Finished Spider-Man 2 last night, and it's seriously great. Better than both the original and Miles, and Insomniac did an AMAZING job melding two iconic late-80s Spider-Man stories while including modern canon elements to make it familiar to current comic readers. They seriously made a better Kraven movie than Sony Pictures will, and it's inspired by one of the greatest Kraven stories of all time. Despite one brief moment in the third act where I was fearing the pacing would go down a TLOU2 LA drudge, it didn't and the ending was great. They nailed the dual-protagonist sequel so many other developers fail at (looking at you, Atreus levels).
But the game is broken, even with the day one patch. It's super frustrating because from the first Uncharted until now I've NEVER played a first-party Sony AAA release this broken. They used to be close to Nintendo perfection, but this is really bad.
It really feels like the game needed another 4-6 months in the oven. Like it was really meant to be an early 2024 release (Feb/March), but was rushed out for holiday 2023 because they didn't have anything else big this year.
Bugs I ran into from beginning to end:
Hard crashes to the dash. Just swinging around New York. Random times.
Frozen controls. Mostly when it transitions from a cut scene to gameplay and often if there's a prompt on screen for a specific move. Have to reload a checkpoint to progress.
Both Peter and Miles spinning like Michael Jackson when trying to interact with a box/POI (the triangle prompt):
Enemies getting stuck in cars/buses and they can't be killed to complete the crime POI.
Enemies getting stuck under the ground, causing you to reload the checkpoint and restart the whole encounter (happened to me at Coney Island, one robo dog was stuck under the ground).
Those T-stuck animations.
There are certain enviromental things late in the game (spoilers to describe them) that can cause Peter or Miles to get stuck, again causing a checkpoint reload.
But the game is broken, even with the day one patch. It's super frustrating because from the first Uncharted until now I've NEVER played a first-party Sony AAA release this broken. They used to be close to Nintendo perfection, but this is really bad.
It really feels like the game needed another 4-6 months in the oven. Like it was really meant to be an early 2024 release (Feb/March), but was rushed out for holiday 2023 because they didn't have anything else big this year.
Bugs I ran into from beginning to end:
Hard crashes to the dash. Just swinging around New York. Random times.
Frozen controls. Mostly when it transitions from a cut scene to gameplay and often if there's a prompt on screen for a specific move. Have to reload a checkpoint to progress.
Both Peter and Miles spinning like Michael Jackson when trying to interact with a box/POI (the triangle prompt):

Enemies getting stuck in cars/buses and they can't be killed to complete the crime POI.
Enemies getting stuck under the ground, causing you to reload the checkpoint and restart the whole encounter (happened to me at Coney Island, one robo dog was stuck under the ground).
Those T-stuck animations.
There are certain enviromental things late in the game (spoilers to describe them) that can cause Peter or Miles to get stuck, again causing a checkpoint reload.