So in anticipation of the August update I decided to make a Discord server for people that wants to voice chat with ease.
So welcome to Discord -
Great features
Clear quality
Low CPU Usage
IP protection
Grab you cellphone with some headsets
Google Play:
App Store:
Windows/OSX apps:
Browsers: Firefox/Opera/Chrome
Please quote to see the Discord invitation
Some Rules:
One team per room
Don't be an ass
Be nice
Be supportive
Please leave the text/voice chat room if not in a group playing a game
If someone is being a idiot beyond reason then screen cap and send the image to me and I will either warn or ban them.
I set up rooms like this:
Voice chat - Splatoon1
Text Chat - Splatoon1
Voice chat - Splatoon2
Text Chat - Splatoon2
and so on.....
So basically you join both rooms together so you can text and voice chat with your team. Once again, if you are not on the team in the chatroom, please leave so as to not add noise.
There is also a "chatforeveryone" room so everyone can join to text with each other.
I hope this program will get some use and make Splatoon a lot easier to communicate.
If anyone has any ideas on other settings I can use please not hesitate to msg me.
Keep on Splatting.