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Spider-Man 2 DS -- Gamespot review

king zell

Spider-Man 2 sure looks great, but it suffers from extremely frustrating level design, and it doesn't really take advantage of the dual-screen layout of Nintendo's new portable, either. - Greg Kasavin




To be Honest, I thought it was the *BEST* practical use of the 2 screens.

Use one screen for your display, the other as a customized button panel for direct access.

Ashame about the level design though.


Mistaken iRobbery!
For most of the game, though, the DS's bottom screen is squandered. You use it to check your mission objectives and choose from Spider-Man's special abilities, but you'll probably just stick to one or two favorites, so this functionality could have been easily serviced by a pause menu. Some textual dialogue also occasionally pops up on the bottom screen, but since the bottom screen usually serves no purpose, it only makes the absence of any sort of in-game map all the more glaring.
snapty00 said:
Despite the unusual hype this game got, I honestly wasn't expecting much, anyway.

Totally agree. This game LOOKED great, it definitely pushed the DS' graphics capabilities. But as far as gameplay and other values were concerned. I wasn't interested. I didn't get the hype one bit. It was nice to look at, but something I just couldn't seen myself enjoying. Then again, I hate Spiderman as a comic and movie... so :p
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