Iced Arcade
When's the last time someone played a game without bugs?
I'm currently hoping through floors in starfield right now
I'm currently hoping through floors in starfield right now
The main story only lasts a day and a half, though. That's not "blowing through" it. That's just how long it takes. There are lots of side missions and some of them are pretty fun.
You finished both already ?Mario Wonder is like 93 on Metacritic and flawless. This is at 91.
Mario Wonder is like 93 on Metacritic and flawless. This is at 91.
Full of Memes
Welcome to gaming in 2023, where it feels like the only real time to buy a game is 2-6 months after its release, because nothing is complete or smooth until then.
Finished Spider-Man 2 last night, and it's seriously great. Better than both the original and Miles, and Insomniac did an AMAZING job melding two iconic late-80s Spider-Man stories while including modern canon elements to make it familiar to current comic readers. They seriously made a better Kraven movie than Sony Pictures will, and it's inspired by one of the greatest Kraven stories of all time. Despite one brief moment in the third act where I was fearing the pacing would go down a TLOU2 LA drudge, it didn't and the ending was great. They nailed the dual-protagonist sequel so many other developers fail at (looking at you, Atreus levels).
But the game is broken, even with the day one patch. It's super frustrating because from the first Uncharted until now I've NEVER played a first-party Sony AAA release this broken. They used to be close to Nintendo perfection, but this is really bad.
It really feels like the game needed another 4-6 months in the oven. Like it was really meant to be an early 2024 release (Feb/March), but was rushed out for holiday 2023 because they didn't have anything else big this year.
Bugs I ran into from beginning to end:
Hard crashes to the dash. Just swinging around New York. Random times.
Frozen controls. Mostly when it transitions from a cut scene to gameplay and often if there's a prompt on screen for a specific move. Have to reload a checkpoint to progress.
Both Peter and Miles spinning like Michael Jackson when trying to interact with a box/POI (the triangle prompt):
Enemies getting stuck in cars/buses and they can't be killed to complete the crime POI.
Enemies getting stuck under the ground, causing you to reload the checkpoint and restart the whole encounter (happened to me at Coney Island, one robo dog was stuck under the ground).
Those T-stuck animations.
There are certain enviromental things late in the game (spoilers to describe them) that can cause Peter or Miles to get stuck, again causing a checkpoint reload.
Maybe if Sony had Nixxes and the others focused on the PC ports do, oh I don't know, optimization and polish to clear out bugs on the new console releases, this wouldn't be happening? Just a thought.
Always knew the ever-increasingly aggressive push for PC ports of newer(ish) releases was going to take away some of the resources for QA to console releases of 1P games. Time for Sony to significantly change that strategy going forward.
Like, people want to say: "But thicc, the PC ports have no impact on the console releases and Sony's making more money than EVER!"? Uh yeah, well, Exhibit B: Spiderman 2. HFW also had some odd bugs at launch, even some months later (I ran into a few myself including a hard lock of sorts requiring system restart).
Resources are not infinite.
To be fair, Mario Wonder could run on a toaster.
JayRock is an Xbox grifting fanboy shitposter tho; even if this game were flawless with no bugs he'd fake bugs to appear just to trash on it.
He doesn't post about PlayStation-related stuff in good faith whatsoever.
Have you ever met a gamer?That's literally sitting there for the day and a half doing nothing but the main story. So yes, that is blowing through it. It came out Friday, if people finished it by saturday fucking night then thats their fault for not getting off their arse and doing nothing but campaign.
I am one. Been playing Spiderman since Friday, enjoying all the content it has to offer instead of just heading to the yellow diamonds just to get to the credits.Have you ever met a gamer?
Ok, that doesn't make finishing the 18 hour main quest in 36 hours weird at all. That's enough time to take breaks and get a full 8 hours of sleep. It just means you chose to play differently.I am one. Been playing Spiderman since Friday, enjoying all the content it has to offer instead of just heading to the yellow diamonds just to get to the credits.
Yeah? thats not my argument, everyones free to play how they want, just don't complain about the game being "short" and not worth the money when you CHOOSE to smash the campaign in 2 sittings, thats your own fault.Ok, that doesn't make finishing the 18 hour main quest in 36 hours weird at all. That's enough time to take breaks and get a full 8 hours of sleep. It just means you chose to play differently.
