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Spider-Man 2 Director Explains Why MJ Stealth Scenes Were Included in the Sequel



This is a bad video, tbh. His argument is pretty thin, highly speculative, and without any evidence to back it up. The chick he's talking about isn't even a lead writer because she's credited as a writing INTERN on IMDb. He literally could've looked it up in five seconds but chose to bend the narrative instead in order to make his point sound more valid. Also, she didn't even work on the first game so how is she supposed to be a self insert if the character and its appearance already existed way before she even had anything to do with this franchise?

Now, we can all agree that MJ is a badly written character who was hit with an ugly stick for the sequel, but targeting one of the women who worked on the game as the sole culprit for this, just because she bears a vague resemblance to the character, makes this guy sound like a fucking incel, lol.
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You don't pay attention very well. I said you're trying to find blurry screenshots in an attempt to prove a point you don't have. It makes you look desperate. You could post higher-quality screenshots and I would still prove your claim wrong.

My arguments aren't weak.

I posted my analysis, and that's something you have et to do. You're just complaining because you have nothing else to say.

I've been working with 3D models for years. I'm familiar with face scanning, shaders, lighting, etc. I'm confident that a more experienced developer would laugh at all the ridiculous comments on this thread.

I posted clear screenshots and compared them to the actress. The facial features and structure are the same. But some people think she was made to look like the employee just because some YouTuber made them believe it. The model looks nothing like her.

Just about anyone who actually compares it can see it, but obviously, you have people who aren't capable of doing that due to their own personal beliefs.

I didn't just post pictures, I posted comparisons and explained why. You're only complaining and posting screenshots without offering any sort of analysis. When it doesn't work, you're resorting to silly arguments.

Go to any 3D modeling based forum and ask them.
LOL I don’t pay attention very well from the guy that missed the point of what I said 4 replies in a row. Great. I’m not trying to find blurry pictures dude. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I found perfectly clear pictures and posted them to trounce your argument. Sorry if you can’t cope with that. It’s funny how nobody else, not one other person has any issue with their resolution quality except you. As evidenced by all the likes and laughs I got on my message completely clowning on you when I posted that night time MJ pic

And dude I don’t care about your occupation. That’s completely irrelevant to a guy that refuses to use his 2 eyes because he likes the game and has this weird emotional bias preventing him from seeing that it’s obviously altered. Your screenshots didn’t even look like the actress. I don’t know what to tell you other than I’d recommend seeing a doctor about your vision issues. You look like a complete clown demanding “analysis” for like the 8th time when it’s as simple as the model doesn’t look like the character, and I posted numerous pictures to prove this. This is not the deep, thesis demanding discourse you seem to think. It’s rather simple actually. A goddamn character in a Spider-Man video game is made to look less attractive by a woke studio. And oh look here’s wildly clear photographic evidence of this. And you continue to do your acrobatics because you know you have nothing in the chamber for an actual rebuttal. Because there is no rebuttal. You’re just wrong. Sorry Dforce.
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You don't pay attention very well. I said you're trying to find blurry screenshots in an attempt to prove a point you don't have. It makes you look desperate. You could post higher-quality screenshots and I would still prove your claim wrong.

My arguments aren't weak.

I posted my analysis, and that's something you have et to do. You're just complaining because you have nothing else to say.

I've been working with 3D models for years. I'm familiar with face scanning, shaders, lighting, etc. I'm confident that a more experienced developer would laugh at all the ridiculous comments on this thread.

I posted clear screenshots and compared them to the actress. The facial features and structure are the same. But some people think she was made to look like the employee just because some YouTuber made them believe it. The model looks nothing like her.

Just about anyone who actually compares it can see it, but obviously, you have people who aren't capable of doing that due to their own personal beliefs.

I didn't just post pictures, I posted comparisons and explained why. You're only complaining and posting screenshots without offering any sort of analysis. When it doesn't work, you're resorting to silly arguments.

Go to any 3D modeling based forum and ask them.

