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Spike VGX 2013 |OT| DON'T BE CRANKY [Over]

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It amazes me sometimes just how different people can be from one another. I think this was a terrible show.

I've seen worse with less entertainment though...thought this stood up pretty well, song was good too. The banderas from ND. GoT, that game with Jet Black in the clouds and possibly that indie.
Ali Boma-





There's good rap and there's bad rap. This rapping is terrible. Almost on Lil Wayne levels.

Good or bad when it comes to music is entirely subjective. It's like my friends that love to listen to 2chainz. I can't listen to him unless it's a party or something. But somehow I like Future, so it's weird with me.


this performance has gotten better as it went, that band over Rozzay was nice...this shit's actually working for Tyler too now


This is why the video game industry isn't taken seriously.

yeah the uncensored hip hop lyrics, those were the embarrassing bits of this show no doubt
I remember once on GAF someone asked on a thread if people listened to game soundtracks regularly. One guy came out and said "No, I like videogames but that shit is not real music" or something like it. Some of the comments here are exactly like that.

I'm not a hip-hop fan at all, but I'm enjoying this bit of the show for what it is. You don't like it? Close your browser's window and that's it. No need to cry all over the internet.
I think Joel McHale would've been a better fit for the old format. This year they were actually trying to produce something respectable. McHale's sarcastic, uncaring attitude didn't really gel. Toned it down about halfway in though, suspect Keighley showed him those tweets he was talking about.
There were 3 people from polygon on the advisory panel. Polygon gave the last of us a 7.5 where every other publication and site gave it 9's and 10's.

Is it really a conspiracy when it's so thinly veiled?

There doesn't need to be a conspiracy for a small group of people to think GTA V is better than TLOU, it's an easily debatable point of view. People love overreacting, like GTA V is a horrendous game or something


If they're going to play nothing but rap can it at least be from the west coast classics station, when that genre was good? Like I said this is mostly incomprehensible rambling set to a beat that doesn't even go with the words. It's making me wish I was deaf in both ears instead of 1.


I like how when one of the onstage performers asked people to put their hands up in the air, you could see for a split second a camera pan across atleast two raised middle fingers... so classy!
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