Daboss is pretty good with it too. I remember losing a lot when Emil and Daboss was on the other team.
It's kinda funny how GAF's brushers/those that mess with them casually work honestly. I actually feel like I can group them into categories now.
Hyper Offense: Crayolan, BitStyle, SM239
Jack-of-all-trades: DaBoss, Emil, Zero^2
Defensive: Kevin (Triforce141) (probably the only one on GAF that is good at getting in and out of trouble faultlessly)
I think its because the Splatoon team is patronizing. The want the community to develop according to plan.
I honestly want to know how much of it was them expecting modest success because Wii U and how much of it was just them liking the idea and going with it because "why not".
Don't understand how you could ever think kills are meaningless. Every second the enemy spends dead is a second they aren't inking. The best teams are a mix of assassins and inkers.
I still remember when I was a fledgling squid joining GAF rooms for the first time thinking "yeah, I'll totally support the team! I'll cover all these areas while they fight" only to watch a match that literally looked like a technicolor version of the beach scene from Saving Private Ryan unfold in front of me on Blackbelly Skatepark. It was at that exact moment when I thought to myself "kill everything on sight."