Hold your L Dforce. Hold it tight:messenger_tears_of_joy:

You’re more than welcome to keep tap dancing though, go ahead explain to me how the top pic is a mirage of lighting or whatever, or perhaps demand I also include a detailed thought out “analysis” to back up what I just posted:messenger_tears_of_joy:


NaughtyDog Defense Force
LOL I don’t pay attention very well from the guy that missed the point of what I said 4 replies in a row. Great. I’m not trying to find blurry pictures dude. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I found perfectly clear pictures and posted them to trounce your argument. Sorry if you can’t cope with that. It’s funny how nobody else, not one other person has any issue with their resolution quality except you. As evidenced by all the likes and laughs I got on my message completely clowning on you when I posted that night time MJ pic

And dude I don’t care about your occupation. That’s completely irrelevant to a guy that refuses to use his 2 eyes because he likes the game and has this weird emotional bias preventing him from seeing that it’s obviously altered. Your screenshots didn’t even look like the actress. I don’t know what to tell you other than I’d recommend seeing a doctor about your vision issues. You look like a complete clown demanding “analysis” for like the 8th time when it’s as simple as the model doesn’t look like the character, and I posted numerous pictures to prove this. This is not the deep, thesis demanding discourse you seem to think. It’s rather simple actually. A goddamn character in a Spider-Man video game is made to look less attractive by a woke studio. And oh look here’s wildly clear photographic evidence of this. And you continue to do your acrobatics because you know you have nothing in the chamber for an actual rebuttal. Because there is no rebuttal. You’re just wrong. Sorry Dforce.
Because it's easy to get a reaction from anyone who thinks something is woke. These are the same guys who think it was modeled after an Insomniac employee, even though there's tons of evidence proving otherwise.

There's no point that was missed. You turned to reply by posting the worst screenshots possible. It was a weak attempt.

You've now made tons of excuses when I asked you to explain why it doesn't look like the model and now you're saying,"lol it's not that deep." Just more excuses. Don't reply and then complain. You don't have anything to say other than to repeat the same excuses as before. I'm done. Lol
Because it's easy to get a reaction from anyone who thinks something is woke. These are the same guys who think it was modeled after an Insomniac employee, even though there's tons of evidence proving otherwise.

There's no point that was missed. You turned to reply by posting the worst screenshots possible. It was a weak attempt.

You've now made tons of excuses when I asked you to explain why it doesn't look like the model and now you're saying,"lol it's not that deep." Just more excuses. Don't reply and then complain. You don't have anything to say other than to repeat the same excuses as before. I'm done. Lol
Okaaaaay and did I ever say it’s modeled after an employee?

Worst screenshots possible? You mean like… clear front facing screenshots that clearly show her face? Or maybe like the ones you posted with a metal bar hiding her jaw or her looking down at a weird angle?

And Jesus Christ you may be the most dense, purposefully obtuse goofball I’ve ever encountered on this forum LOL. Explain how it doesn’t look like her? Dude use. Your. Eyes. Jesus H Christ. I don’t even know what to say. It clearly looks like a different woman almost. Just about everyone else here sees it but you. Even the goddamn woke alanah pierce concurred this fact. I swear you’d say “produce for me a picture of an elephant” I’d show you a picture of an elephant clear as day, “Ugh. Arkhamguy?!?! I need you to explain to me how this is an elephant!!” Just completely bereft of any real response. It would’ve been easier to just admit you were wrong like 7 replies ago instead of repeating the same tired ass defenses over and over. So yeah I’d say you are done lol. You clearly have nothing left here man
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Hold your L Dforce. Hold it tight:messenger_tears_of_joy:

You’re more than welcome to keep tap dancing though, go ahead explain to me how the top pic is a mirage of lighting or whatever, or perhaps demand I also include a detailed thought out “analysis” to back up what I just posted:messenger_tears_of_joy:

Lighting and shaders make a huge difference.

Same model, textures
Different lighting, shaders, and rendering engine.



Yeah, good job posting a terribly lit picture and comparing it to the face model. You just now proved my point. Best yes, now I'm done. I'm not going to sit here and teach you the basics of in game lighting.
Lighting and shaders make a huge difference.

Same model, textures
Different lighting, shaders, and rendering engine.



