think people make too much of her appearance changes, most of it is the fact that they took away her make up (though the jawline is changed for the worse). I don't fap to game characters so it's not a big deal to me.


The more I hear and see about this game the less I want to play it. This doesn't even look like a Spiderman game. And MJ is modeled after some woke ass middle aged writer for the game? Wow. Poor MJ. I imagine Insomniac is the kind of company that never says no to any female employees. Wouldn't want to offend them.

I may just pass on this game altogether. Definitely not worth buying a PS5 for it. If this never gets released on PC, I may never play it. It needs a PC release so mods can fix some of this shit. At least a new MJ model for sure.
Oh C'mon, don't throw the Sweet baby out with the bath water...

Those babies need your money to grow in the industry, in every company, in every decision, in every art project, media, science, school, your thoughts.. We all love this stuff, and so do you!

Don't you JayK47 JayK47 ..


Only a few hours in but it seems like their continuing to push the same narrative as No Way Home which is that the criminals are the real victims.


Just like Falcon & Winter Soldier with the 'Flag Smasher' terrorists and other recent MCU projects. It's particularly true whenever the villain is female. The writers bend over backwards in an attempt to justify and excuse what are often inexcusable actions.

Lets not forget, Insomniac did the same thing with the woeful Tinkerer in Miles Morales; they turned Miles into a cringe-inducing simp and tried to pitch her, the villain, as the victim of the story. The company Sweet Baby Inc., which is all about identity politics and does 'sensitivity' reading for games like Alan Wake 2, apparently consulted on the story for Spider-Man 2. Given the extremely progressive shift, moving from Spider-Man => MIles Morales => Spider-Man 2, that I think lends itself to the unlimited empathy mentality we frequently see on the left.... or, what I like to refer to it as, narcissistic empathy. I should add, it is interesting how that particular ideological perspective has resolved into very similar story beats across numerous mediums. I guess, when you diversify everything except diversity of thought, you end up with a bunch of people that look different with very similar ideas. Who could have guessed it?

Eric Cartman Lol GIF by South Park
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Trying to walk the tightrope of experiencing a less powerful, more "normal" character while still having something for them to do is definitely a difficult challenge. You could have no capability of facing enemies whatsoever to truly feel powerless, but that usually leads to complaints about it being boring even if it's more thematically accurate. MJ in this game falls more on the other side of trying to make the gameplay a little more engaging even if it somewhat betrays the idea of experiencing the difference between a superhero and a regular person. I think that was the point the director was trying to get across.

Of course, the usual reply is "just remove those sequences completely". But I think it was worth it for one reason: getting to see what symbiote-controlled Spider-Man is like from an outside perspective. I found the sequence where
MJ had to run and hide from symbiote Spidey
very powerful, and that's not something you can get if you only ever see Peter's or Miles' perspective. I think that segment was very well done.
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Ulysses 31


Just like Falcon & Winter Soldier with the 'Flag Smasher' terrorists and other recent MCU projects. It's particularly true whenever the villain is female. The writers bend over backwards in an attempt to justify and excuse what are often inexcusable actions.

Lets not forget, Insomniac did the same thing with the woeful Tinkerer in Miles Morales; they turned Miles into a cringe-inducing simp and tried to pitch her, the villain, as the victim of the story. The company Sweet Baby Inc., which is all about identity politics and does 'sensitivity' reading for games like Alan Wake 2, apparently consulted on the story for Spider-Man 2. Given the extremely progressive shift, moving from Spider-Man => MIles Morales => Spider-Man 2, that I think lends itself to the unlimited empathy mentality we frequently see on the left.... or, what I like to refer to it as, narcissistic empathy. I should add, it is interesting how that particular ideological perspective has resolved into very similar story beats across numerous mediums. I guess, when you diversify everything except diversity of thought, you end up with a bunch of people that look different with very similar ideas. Who could have guessed it?

Eric Cartman Lol GIF by South Park
That stuff started with WandaVision where Wanda held a town hostage and made their lives miserable but still the show comes up with lines like "They'll never know what you sacrificed for them' when she gets to fly away free without any accountability. And Dr. Strange saying she put things right in Multiverse of Madness. 🤡🤡


When you played as MJ they could have simply made you “escape” stealthily, like the game Alien Isolation. Then it would have been more believable.

Has anyone ever played Alien Isolation? That’s believable - why? Because you don’t take on the alien. You just escape through the environment without getting caught.

They should have done that with MJ.
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