So this isn't on in Canada? Spike is showing other shit
I dont get the hate for Thief, I think it looks pretty good!
it's better than the other nominees so yea
Did someone say potatoes?
irrational acceptance was the best
Who looked at Joel McHale's E3 performance and said, "You know what? THAT'S the guy we need on our video game awards show!"
No, Sony dodged this shit show perfectly.
Joel's attitude is worse than the show. His "I know this sucks and I'm having fun with it" act is getting old, and insulting to the viewers. (More so than the show itself)
Sony did the right move to not join this trainwreck.
Bioshock infinite the best shooter??? Are you kidding me? It's a great game but not because it's good shooter.
So this isn't on in Canada? Spike is showing other shit
That's why you don't trust it until its out. Will be hard to fully realize that vision.Only 4 people
Did someone say potatoes?
Tyler just one-upped joel in sheer twatness.