Yeah, good job posting a terribly lit picture and comparing it to the face model. You just now proved my point. Best yes, now I'm done. I'm not going to sit here and teach you the basics of in game lighting.
Lol let’s see here. Pic 1 and 2 clearly the same woman. Pic 3. Clearly the same woman as 1 and 2. Pics 4 and 5. Clearly the same woman. So it seems even as per your own examples it doesn’t make a night and day difference to where it looks like a different person? So just like I predicted you’d try, and fail spectacularly yet again to defend your position

And I just pulled a Saul Goodman on you because you’ve now been duped to make yourself look even sillier than you already did in front of this forum. So now everyone take a look, this is the kinda clownery you get displayed from people who think they didn’t change her model. This is how weak and erroneous their thinking is


Lol let’s see here. Pic 1 and 2 clearly the same woman. Pic 3. Clearly the same woman as 1 and 2. Pics 4 and 5. Clearly the same woman. So it seems even as per your own examples it doesn’t make a night and day difference to where it looks like a different person? So just like I predicted you’d try, and fail spectacularly yet again to defend your position

And I just pulled a Saul Goodman on you because you’ve now been duped to make yourself look even sillier than you already did in front of this forum. So now everyone take a look, this is the kinda clownery you get displayed from people who think they didn’t change her model. This is how weak and erroneous their thinking is
Woke ppl will stay in denial, bro, mj looks 50yo, and ugly, 0 tits or ass, she is basically a 2 both from body and face perspective.
Peter is a 10(just look at his muscless, and he fricken can afford such a nice big house in his early 20s), irl he wouldnt even try to hook up with woman as ugly and old looking as spiderman2 mj model for one night stand, yet devs try to push agenda he would be ok being in longterm relationship with such monstrosity/planning future with her.

Here for my woke gaf breathen how 64yo celeb, no plastic surgeries nor make up looks
similar wrinkless to that fucked up mj model from sm2 but at least no manly jawline and still has better figure, again thats 64yo no make up and no plastic surgeries ever.
For constrast thats her in 1991(so at 32yo) with her mother(news host, so ofc godly genetics run in the family;p)
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Hold your L Dforce. Hold it tight:messenger_tears_of_joy:

You’re more than welcome to keep tap dancing though, go ahead explain to me how the top pic is a mirage of lighting or whatever, or perhaps demand I also include a detailed thought out “analysis” to back up what I just posted:messenger_tears_of_joy:
Looking at these two images side by side, its safe to say the original model (bottom right) has brown eyes while the MJ rendering has blue eyes. The original model has a more feminine tapered jawline while the MJ rendering has a more robust, masculine "Batman-eque" jaw. I see the original model is wearing makeup, while the MJ rendering is not.

So to me, the MJ rendering looks like she was kinda "inspired by" the original face model. And I have no dog in this fight regarding the looks of the MJ rendering, just wanted to put in my two cents. I just think it's funny that in the game MJ gets to "one shot" all the baddies while Pete and Miles need multiple shots even with all their superpowers.

Again, the MJ parts should have had more of a "hide and seek" aspect to the gameplay, like Alien Isolation. Nothing wrong with stealth hiding and sneaking around. I would do entire Splinter Cell missions without taking out baddies.


Looking at these two images side by side, its safe to say the original model (bottom right) has brown eyes while the MJ rendering has blue eyes. The original model has a more feminine tapered jawline while the MJ rendering has a more robust, masculine "Batman-eque" jaw. I see the original model is wearing makeup, while the MJ rendering is not.

So to me, the MJ rendering looks like she was kinda "inspired by" the original face model. And I have no dog in this fight regarding the looks of the MJ rendering, just wanted to put in my two cents. I just think it's funny that in the game MJ gets to "one shot" all the baddies while Pete and Miles need multiple shots even with all their superpowers.

Again, the MJ parts should have had more of a "hide and seek" aspect to the gameplay, like Alien Isolation. Nothing wrong with stealth hiding and sneaking around. I would do entire Splinter Cell missions without taking out baddies.