Yea I don't mind them port games to pc even in an timely manner but if it takes resources from internally devs that's shitty and always will diminish console versions. The teams in those multiplatform dev teams are significantly bigger than in those 1p dev teams.
It's a hard call since they always will be just a 3p publisher on pc. No matter what they do. They are on a lost course really because they also can't go back.
Finished Spider-Man 2 and half-way through Mario Wonder. Weekend!Bro it's been 2 days since the game came out and you're done? Go touch some grass.
I envy that level of focus.Finished Spider-Man 2 and half-way through Mario Wonder. Weekend!
The same people who finished Persona 5 in a weekHow do people just blast through those kinds of games in less than 2 days is beyond me.
Compare to Spider-Man? There is nothing going on TOTK....Ok, how about TotK then?
Have you never binged a TV show before? Its different w games for some reason? And maybe you need to touch grass coming online to judge how people live their livesBro it's been 2 days since the game came out and you're done? Go touch some grass.
That's how I played the entire game.I'm running fidelity with vrr and 120hz.
I envy that level of focus.
Technically, Sony never fully committed to bringing their games to PC. They never said "from now on, all games will be coming to PC" or something like Microsoft did back in 2015 for Xbox. Even if Sony did such a thing, they are not legally obligated to release those games on PC unless they have started taking money for preorders and/or had contracts with storefronts to bring the games there. In both cases, they can just refund the money and take the PR hit (or be stupid, and not refund the money in which case, now they're legally fuked).
Their strategy for PC always seemed like an experiment for me but I think it's increasingly clear that tighter intervals between console & PC for ports combined with the increasing scale of complexity for AAA game development in and of itself, is not going to be a great combination going forward. The console versions of games are getting hit with QA polish for things like bugs chipping away. The PC versions, in quite a few cases, still have a ton of technical issues at launch anyway, that have to be patched later.
There is already the conflict in PC gamers getting the same games maybe 1-2 years later for cheaper and with more QoL features, so some console players will start to feel like they're paypigs for early access, especially if the issue with Day 1 bugs continues to occur or get worst. Is it Microsoft levels of bad? Of course not, at least not yet. But that is the issue; even if it's just in small pieces it feels like that gap is narrowing. These kind of bugs weren't really a thing in Sony's 1P releases last gen or earlier, outside of very odd exceptions like Days Gone.
In this case it could also be, Insomniac themselves are just getting a tad spread too thin. They've been the most busy of Sony's 1P studios since the gen started, by far, and their output's been great. But maybe if certain other studios (Naughty Dog, for example) weren't screwing around, Insomniac wouldn't have to keep being relied on so heavily for big new releases at an annual rate. Again, it doesn't sound like any of the bugs in SM2 are really game-breaking, but they shouldn't really be there in a marquee 1P AAA release at all, and prior to this gen, aside from Death Stranding, they weren't (to my knowledge) with Sony 1P.
Some of this is kind of the reason I think Wolverine is going to slip to 2025; is that game really going to be completely polished and ready to ship just 12 months after Spiderman 2? I kind of doubt it. But maybe if Sony stop prioritizing PC ports for their other marquee 1P releases (outside of the GaaS titles...maybe they should cut down the number of those in development too), those resources could go to tightening back up QA so maybe something like Wolverine is ready to ship bug-free a year from now? Or maybe get one of the other studios that have been seemingly asleep so far this gen with completely new games (Naughty Dog) to get some stuff ready soon.
Also I can't help but again say this is all showing the mistake in Sony for gutting most of their internal 1P AA studios and teams.
Also, why you'd want to do it so fast. It's not a cheap game, why not make the experience last a bit longer? It's going to take me a few weeks at least. Probably more.
They do for PS games normally, but they let this one go because it’s so woke that they have to give it a pass.I know you didnt, I used that as an example of reviewers vs general public.
Again, I guess the reviews of the game are now questionable? Or do reviewers usually not count issues in their reviews, because I swore they did for Forbidden West and Days Gone.
Yeah I've seen a lot of people on social media who are casual types (but Sony fans) dogging this game a ton. It's surprising in some ways but seems in line with recent releases.
I’m sure you have. Do they also go by the name Coalteastwood?
Im Sure that’s the type of social media you follow
Some how the day 1 patch screwed the game lol. DF said the unpatch version has very few bugs.But I thought the experience that shipped on disc was complete and polished with no dire need for patching?
Full of Memes