Even actress from smallvile playing martha kent looked younger/better in early seasons of the series, but resemblence is very strong there.
There was a reason supermans mother looked like that in smallville- they made sure audience thinks of her as clark's mother/unfuckable person, and thats same reason insomaniac higher ups made mj look like that too.
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LOL One of the highlights of the game is how MJ's appearance changes throughout the game. Some of the best character development in the game tbh.


Weeb Underling
Freya was not like MJ but she raised a shithead who was going to kill her. Kratos literally saved her life. And shes mad at him? come on. Why not take some accountability and admit that her decision to rob her son of FEELING ANYTHING is what caused him to try and kill her. But hey easier to blame the man.

The problem i have with these games is that both MJ and Freya are angry women who are constantly shitting on the main character. Maybe its realistic. Maybe thats how the writers view women because their wives blame them for their problems all day and they go and write about it thinking thats what all women do. But to me, thats not what a strong female character is. A strong character should be able to look inward and accept her own flaws instead of being insecure and blaming others. MJ is mad at Peter knowing full well he was under the influence of venom. Then when he apologizes, she is curt with him. instead of loving. Peter accepts it because thats what modern men are supposed to do i guess. Just accept that they have a right to be angry, but never accept women to take any accountability themselves.

So yeah, my problem is with writers. MJ is supposed to be there for peter. Not chastise him. Freya eventually learns to forgive Kratos but not before spending half the game antagonizing him.

honestly, we dont ever see WHY Peter loves her. Whats so special about MJ? other than shes MJ? She wont move in with him to save the house. She wont bother commuiting from queens which is a max 20 minute train ride from flushing. Their bs characterization of these women being boss bitches hurts the storytelling because we detest these women instead of empathizing with them.
Nailed it. Honestly, the problem with the writers mentality was clear from the first game. They framed the problems of their past relationship as Peter being overly protective, and exemplified that by having MJ get mad at him for (barely) discouraging or saving her from her own stupid infiltrations into the territory of supervillains or PMCs. No surprise they've carried forward the "woman right" shtick here.

You know what it is? It's not just activist millenial (mostly) women who've come in intent on "fixing" stuff that appeals to boys and men; it's that the leading men in the game industry probably spent their 20s and 30s crunching in the office and going home to wives who've now mentally castrated them for not "focusing on the family" in the past. They project that into their writing.


I didnt mind them, at least we played her part rather than it just being a cutscene. Could have been way better and she shouldnt have had a gun but eh, overblown drama.

K' Dash

I didnt mind them, at least we played her part rather than it just being a cutscene. Could have been way better and she shouldnt have had a gun but eh, overblown drama.

Those are resources better spent elsewhere. That part had to be written, backend developed, front end developed, tested and bug fixed. The games side missions are bare bones at best, you could have added a little meat to one of those at least.


Those are resources better spent elsewhere. That part had to be written, backend developed, front end developed, tested and bug fixed. The games side missions are bare bones at best, you could have added a little meat to one of those at least.
Not disputing that, but these scenes were going to be in the game anyway one way or another, and gameplay is better than cutscene.
Yes Id have preferred more side stuff but eh hopefully for SM3 they take the criticisms to heart.


I honestly never got over the new Peter face. I will likely still replay the PS4 version whenever I feel up to it.

I chose to buy the PS4 version despite the PS5 version getting nice graphical updates. It was very much worth it. That Peter Parker's soul shines through in his older looking face. For me it was perfect and he really looked like a big brother/mentor for Miles instead of looking the same age.


MJ parts were fine. Definitely better than the first game. Still my second least favorite parts of the game after the side quests.

I should also note that using the word "woke" is the equivalent to having a punchable face. Also the guy who said Resetera's favorite part of 1 was the MJ part has never been to Resetera lol.
If you played the same game as everyone else you know that MJ’s part is not the real reason why people consider it “woke”.

About Resetera, it really surprises me that you actually give a fuck about it.
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Reverse groomer.
Some people praised it so much. I thought it'd be the usual Insomniac game (fun and well-made). I bought it but was so thoroughly disappointed. 😞

uh huh. And I am confident you went into it with no Playstation bias or predisposition whatsoever. Yep. without any single doubt. You were unbiased and completely objective during your assessment of the 36 minutes of precious time you spent analyzing this game. 💀


Honestly I liked them

They were pretty bad in the first game but were decent in Spiderman 2 for like 10 minutes you play as her

Any longer wouldnt have worked


Gold Journalism
uh huh. And I am confident you went into it with no Playstation bias or predisposition whatsoever. Yep. without any single doubt. You were unbiased and completely objective during your assessment of the 36 minutes of precious time you spent analyzing this game. 💀
So I spent my hard-earned money and bought the game because I wanted to hate it? So smart. 🤦‍♂️

I play on both PC and PS, by the way. I don't hate games because of their developers and publishers. That's so stupid to even think about.

Do you know of my views about Ori? I can't stop talking about it, and it is an Xbox game.

Played High on Life for ~1 hour but nopped out. It was very average.
  • Replaying Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
  • Some Cricket 22.
  • And balls deep in Gran Turismo 7 🔥 Here's yesterday's haul.
I hope so. Ori is one of my favorite series.

But I wouldn't trust anyone else to do this. They need to get Moon Studios to produce the sequel.
Best Xbox game to date. ❤️ 10/10.
Off the top of my head, in no particular order:
  • Hades
  • Stray
  • Neon White
  • Hollow Knight
  • Sifu
  • Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • Vampire Survivors
  • Superhot
  • Tinykin
  • Sea of Stars (a prequel to The Messenger, but a turn-based RPG)


Holy crap, i just took the time to go through it all. How did it score so high for this garbage story? I don't think I would even buy it on PC now, seeing as the first game is not my cup of tea, this seems even worse story wise.

Icing on the cake would have been MJ doing a lesbian scene in front of Peter while he slowly walks away with his tail between his leg. Such a strong character. /s

Holy shit, is that true? Lolol



Night scene
There is an undeniable "uglification" of women in games that has been happening for awhile. This is coming from someone who hasn't really cared but it's undeniably becoming more and more obvious

But it is odd how in this particular case they remodelled both Pete and Miles to be better looking and MJ remodelled to look significantly uglier. In fact as I played Spiderman 2 I noticed every woman looked pretty ugly even NPCs while the men are all made conventionally attractive

I don't think think it's a coincidence these characters all seem to take on trans like features. Square jaws, broad shoulders, no lips. And Miles love interest is even uglier

Is the fantasy that good looking, super hero, scientific geniuses are gonna be picking 3s?



Like be real, miles. I thought you were Spiderman not Daredevil

Heck these chicks don't even have good jobs to be sugar mom's. One writes for a gossip mags and the other is unemployed and just graffitis houses and nobody says anything cause she's disabled
There is an undeniable "uglification" of women in games that has been happening for awhile. This is coming from someone who hasn't really cared but it's undeniably becoming more and more obvious

But it is odd how in this particular case they remodelled both Pete and Miles to be better looking and MJ remodelled to look significantly uglier. In fact as I played Spiderman 2 I noticed every woman looked pretty ugly even NPCs while the men are all made conventionally attractive

I don't think think it's a coincidence these characters all seem to take on trans like features. Square jaws, broad shoulders, no lips. And Miles love interest is even uglier

Is the fantasy that good looking, super hero, scientific geniuses are gonna be picking 3s?



Like be real, miles. I thought you were Spiderman not Daredevil

Heck these chicks don't even have good jobs to be sugar mom's. One writes for a gossip mags and the other is unemployed and just graffitis houses and nobody says anything cause she's disabled
Yeah it’s gettin more blatant. Insomniac post SM2 is currently, by FAR the most transparent with the agenda. They even trounced naughty dog themselves.

Miles little GF is hideous. The men have these tight bodies with these gorgeous rippling muscles bursting through their suits and the women have literally no tits and ass because the game designers are prudes who are afraid of female sexuality. Meanwhile I cannot walk my dog around my apartment complex without seeing 2-5 bodacious ass sexy women. (It’s quite difficult as man who is not single I might add). I’m driving around town and I’ll glance over at a red light and BAM a beautiful woman there. This happens all the time.

Point is, it’s common. Its nothing to hide from or be ashamed about and western game devs boggle my goddamn mind with this insistence that all woman have to look like the hunchback of notre dame or else it’s “unrealistic”. They want to showcase “real” women. Please. What a joke. The double standards are so blatant. Plus didn’t Spider-Man literally have a suit in the last game that was just his underwear and mask? And it’s like “oh haha”? Imagine if black cat or MJ were ever shown in their bra and panties in these games. Someone at insomniac would have a stroke on the spot
Some people praised it so much. I thought it'd be the usual Insomniac game (fun and well-made). I bought it but was so thoroughly disappointed. 😞

Hang on...


Let me get this straight. You spent a total of thirty six minutes with the game, then came to the ultimate conclusion that it was undisputedly and undeniably not even worth a playthrough?

Forgive me, but that is a really shallow and unthorough assessment. You can't possibly know if a game is completely disappointing for sure within such a short timeframe. That's no better than what average gaming critic is doing whenever they're reviewing a game and squeeze out a random number score while sitting on the can.


Gold Journalism
Hang on...


Let me get this straight. You spent a total of thirty six minutes with the game, then came to the ultimate conclusion that it was undisputedly and undeniably not even worth a playthrough?

Forgive me, but that is a really shallow and unthorough assessment. You can't possibly know if a game is completely disappointing for sure within such a short timeframe. That's no better than what average gaming critic is doing whenever they're reviewing a game and squeeze out a random number score while sitting on the can.
I understand your point, but tbh, there are way too many (excellent) games to play nowadays -- especially with the limited time one usually has. Unless a game is able to grab my attention right away, it makes it tough for me to justify spending more time on something I'm not enjoying rather than playing another game that I would enjoy more.

I'd have stuck with it for a few hours if there were at least a couple of things that I liked. Unfortunately (for me), there wasn't even a single thing I liked about that game.


Something about MJs face is just...Off. To the point where it disturbs me beyond being "ugly". It's like some kind of Frankenstein creation of what someone "thinks" a "normal" looking woman looks like but the proportions are all wrong.

They did MJ dirty in this game.


Gold Member
Something about MJs face is just...Off. To the point where it disturbs me beyond being "ugly". It's like some kind of Frankenstein creation of what someone "thinks" a "normal" looking woman looks like but the proportions are all wrong.

They did MJ dirty in this game.
I remember a girl in highschool who had a serious moped accident and broke her jaw. They had to reconstruct everything and she ended up with this kind of weird round lower jaw. She spend the rest of the year with a scarf hiding it and then she went someplace else.
So maybe MJ had a serious accident between 1 and 2 and they had to reconstruct her jaw and she's in pain which would explain how much of a cunt she is. I got no answer for the lifeless eyes tho.


Gold Member
Heisenberg is right, sunset was mid.

On par with the last ratchet and maybe a couple of not so good resistance games more or less, but at least ratchet had incredible graphic (in some locations).

Not their worse game but definitely far from the best.


Gold Member
Some people praised it so much. I thought it'd be the usual Insomniac game (fun and well-made). I bought it but was so thoroughly disappointed. 😞


I played it for longer than you, but eventually I just gave up on it. quite the disappointment.
There is nothing really wrong with it, but there is nothing special about it. It's not a particularly fun of entertaining game.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I remember a girl in highschool who had a serious moped accident and broke her jaw. They had to reconstruct everything and she ended up with this kind of weird round lower jaw. She spend the rest of the year with a scarf hiding it and then she went someplace else.
So maybe MJ had a serious accident between 1 and 2 and they had to reconstruct her jaw and she's in pain which would explain how much of a cunt she is. I got no answer for the lifeless eyes tho.

Maybe they will add a scene in a future dlc to explain her new face?
I played it for longer than you, but eventually I just gave up on it. quite the disappointment.
There is nothing really wrong with it, but there is nothing special about it. It's not a particularly fun of entertaining game.
yep. y'know, i kept thinking for at least a couple dozen hours 'it's gotta just be me'. but i eventually just stopped & realized 'no, it's just that this kinda cool-looking game simply has nowhere to go, & never really did'...


I've heard and see enough about the game to decide to NOT touch these games, even if the core gameplay is good.

The politics being included is just a turn off.
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